Status: Writing th enext chapter, just some knots I need to undo before I can post it up :) Thanks for staying with me H.K x

Pay the Price of Your Betrayal

This Is Your Betrayal...

The Past - 3 years ago
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"Cristina don't go I didn't mean to!" he shouted through the apartment that once was ours but now it wasn't. I couldn't believe he did that, he had no right! And it was just wrong, and plain sick. After all we've been through he does this!

"Matt, fuck off! You knew what you were doing when you did it, so don't try and feed me shit!" I shouted back to him whilst putting on my coat. I heard the bell ring and I was about to answer it when I felt a strong grip on my wrist pull me back.

"Cris, please" Matt's eyes begged. It made me feel bad for a minute, I can't do this too him, he doesn't deserve it. What am I saying?! Yes he does, I don't deserve this! My arm started to burn in his grip as I tried to pull away, though he wasn't having any of it.

"Matt, your hurting my arm" I whimpered, and twisted it trying to get out of his grip. He laughed evilly with a grin and pulled me towards him. His breath stank of alcohol and he was scaring me. The door knocked again and again, I tried to call out but he put his hand over my face.
"Your not going anywhere" Matt laughed, put his had over my mouth and the other started going up my shirt, in reflex I bit his hand, hard. He screamed in pain and removed his hand, and I blotted towards the door.

"BRANDY OPEN IT PLEASE!"I shouted tears streaming down my face as he smashed the bottle on the floor. How could he change like that, he used to be all sweet and now, now he's just a monster. I could hear brandy on the other side fiddling with the locks, but she was taking her time.

"IM SORRY I CAN'T GET IT OPEN!" She shouted back, and then I heard her start to sniffle. She's crying? She's not the one stuck in here with a drunken bastard who's trying to rape you, for fucks sake!
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WONT OPEN!?" I shouted back, I started to cry harder and kick the door, but it was no use, I heard Brandy's phone go off and then some talking. Then it all went silent. My breathing caught up in my throat and I couldn't breath, I couldn't move. Suddenly heavy footsteps started to walk behind me, getting closer and closer by the sound of it. I breathed in a deep breath and turned around to faced him. I started to shake with fear.

"M-Matt, please stop, you don't know what your doing. It's the drink, it's gone to your head, just..Just put the bottle down. Please" I begged calmly and motioned my hands towards the floor for the bottle to drop out of his hands. Luckily, it did. I sighed a little relief and edged backwards towards the door again, not taking my eyes off him.
"Cris!? CRISTINA! YOU OKAY?" I heard Brandy shout through the door, I was about to reply but Matt cut me off.

"Don't answer her Cris. Come here, I wont hurt you" His voice was low and ruff and it started to creep me out. He was like a horrid man at a dirty store. But no, I was dumb and decided to go for the other option.

"Yeah! Im good!" I shouted back. Suddenly a pair of arms were wrapped around my waist and I was been lifted up into the air, I screamed for my dear life. God knows what he was going to do to me. I started to punch his back and kick his chest but he was having none of it. He soon threw me on to the bed forcefully, smacking my head on the bored on the way down.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO FUCKING SAY ANYTHING!" He spat and slapped me hard across the face. I was in total shock, never, in a million years would I ever think he would do this to me. I soon felt the sharp pain rise in my cheeks and the heat grow on them. I knew they were red at the touch. He just laughed and sat on top of me. I started to cry more. I could hear Brandy's voice threw the door as she started to pound and kick the hard wood, screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Matt" I said just below a whisper.
"Please, don't do this, you used to be sweet, I love you! Why are you being like this? Please, don't do it. Im sorry, don't hurt me please, I beg you. Why have you changed so much? What has gotten into you!?" I said and wiped my eyes trying to get rid of the tears so he wouldn't see. He stopped for a moment and looked at me, his eyes looked dark and disturbed. He looked lost, like he had been for a long time. I smiled at him thinking it would make things better, he smiled back, though sadly it wasn't one that I would like to remember. It was sick and scary.

