Status: Active~ish updates will be slow

Forgotten Words Left Unspoken

A Long Walk To Explain

So. Now me and Aliyah were going for a walk.

"Hey Eli?"


"I'm glad to have a friend like you." Aliyah smiled, and I blushed, and hugged her with one arm.

"Aw thanks. Same with you." I said. I looked around. Something doesn't seem right. I shook my head. It's probably nothing.

We continued to walk, until we came to the trails.

"You wanna walk through the trails now?" Aliyah asked, looking at me.

"Sure." I said. As long as I was with Aliyah, nothing could harm her. I think.


We were far into the trails when I heard a noise. A noise that should not have been there. I stopped and looked around.

"Eli? Is everything okay?" Aliyah turned around and looked at me.

"ALIYAH DUCK NOW!" I yelled, and as she did, a large wolf jumped, right over her. I snarled. "Stay away from her."

The wolf smiled. "Oh but the boss would be so upset."

"Who's the one in charge, wolf? Who's the one trying to get Her."

"That, bloodsucker, is a secret." The wolf crouched, then jumped at me.

I threw my hand out, and hit him straight on in the muzzle. I threw him to the side, and watched him run off.

"Eli... that wolf... what's going on..?" Aliyah asked, shaking.

"Aliyah... You're special. Their is a force out there trying to get you, and it has been my duty to protect you. I was told that The One would be born, and I would protect her." I said and stepped toward her.

"What? Who's after me? How am I special? Why haven't you ever told me? And how could you know before I was born? You're 17! You weren't even... He called you a bloodsucker..." Aliyah backed up. "What is going on...?"

"Aliyah... it's a long story, and it'd be best to not talk about it here."

"Fine... how about never then! You're a fucking asshole!" And she ran off out of the trails.

I never thought that'd his forces would be here. And I thought she would have taken it well.

I guess I was wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well there you go. :D Sorry it took me so long. School makes me busy, plus I get distracted a lot

Thanks to my one Commenter :D

Gonyonomaru(Thanks Nadine :P)

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