Live Like A Princess Die Like A Rock Star

What a way to end college, god damn Christ!!!

After that break hanging out with the guys, I was back and alive again. I returned to school and asked if I could transfer to a different college on account that I didn’t feel safe there with Dane out prowling the grounds. They sent me to a college closer to home but practically the same and finished up my spring semester classes there.

I stayed single for a while, actually, I made it my business to give that ‘I’m off the market’ vibe to all malebuyers bachelors. I hung out with my boys a lot and chilled with Val, Michelle, Gena and Lana, a lot!!! Playing merch girl every weekend and studying and school during the week.

It wasn’t till late January until I started to date again. This one was totally out of the norm. His name was Charles. He was a clean cut British Gentleman. He was always proper and efficient. Obviously, he was part of the British Military, our Navy pretty much. No tattoos, for what music he did listen to, it was very soft, no country which almost amazed me, but regardless. Nope, he was the dream boyfriend, almost everything was about me-- he did have a backbone but was always aware of my comforts.

I had dated Charlie for going on four months when Johnny had waltzed into our apartment. Johnny Seward. I had known him for a few years through the guys, of course, but you already knew that. He was a ball of fire. Young, wild, out going, borderline crazy, what I’d call a mother fucker--for real. He loves mature twenty to twenty-five year old women at the firm age of eighteen. He is the craziest little short-shit on wheels I’ve ever met. Like there was this one time, it was in October, we were all tanked and Jimmy had the crazy idea to go to the mall. We all went into Dick’s and passed by the shoe section.

That’s when Johnny saw those shoes with wheels, Heelies or Wheelies, something like that. Well, you can imagine, Johnny put them on and went wheeling around Dick’s until he got us all kicked out. Good times. But anyways, I had just come home from a beautiful day of shopping to find Johnny sitting on the dining room table, smoking a cigarette.

A smile crept across his face, “Hey Cutie.”

I smirked and walked to the counter to put my purchases down, “Hello Jonathan.”

“What? No smart ass remark, or attempt to physically harm me? No hey Johnny-bitch what’s up? Not even a hello hug? What’s up with this?!”

I shook my head, walked over to him and gave him a hug, “Sorry short-shit, wasn’t expecting you. Excuse my rudeness.”

I turned back to the groceries and stuff to put away as I heard, “Yeah, you better be sorry.”

I began unpacking and asked him, “You wanna drink, Christ?” His stage name, fyi for those who are unaware.

“Sure. What cha got?”

“Cranberry juice, pomegranate ice tea, instant iced coffee, water, little bit of mild, um... coke, sprite, monster energy drink and one Red Bull.”

“No alcohol? What happened?”

“Charlie doesn’t drink, he disapproves of if, so I stopped.”

He smirked, “You mean went on break.”

I rolled my eyes, “Sure.” I finished putting away everything and turned to Johnny. He stood right in front of me, setting his hands on either side of me, leaning against the counter, “What do you want Johnny?”

He still had his smirk plastered on his face, “You.”

My lighthearted expression faltered, “Johnny, you okay?”


“You high?”









“Not in the slightest.”

“Anything in you!?”

“Why don’t you kiss me and find out?” He leaned in slightly. Yeah, he’d had at least one beer. Johnny was no light weight but, he always had to have something in his system.

I put my hand on his chest, trying to push him away, “Johnny.”

“No Gwen. Don’t deny it. You are starving for something. You’re choking on all this goodie two shoes shit. You need adventure, crazy behavior, adrenaline and Charles isn’t any of it.” He cocked his head to the side, “Truthfully, I’m surprised you aren’t all over me yet.”

I smiled wickedly, he was right, and the more he spoke, the more appealing he became. He began to smile at me and that’s when I snatched his head, brought his face closer to mine and thrust my lips upon his. My nostrils had been right; Johnny’s breath and mouth and tongue tasted like booze. Being removed from the taste of my heart for so long, I was absolutely eating Johnny’s face, reveling in the sent of him.

Johnny walked us into the living room towards the sofa. Me being the ditz, fell down onto the couch. I whined at him because of the separation of our lips. Johnny immediately fell on top of me, pinning me to the couch. He was smirking in triumph. “So, when he comes back, do you want me getting dressed or still in you?”

I looked him dead in the eyes, “Gone.” It was true, I wanted out, freedom, that wildness, but Charles was still too good to give up for some trashy one night stands. He had kind of killed the mood with that remark but it was rehabilitated by kissing me. We ripped each other’s clothes off and got down to business. He bit my ear as he thrust into me, causing a surprised yet passionate moan from me. Now, Johnny was never a slow is sensual kind of guy, it has and always will be fast and furious. The more speed, the better the sex. To tell you the truth, if Johnny had the stamina to keep it up for four hours like Brian, I would have been in serious pain.

As I said, it was fast, so there was biting, scratching, hair pulling, screaming, and so on, but I’ll refrain from elaborating. I don’t know if you can tell but I still feel kind of bad for doing that. Not that Johnny wasn’t worth it, trust me he was, but it was Charles’s sake. It was the whole he’s such a nice guy, how could I have done such a thing. You know, my own personal guilt trip, the only one too.

Back to topic, I don’t wish to elaborate on the sex because I wasn’t really paying attention. All I remember was that it was more of a feeling, emotions on a tangible level. I do remember the ending though. He had pulled out because we weren’t using a condom--you know how it is. All I felt was a need fore more--obviously I wasn’t done yet but there are other ways in calming me down as well as my ‘buddy’.

Johnny turned to me, smirking like a fool, “Hey babe, I’ve got a bump that has a thump and is dying for a suck up.” --get the hint?--He had seen the passion in my eyes so he knew I’d do it.

Despite my irrational behavior, I thought it strange that no one had walked in on us yet. Figuring since we had been in the clear so far, we should have been safe still. I bent to his waist, kissing his chest and happy trail as I went. I dipped lower and caught his tip between my lips. I swirled my tongue around him and pressed his top down. He moaned or should I say groaned? He wanted more than a tip tease. I sighed a gust of warm air down his length, having him quiver and continued on and put him into my mouth entirely. I went up and down multiple times and hand my hand cupping his testicals. Gently pulling, kneading with fingertips or softly stroking them, it gave Johnny the impression that I had him right where I wanted him.

He finished by shoving my head down onto himself forcefully and exploding his load on the back of my throat. After swallowing, I climbed back up and laid down next to him, cuddling up to his warmth. I just about had fallen asleep when I heard footsteps. I was in total shock that Charlie had come home, apparently had seen us and was then walking back out the door.

Johnny smirked, “Well, neither of us got what we had planned. I wanted to get caught doing something dirty, you wanted me gone but we were caught doing something cute.

“Johnny, please get out. I want to be alone.” Yup, this was the first time I had felt remorse.

Johnny shrugged, got up and dressed. He said as he left “If you need us, we’re all free, only a phone call away.”

I nodded as he left.

Later, Charles and I talked things over and decided to stay friends. We kept in touch but mostly we avoided each other. You know, cards at Christmas, the occasional email or phone call but whatever- life went on.