Status: On haitus...maybe forever D: (Currently uninspired for this)

Éclair Academy

Stir fry

Jenna accepted the large bowl of rice a timid mousy girl offered her on her right. She spooned out a big helping for herself and topped it with fried vegetables.

I did the same but when I tasted it I nearly spat it out again. “For a cooking academy, the food’s not that great,” I hissed scrunching my face up in disgust and reaching for the pepper.

Jenna ate her own food with gusto and said through mouthfuls, “Food’s food for me. I’m not one of those rich daddy’s girls.”

“But don’t they eat the same stuff we do?”

“They make sure their food is either specially prepared for them in the kitchens or delivered from restaurants in the area.” Jenna finished her food before me and I tried not to stare at her polished bowl. I can’t understand how she stays so slender. Does she eat like this every day?

Jenna looked hungrily at my bowl and I sighed and pushed it to her. “Help yourself.”

Jenna took the bowl and lifted up her spoon but then paused. “Thanks…Umm…I know I look like a pig but I don’t get lunch.”

“Don’t get…?” I began only to be cut off by the too loud giggling of girls behind me. When I turned around their heads whipped back to face each other and my cheeks coloured.

“Ignore them,” Jenna said. “Just because we don’t dress in the latest fashion they think we’re not worth to be even the dirt on their designer shoes.”

I was tempted to make a few of their pretty faces dirt beneath my shoes. “I had no idea everyone was so snobbish here. I have sisters but I never knew girls could be so…petty. I mean, I would expect this kind of behaviour at an uptown high school but not at a…”

“A culinary and hospitality school? I know what you mean. And the reason is right behind me,” Jenna said matter-of-factly scooping some skimpy looking salad onto a side plate.

“Eh?” I said then caught movement behind her shoulder.

We had seated ourselves next to the wall length windows that stretched the opposite lengths of the dining hall. I pulled the finger on the surprised boy behind Jenna, his nose pressed up against the glass. His accomplice in crime saw the gesture as well and made an even ruder gesture back before he and the other boy ran off. Hmm…I’m impressed I thought, seeing their shapes becoming dimmer as the darkness of the night enveloped them.

I raised my brows at Jenna about to ask her to explain, but she beat me to it. “The Lu Hao Yang Academy of martial and weaponry arts draws most of these rich girls in, like moths to a flame. There are quite a few dignitaries’ and politician’s sons enrolled there as well by their military minded fathers. But, there are exceptions to reasons for coming here. If someone hears you’re at Éclair it’s just as good as saying you are one of the few elite who will one day serve kings and sheiks; this academy is world renown and you’re guaranteed a job at a famous hotel or abroad a private cruise ship if you finish the course.

Being a part of Éclair means you either have enormous talent, or enormous coffers or both and it brings the rich daddies pride to know their little dumplings managed to get in under such strict entrance procedures.”

I pondered this while picking at my own heap of miserable salad. “So, did you come for the ninja boys or the title of chef?”

A strawberry red colour rose to Jenna’s cream and roses complexion. “Both I guess.”

My heart sank slightly but I ignored it. “And how did you get in?”

Jenna took up her plate and moved to the plastic basket that had suddenly appeared next to us. I placed my own plate inside the basket. Finally she spoke as we moved off with the rest of the girls back to our rooms. “By working myself to a standstill, getting together recommendations (you need at least three) and passing the interview exam, unlike most of the girls here. They lied and bribed their way in.”

I hid the sudden blush that had risen to my cheeks and tried to slow down my nervous heartbeat.

“Yeah,” I gulped. “That’s how I got in as well. Honest work.”

Jenna patted my back. “Glad to hear that. I can’t abide sneaky little liars.”

Inside our room Jenna chatted amiably away while panic set in. A beefy matron came by to hear if we had settled in alright and if we needed anything.

“And remember, dirty towels go into the bins in each bathroom. Washing is done twice a week, you can put all your dirty laundry inside that,” she said pointing at the cloth string bag hanging from a hook behind the door.

We thanked her and she hurried off to assist other girls.

“I think I’m going to go shower,” I told Jenna gathering up my loose pajamas into a messy bundle.

“I’m going as well. It was so hot today.” Jenna appeared at my elbow, the regulation grey towel slung over one slim shoulder. I couldn’t ever believe someone as pretty as her could ever be dirty.

“O-Okay,” I said quickly. Together we walked to the bathroom at the end of our corridor and the panicked beating of my heart slowed and stilled when I saw that there was a separate cubicle for each girl to dress and shower in. I let out a relieved sigh.

“One good thing those rich girls brought with them was bathroom refurbishment. I was told that the cubicle thing was new to the school this year.” Jenna patted me on the back. “Well, see you later.”

I nodded and quickly rushed into my own cubicle. There was a small mirror attached to the back of the door and a wooden seat snuggled into a nook in the wall. I undressed and hung my clothes on the pegs provided then stepped into the shower. There was no soap. I had never thought of bringing any. Now that I came to think on it, I only had brought half a bottle of shampoo, my toothbrush, toothpaste, brush and body spray, the last two filched from my oldest sister.

Could I ask Jenna for hers? I know she went into the cubicle next to mine, but on what side?


There was a pause and then, “Yes?”

“Could I borrow your soap?”

There was another slight pause before a brick like bar of soap struck the back of my head. I swore.

Jenna’s concerned voice drifted over to me. “Did I hit you?”

Whimper. “No…I’m fine. Thanks.”

“Okay then. Hurry up and throw it back over.” I quickly showered, reminding myself to buy a wash cloth along with a bar of soap as soon as possible. I wouldn’t have showered today, knowing how awkward I would be, like now, but I didn’t want to smell like a guy amongst all these girls either, especially considering how nervous I was the entire day.

“You finished?” Jenna’s voice broke into my thoughts.

“Uh…Yes! Oh right, here!” I gently chugged the bar over the side of the cubicle into hers. I heard a dull thud but no sound of pain and her shout of thank you made me certain she hadn’t been hit.

I caught sight of myself in the mirror. My flat chest was blatantly obvious. I wonder how long I could hide it before people began to get suspicious…or I became the butt of jokes. My own sisters had been very mean to each other on that account.

I pulled my long sleeved shirt over my chest, and a hoodie over that before putting on my pants and …I suppressed a shiver, panties, and running a brush through my hair. I pulled a face at how terrible it looked so long. But if I cut it shorter…

It would be the end of me.

Outside the cubicle, I walked towards a sink and began to brush my teeth. Another girl whispered to her friend but in the strangely quiet bathroom I could clearly hear it.

“You think she cuts her hair herself?” The giggled and a few other girls, further down the line, tried to hide their smiles as they glanced over at me.

The girl herself saw me glaring and hurriedly exited with her friend in tow, not looking in my direction.

“I don’t want to be rude, but she had a point. A girl’s hair should be her pride.” Jenna smiled softly at me in the mirror, her own her damp but beautifully curled and shining.

I ignored her and carried on brushing my teeth.

“Look, I could take you to a friend of mine. She’s a real ace hairdresser. She’ll do it free of charge as well.”

“I…I’ll think about it,” I told her, trying not to stare at her too obvious figure beneath the thin cotton night gown she wore with a picture of Snoopy on it, asleep on his little roof.

Later, in bed, after lights-out I made my decision. As soon as I’m found out I’ll leave as quickly as possible, no fuss.

I had no idea how wrong I would be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. Super long chapter. I guess you've figured out what Quin's secret is. Any suggestions?
^__^ The next chapter will involve food way more and thing's start to get interesting.

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