Matt took my chin in his hand and moved it to the side, and smiled
"Cris, Cris, Cris. What am I going to do with you?" He asked, then slowly licked my neck upwards. Once I would of liked this, but this was just plain creepy. Matt's hand slowly started to edge up my skirt, he just got to the top of my underwear when there was a huge bang on the door and he turned round as quick as he could.

"GET THE FUCK OFF MY SISTER YOU FUCKING SCUMBAG!!" My brother Corey shouted through the door, I smiled and tried to get up, but Matt had pinned me down. Brandy came running in and ran to my side trying to calm me down, but it was no use.
"Corey! Please help me!" I shouted, tears started to run down my cheeks again. In a flash Corey ran and grabbed hold of Matt and threw him across the room. Brandy pulled me up and ushered me out of the room and flat. Once I was out I just broke down and cried in her arms. Like I was sobbing! Brandy rubbed her hand up and down my back for support and tried to calm me down, it was working but not a lot.

"I can't believe he did that! I-I thought he was nicer than that Bran! I really d-did. Why would he be like that?" I said through my sobs and clung onto her for my life. I could hear banging in the apartment and then shouts.

"YOU FUCKING CUNT! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER?! I THOUGHT I COULD FUCKING TRUST YOU!!" Corey shouted, there was a loud bang and a smash. It made me and Brandy jump, Oh god what was he doing to him? I thought. I soon heard Matt's voice,

"DUDE WHAT THE FUCK YOU ON ABOUT!? I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" He shouted back into Corey's face. I had had enough and decided to go in, Brandy grabbed my arm but I shook it off. Her arm slowly slipping away. I heard the faint sound of her voice in the background telling me not to go and that he wasn't worth it, but I still went. I was stood outside the door now, debating whether to go in, the noise was terrible and so loud, im surprised the neighbors weren't complaining. I heard a glass smash, and I winced.

"Fuck it" I barged through the door but had to duck, unless I wanted a glass thrown at my head. Matt and Corey were still arguing, and Matt was now crying and screaming, spit flying out of his mouth. He had lost the plot, and it made me cry to see him like this.

"WILL YOU BOTH JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONE MINUTE!!!!" I screamed, both Corey and Matt stopped and looked at me, they had no idea that I had even entered the god damn room. I stood there and wiped my eyes, and sniffled.

"Crissy, go outside, wait for me" Corey said though his eyes were still at Matt, and Matt's were on me. I am grown up for fucks sake I can make my own decisions, and he doesn't tell me what to fucking do! I know im his little sister, but Christ! Fuck off!
"No, im staying, I am old enough to make my own decisions" I said and crossed my arms and looked at Corey. It seemed to piss him off a little. I mean I understand, he was worried about his little sister, and he was probably pissed thinking that he had just saved me, and now I don't want him. Well not that I don't want him, I just want to say something that's all.

"Cristina...Im so sorr-" Matt started to speak but I cut him off. I just laughed as a tear rolled down my pale cheek, that was covered with black eyeliner.

"Don't Matt, please save the sorrow. I can't believe you did this, I don't want nothing to do with you ever again. I wont be taking this to court, just. Stay the fuck away! I thought I could trust you, obviously it got too out of hand for you. Why you decided to do all this to me I have no idea. I loved you. Goodbye Matt" I sighed and wiped the tear away from my cheek, my lips started to tremble and I started to shake. I walked over to Corey, grabbed his hand and led him out the door with me.

"I will be hear another day to collect my things" I said and walked out. I knew that Corey would later give me a lecture about not prosecuting him. But I didn't want it now, I just wanted a new start.

I just wanted to forget.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this is the first chapter to the story, it's a really long one too, I didn't mean for it to be that long haha. But most of you guys like long stories so I hope you like it,
Enjoy! Please comment or something lol
I promise It wont be disappointing :)
