She's The New Girl In Town

New Beginnings, and Two New Friends.

~Chapter One~

The day my mom told me that we were moving from our hometown of Nevada to California, I thought I was going to die. I’ve lived in Nevada all my life, and I don’t fully understand why she’d want to move us like this. We’re in the car now, driving our way to Orange County, California. It sounds nice, but I really don’t want to leave here. “Mom, could you please explain to me why exactly we’re moving again?” I ask, sort of annoyed. “Honey, I told you. Ever since your father died, I’ve been wanting to move to another state. I wanted to find a new place to live in, to get rid of the pain.” she says. My dad was in the army, and was killed by a land mine in the ground. My whole world came crashing down when he passed away. Now that we’re moving, I’m so worried that I’m not going to make any friends. Back home I had countless friends, and now I can’t see them anymore. Mom won’t let me visit them. It’s bullshit, I tell you. This is gonna be one hell of a time for me…

But anyway, my name’s Casey. I’ve got brown and electric blue hair. I’m 17, and in the 11th grade. I must say, I’m nervous to go to this new school. I’m afraid of what people will think of me. I have a self confidence issue. I’m…not exactly like other people. I’m not preppy and fluffy like other girls. Metal is my favorite genre of music, and people call me a freak because of that. I think it sucks. Once we get to our house HOURS UPON HOURS later, I help my mom unpack and all that, and go up to my new room. It’s a lot bigger than my old room was. I put all my stuff into place, and pass out on my bed. What a day…

In the morning, I get up and get ready for my first day of school. Yuck. I go downstairs and quickly eat breakfast, brush my teeth, and wait for my mom to drive me to the school. On the way there, I put my hair up into a half ponytail. When she drops me off, I take a look around. There’s a ton of people here. I walk to the door, getting snickers and ‘Look at this freak’ by some people. I choose to ignore them, and go inside. I look around here. It’s…pretty nice. I go in the office and wait for the secretary or whatever to hand me my schedule.

“Can I help you?” she asks.

“My name is Casey Stewart. I’m new here, and I’m supposed to get my schedule.” I say.

“Here you go.” she says, and hands me my schedule.

“Thanks.” I say, and go back out into the lobby. I sit in one of the chairs, and get lost in my thoughts.

“Hi there!” some voice of a guy says, causing me to jump. I look up to see an EXTREMELY hot guy with snakebites and black hair.

“Sorry, did I scare you?” he asks.

“A little, but it’s ok.” I say. He extends one of his fingerless glove covered hands towards me, and I take it.

“I’m Zack, but my friends call me Zacky Vengeance. You look like you could be a Hayley. Is your name Hayley?” I grin a little.

“Close, it’s Casey.” I say.

“Hehe, I was pretty close. You new here?” he asks, sitting next to me.

“Yeah, I just moved here.”

“Cool! Where’d you move here from?”

“Blue Diamond, Nevada.”

“Oooh, that’s awesome!”

“I guess so…”

“By the way, your hair is really cool.” “

Thanks! So is yours.” He smiles, and we get into a long conversation.

“What do you like to do?” I ask.

“I’m in a band.” he says.

“Really? What kind of music do you play?”

“We play rock music. The good stuff, ya know?”

“Cool! What’re you guys called?”

“Avenged Sevenfold.”

“That’s pretty cool.”

“It is, it is. Can I take a look at your schedule?”

“Sure.” I say, and hand it to him.


“What?” I ask.

“You and I have 7 classes together!” he says.

“Cool!” I say.

“I don’t have 1st and 3rd period with you. That sucks.”

“That’s lame. What do you have first period and 3rd period?”

“First period math, and 3rd period biology.”

“Ew.” I say, cringing at the thought of 1st period math.

“I KNOW!” he says.

Soon enough, the bell rings.

“DAMN IT!” he yells. I giggle, and stand up.

“Do you want me to help you find your class?” Zacky asks.

“Yeah, I’d like that. Thanks.”

“No problem. Let’s go.” he says, and walks me to first period. I’ve got reading. I’m pretty strong in that class. I sit down in a random seat. Oi, I’m bored already. I pull out a notebook I have, and draw little doodles in it. I’m pretty good at art. Once the bell rings, I head to my second period class. MATH. FUCK, I hate math. All the letters and numbers and…algebraic expressions that make me want to EXPLODE… Ok, anyway…the teacher assigns me a seat beside some preppy bleach blonde girl. She looks at me, and scoffs.

“What is this, the circus?” she asks.

I ignore her, and try to pay attention to the teacher. This is gonna be one LOVELY day. 42 minutes later, the bell rings. THANK YOU. I hurry up and find my 3rd period class, which is social studies. I find myself a seat, and put my head on the desk. I’m tired. Once the teacher comes in, he yells at the rest of the students to sit down, making my head shoot up. Then he stops teaching for a while, letting us go off on our own. I keep doodling in my notebook for a couple of minutes.

