Live Like A Princess Die Like A Rock Star

the start of it all, Matt's piece

six boys, six stories, and one initial crazy ending. How can I say there are only six, not even the holy, mythical seven; well if you care to know my story, then read on; I am the modern Gweneivere.

All my life I've known nothing but Cali. What can I say? We have Disneyland, the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatrez, LA, the San Diego Zoo, and god knows what else, and Mexicans, of course. I live in Huntington Beach, born and raised here. I've also known five guys practically all my live. Mathew, James, Zachary, Brian, and Jonathan. You could say they are the loves of my life, but then I'd be lying. I can’t lie for shits and giggles. But I wouldn’t go out as far as saying they were my life’s burdens, although... never mind you’ll soon know all my life.

Let’s start at the beginning, since it being the sensible place to start. Mathew C Sanders, my first love. We were neighbors since we had been born. Naturally, out mothers became BFWB (best friends with babies) so we became playmates. Once school started, I was in a sticky situation’ all the girls in kindergarten were like yay Barbie I had grown to be a boy, (tomboy whatever) so planes trains and hurricanes rocked my world. Along with the fact that Matt just only realized that I was a girl and had cooties. Well, that lasted for about a week. But he had met James so our duo became three. Despite Matt’s constant change in schools in the area, we were the notorious three up till eighth grade. Everyone remember eighth grade? You’re top dogs of middle school and you own the place. Matt had been crushing on this girl, Valary, since sixth. she was in our clique too, and I'm sure she liked him back but he needed to be perfect for her. Perfect to him was being a pro at everything, including sex. me? I'd been crushing on this guy, no one in particular from any crowd. he was cute, sweet, quiet and had the most adorable smile.

I remember the day of my first story like it was last week. it was a cold day in December, very close to holiday break and my birthday, when Matt had gotten into one of his worst fights. Some high school sophomore said I was a dike cause I hadn’t accepted his offer for driving me home. Now everyone knew what a ride home was: sex in the back seat. any girl would have melted on the spot since Andy Tsumous asked, but I was never any girl. Matt had socked him in the face, demanding he apologize. obviously they fought and yadi-yadi-yada. but I did get the satisfaction of giving him the final blow. Andy, for al Matt was worth back then, had knocked Matt unconscious. I stormed over, “Hey Tsumous.” and crack, I punched him and broke his nose.

Valary was at Matt’s side, as I bend down, “Come on baby-cakes, wake up.” she tapped his cheek

“Mathew, Matty-boy, Matt.” I reeled out some of my pet names.

He finally regained conscious, “Good Morning Miss America.”

He was pretty groggy, “Did we win?”

“Yeah, I think he got the point.” I smirked and he returned it. “Come on cutie, let’s take you home.”

He rose up, “Why? I’m fine.” His body wavered with uneased balance.

“Yeah, Uh-huh. I’m guessing you have a partial concussion. you can barely keep your eyes open in class, I’m taking you home.”

Val asked me, “Do you want me to come with you?”

I smiled serenely, “Val, stay here and finish up school, come over the house around six tonight. do home work and if something happens, I'll call.

She nodded and left us as I heaved up ourHulk Iron man to start the tract home.

When we finally got there, he was a bit saner, but still a bit quirky. I took him into my house, laid him on my bed, grabbed some ice and water and sat with him. “Thank you Lancelot for coming to rescue me and maintain my virtue.”

“Shut up and get over here, Gwen.” he grabbed my arm and dragged me over to him. “Give your knight in shining black armor a kiss.”

I rolled my eyes, bent down and kissed him quickly. He held the back of my neck, “What Matt?”

“We’ve known each other for how long, G?”

“All our lives.”

“You ever think about us? About experimenting?”

I smile and blush, awkward, “Every now and again.”

He smirked at me, “You wanna go? Now.” he paused, “We’ve got time. You said I may have a minor concussion, so I need to stay up. It’s a good activity to keep me up.
Besides, you don’t wan t that Pare to take it, do you?” He slipped a hand up my skirt to lay on my thigh.

God Damn It. He’s got me there. He took my hesitation and used it to his advantage; he pulled me down so that I lay on top of him. I stared into his hazel eyes

“Kiss me.” he ordered. I smiled at his command, he couldn’t be serious. It wasn’t till moments later I knew the velocity of his acts. He grabbed my ass.

Taken by surprise, I flinched, and rubbed against him, “Matt I--”

He went to a greater measure and stuck two fingers inside me. I leaned forward, landing my lips in alignment with his. “I told you to kiss me, not ‘Oh Matt’” He kept his fingers at a steady pace until I was hot, wet and waiting. Next thing you know, clothes fly everywhere and I’m sitting on him, riding my best [guy] friend. The initial entrance kind of hurt, a little blood but hey they were my sheets, my bed, my room, who cares?

I was mid-orgasm when suddenly my door opened and in walked Kyle Pare. “Hey Gwen I--oh, sorry.”

Both Matt and I looked at him, Matt growled, “Leave.”

Pare shut the door and walked away thoroughly embarrassed.

“Well, that killed the mood.” I said along with the chance to date my crush flew out the window.

“Not really.” Matt flipped me over and slammed into me three times. I screamed on the final blow, a mini orgasm escaping me. We fell to my bed breathing hard, “Matt, you jerk. He prolly hasn’t even left my house yet. You planned this, didn’t you?”

He smirked at me, “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t.”

“Faggot. Well at least I kept my tank top on, so I have some decency left.” Matt laughed at me for that one.

After, we got dressed and went over to his house saying that he felt better so we waited for Val there. When she came, I left.

Next day at school, everyone was gossiping about Matt and I, but he knew what he was doing. He and Val walked in hand-in-hand, with the largest grin on his face. Obviously they were dating now, and had done a bit more than kiss. It’s not that Val was a whore, far from it actually, she had strong feelings for him so, you get the picture.