Status: active :D

It's Complicated


After Bill had left, Alida was placed on punishment. Her dad told her she couldn’t turn on the TV, he had taken her IPod and closed the door to her room. She couldn’t come out until tomorrow morning to take Adel and Sebastian to school and then had to go back into her lonely room. Unfortunately, this cycle went on for a whole week, seven days of pure torture. It wasn’t like the minute she went to school it was better, he had taken her best source of music. In a way, she found herself able to understand why he was so angry. She hadn’t talked to him for seven years and the first thing she did was break the rules and bring a boy into the house. Not only that, but he was hiding in her closet.

It was about ten thirty and she was beginning to get hungry. she already put on a nice pair of pajamas which was just shorts and a tank top. She sat back and glanced at the unfinished papers on her desk. It was homework, It wasn’t possible that she would get up and finish it anytime soon. She thought for a moment, she could ask Bill to finish it in her first hour. Alida lied upside down with her head hanging off the bed and gazed at the door. With blood rushing to her skull, she anticipated; her dad could come and open the door at anytime. He could take back the punishment, but that also wasn’t happing anytime soon.

She practically fell on her head at the sound of her dad calling her. She did a back flip off the carpet floors and ran out of her room and down the wood stairs. He was at the dinner table along with Adel and Sebastian. She turned to Sebastian who was giving her a self pleased look and she made gagging motions; putting her two hands around her neck as if she was puking.

“Oh my god, Sebby you make me wanna puke.” She commented childishly while making her way to one of the free seats at the table. Her Dad immediately became alarmed and spoke to her.

“Change of plans. Two weeks and you can go to bed early.” He smiled smugly, gaining a pout from Alida.

“DAAAADDD!” She stomped her feet on the floor.

“Do you want to make it three weeks?” she sighed and kept quiet.
She picked with the food on her plate; first she turned over a few Fettuccini noodles then carefully poked the tip of her fork into a small pea. She snarled and picked them out, one by one. With only the chicken, noodles and sauce left, she decided to dig in. Alida rushed while eating; she felt uncomfortable and unworthy of even sitting at the dinner table with her father. With a mouthful of food, she gulped down a cup of lemonade.

“What are you in such a hurry for?” Alida’s Dad ran his fingers through his thin black hair.

“I’m not in a hurry. I was just really hungry” she shrugged and picked her plate and carried it towards the kitchen.

“Well now that you’re nice and full you can clean up the dining room.” Her father, Sebastian and Adel all stood up and headed upstairs. Alida restrained from talking back, remembering how strict her Dad was.

It took about a good twenty minute to clean up the dining room. Alida switched off the light and headed for Bed. While passing her Dad’s room her stomach boiled with anger as she heard the blaring TV and saw the flickering lights from under the door. she opened up the door to her room; Alida closed and locked it. She swiftly turned around and nearly screamed at what she saw. She pushed her back against the door and let out a loud gasp.

“Oh my god. Bill you scared the shit out of me.” she whispered, not wanting anyone to hear her.

“Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t want anyone to see me so I climbed in through the back door.” Bill smiled and made himself comfortable on the bed.

“What the hell Bill. You could have gotten caught, My dad came upstairs before I did. Do you know what the consequences would be if you got caught?” she began to move closer to her bed.

“Sorry it was a mistake. I promise it won’t happen again.” He brushed it off as if it were nothing

“Again? No no no this isn’t happening again. After this visit, I’m done with the sneaking.” She stated sternly. She sat down in front of where Bill sat. Bill shifted and snaked his arms around Alida’s waist. She wrapped her legs around his thin waist, taking in his sweet cologne.

Bill was determined to keep Alida. He had gone against Tom’s rules of leaving her alone anyway. Her protest to see him in the future wouldn’t be that large of a challenge for him to easily wipe away and change her mind.

Bill planted small but luring kisses on her neck. Alida fought back the urge to moan. She curved her fingers, digging them into Bill’s back and leaving small crescent shapes in his skin.

Bill wasn’t planning on getting in trouble or being scolded. In fact, he wasn’t horny…he was hungry. Even though before he’d made his way towards Alida’s home, he managed to kill an animal; But to Bill, Alida’s scent was toxic and addicting. Before He had noticed it, he had his sharp teeth pushing on her neck; drawing small red circle into her neck like a ring. Bill raised her tank top

Alida placed her hands on his chest and tried to restrain herself from moaning.

“Bill you h-have to stop,” he sighed and rolled his eyes. “What if he catches you again?” Bill hadn’t planned on her pushing away. Bill sat up off her and his eyes locked to the strange hicky he’d left on her neck.

“I’m sorry I just couldn’t help myself” Bill’s words came out very flirtatious. Alida closed her eyes and look a deep breath. She heard the volume in the other room lower and her heart sped up.

“Bill. My dad is coming. You have to go.” She stood up and pushed Bill towards the balcony doors. He stopped and turned around before leaving.

“Wait. Will you be at school tomorrow?”

“Of course I will!” she pushed him out of the doors and as if on cue, the doors of her bedroom swung open when she sat down.

“I thought told you to go to bed!”

“I’m sorry dad. I...just got so caught up in my homework and-“

“no excuses. Lights out,” Alida didn’t argue. She was far too relieved to say anything. It puzzled her how fast Bill had gotten away before her dad saw him, but she wouldn’t worry about it now. It was bedtime and after all that had happened, she just wanted to sleep and never wake up.
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Okey, YES. i know it's short but school is distracting D: the next chapter will be up soon. I'm trying to get my life back on track due to my teacher telling me "we have 4 weeks to get you to pass" so I WILL be updating. It's a new life goal (: