Status: Writing th enext chapter, just some knots I need to undo before I can post it up :) Thanks for staying with me H.K x

Pay the Price of Your Betrayal

Please Forgive Me, I Don't Know What Im Doing

I stood there speechless, I couldn’t believe what he had just said to me, well sang. This cant be real, it cant be! I must be in a dream or something, I quickly turned round to brandy.

“B! Pinch me I’m dreaming!” I shook her shoulders but she just put her hands on mine and tore them off her.
“Pull it together woman, you’re not dreaming. Matt just said that okay? Your not in the spirit world either” Brandy just practically shouted. Suddenly something just sprang inside me and triggered a memory and I turned and ran as fast as I could backstage, I looked for the nearest door and found one. I didn’t care what room it was, as long I was safe for now and away from people, though it happened to be our changing room. What a coincidence. I stood there in the changing room just soaking up all the scenery then I let it all flow out and sank to the ground with my back against the wall. Every tear and whimper made the room sound like I was in a metal cage, the sounds lightly echoing off of the walls and back to me. I had cried that much that my face stung with pain, like the pain you got when it was winter and the cool air was pinching at your cheeks, I felt motionless right now, in this sate of sadness.

I looked up then started to realise that I wasn’t in Slipknots changing room, I was in someone else’s. The walls were pinned with different paintings, there was loads of beer on the table, leather jackets, band shirts thrown about the place and a flying V guitar lying in the corner, that could only belong to one person.Shit.

This couldn’t be happening I thought to myself as I wiped the tear away with the back of my hand. It can’t be. I was in Bullet’s changing room, and this was bad. This was very bad.
The door handle started to twist and I started to panic, as quick as I could I jumped up, surveyed around the room on where I could hide, there were no wardrobes or a spare piece of wall. The only option I had was to hide behind a clothes rack that was in the corner, which was luckily filled with hanging clothes. I ran for it and slumped down onto the floor, hid and tried to stay as quiet as I could. Just as I did four tall men walked through the door and closed it.

My heart stopped as I saw, him. His long black hair hung just below his shoulder blades and his rock hard arms swung as he stepped further into the room. The ones that once used to hold me, I blinked back the tears that were trying to escape from my eyes, this was not happening. I kept telling myself, but it was.

All Bullet For My Valentine were in the room now and the door was definitely locked, there was no way of getting out now. I was stuck, and screwed. I started to panic more which made my legs move a little, I grabbed them and pulled both legs closer towards my chest and covered my mouth with my hand so a single sound couldn’t escap. Voices started to talk which put me out of my panic zone as I started to listen.

“Man, when are you going to stop singing that song, you sing it at every concert?” I heard Moose say, but I had no idea who he was talking to.
“It’s a new song, people like to hear it and I just can’t stop singing it if people want to hear it” Matt said, grabbed a towel off a rack over at the far side of the room, wiped his face and then wrapped it around his broad shoulders. Trying to avoid the questions being fired at him by his band members.
“No you’re singing it because you miss Cristina and you feel guilty for what you have, wait. Did do” Padge said as he crossed the room and took a swig of water from the bottle he held in his hand.

Matt sighed, It was a stressful one. I could tell because after being with him for so long, I guess I just grew to his customs on what he did and why. Even if I haven’t seen or heard him in the past 4 years. He walked over to the table at the side of the room, grabbed a beer, then took a large drink and walked over towards the clothing rack, I held my breath.
“No it’s not because of that, it’s because” Matt started then took another swig of his beer, then scrunched his fist up in his hand.
“Because of what?” Jason questioned, raising his eyebrows at Matt.
All three of them, Padge, Moose and Jason were looking at him now, Matt just stood there and looked at all of them, with hate in his eyes.

“We’re not going to let you forget what you did, I mean sure, you were pissed but that still doesn’t excuse you from it” Padge dared to say.
“Yeah, we will let you forget some of it, and we won’t be as mean as we could do, but man. That was bad what you did, and we will bring it up sometimes, you gotta’ know that” Mosse said as he grabbed a cookie off the table and started to eat away at it.

“Fuck Off! The lot of you, I know what I did was wrong and I wish I could take it all back. I have felt useless for the last 4 years, I feel lost, and I feel I will never find a girl like Cristina. So just back off!” Matt screamed as he threw his beer against the wall, the bottle smashing instantly and scattering into a million pieces across the charcoal carpet.

I sneezed, I couldn’t hold it in.Fuck.
‘Did you hear something?’ Jason said as he put his beer on the table. My heart stopped, I could hear footsteps walk across the room and stopped just in front of the clothes rack.
Don’t pull them back. Don’t pull them back.

He pulled them back. And stared at me in the process.
“Cristina?” Jason said, loud enough for the other people in the room to hear. I could hear more footsteps coming near me, and my heart didn’t even beat. It was him.
“Cristina, I-” Matt started but I jumped up, pushed past them both and ran out the door crying, he saw me. He knows I’m here.
I was stopped by a hand on my wrist pulling me a little towards them, as I spun round I saw a pair of ice blue eyes stare back at me and they can only be owned by one person. Matt Tuck. I winced at the touch of him.

“Cristina, what are you doing here?” He said as he tried to pull me closer to him.
“Matt! Get the fuck off, me” I shouted and twisted my arm out of his grip and ran down the blackened hallway.
I could hear him shouting behind me, his voice choking on words as he screamed them down the dark path I ran down.

My nightmare had begun once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, sorry it took so long for me to get this up, and that it really isn't that long (well on pages I wrote it on it's 3 pages haha) I hope you enjoy it and would love a comment haha, its's okay though if you don't want to :) Just aslong as you read that makes my day.

Thank you for staying with me, and waiting the long wait :)
Have fun xx