“Hello.” I hear a deep-ish voice say. I look up to see an extremely hot guy grinning at me. He’s got the cutest pair of dimples. Wow. I’ve seen 2 extremely hot guys in one day. Lucky me!

“Hi.” I say, almost melting. He’s GORGEOUS.

“You want any help with the homework?” he asks.

“Um…I don’t really need any help, but you can sit here anyway.” I tell him, really wanting him to sit next to me. He smiles at me, his dimples popping out even more.

“Gladly.” he says, and sits in the desk next to me.

“I’m Matt, and you are?” he asks me.

“Casey.” I say, trying really hard not to sound nervous.

“That’s a nice name. So I heard that you’re new to this school.”
“Yep, that’s right.”

“Where’d you move here from?” he asks.

“Blue Diamond, Nevada.”

“Really? Cool! I heard that there’s a gigantic blue diamond in the heart of that city. Is that true?”
“Oh no…everyone back home thought there was, until one of my friends bet me 10 bucks to go to the heart of the city to find this diamond. So yeah, I went there, and I found no diamond. Casey got herself 10 bucks that day.” I say.

“Ha! Well that’s lame. At least you got the money.” he says.
“Yup. I needed that money.”

“We all need money…”
“True that.”

“Oh yeah, and welcome to our school. It sucks, but ya know…”
“At least you get an education!”
“Exactly!” he says with a laugh.

He has a really cute laugh…

About 15 minutes later, I notice he has a couple of tattoos on his arms.

“I like your tattoos.” I say.

“Thanks! My parents had a cow when they found out I got tattoos without their permission.”

“So did my mom! She wanted me to get my first one removed…but that’s painful.”
“I’ve heard it’s horrible. You have a tattoo?”
“Yeah, I have two.”

“Can I see them?”
“Sure!” I say, and roll up my sleeve.

I show him my tattoo of a skeleton wearing a fedora hat, holding a gun,

“Whoa, that’s sick.” he says, and I roll up my other sleeve.

My other tattoo is a memorial of my dad. I had to get it done. The tattoo is of an American flag with words in front of it.

He looks at it, then looks at me.

“Who’s James?” he asks. James was my dad’s name.
“My dad.”

“I’m guessing he was in the army?”

“How did he…you know?”
“He and his friend were getting shot at, and his friend pushed him out of the way. The friend was killed by the shots, and my dad stepped on a land mine when he was pushed. He was basically blown to pieces.” I say, tears forming in my eyes.

“Oh. I’m so sorry to hear that. Do you want a hug?” he asks, opening his arms.

I hesitate to hug him, I’m afraid he’s gonna accidentally crush me with his gigantic muscles.

“I don’t bite, honest.” he says.

I hug him, feeling a little better. I guess it’s true…hugs make everything better.

Then he pulls his arms back, and I do too.

“How would you like to sit with my friends and I at our table today at lunch?” he asks.

“I’d like that.” I say, smiling.

He stares at me, looking dazed.

“What?” I ask.

“You have the prettiest green eyes I’ve ever seen in my life.” he says.

I blush, and look away. My eyes are emerald green.

“I’m sorry, I just had to say that.”

“It’s ok. No one’s ever told me that before.” I say.

“Really? I thought you would’ve gotten that a lot.”
“Nope! You’re the first person to have ever said that.”
“I feel special, then.” he says, smiling again.

“So what do you like to do?” I ask him.

“Well, there’s a lot of things. I like to play video games and what not, but I really like to sing.”
“Oh really? Are you good?”
“I guess so. I’m in a band.”

“Cool! What are you guys called?”
“Avenged Sevenfold.”
That name rings a bell in my head.
“There’s another guy I know who’s in that same band…” I say.

“Who, Zacky?” he asks.
“Yeah! Do you know him?”

“Yep, we’re like best friends.”

“Cool! So what position are you in the band?”
“I’m the lead singer.”
“Oooh! Do you think you could let me listen to you guys sometime?”

“What class do you have next?” I ask.
“English. I HATE that class.”
“I have English too!” Oh, goodie! I’ve made two new friends already.

“Really? Can I see your schedule?” he asks.

I pull my schedule out of my pocket, and hand it to him.

“Sweeeet.” he says.

“What is it?”
“We have all the same classes.”

Then the bell rings, and Matt shows me where the English room is.

“And this,” he says, loud enough for the teacher to hear. “Is THE worst class ever. Taught by THE worst teacher ever.” I giggle, and he sits down. There’s a seat between he and Zacky.

“SIT HERE!” Zacky whispers loudly, pointing to that seat. Matt does the same, and I sit in that seat.

“HI! Zacky says to me.

“WHAT’S UP?!” I ask.

“Mr. Baker, Mrs. Stewart, please quiet down.” the teacher says.

When he turns his back, Zacky stands up and gives him both the middle fingers. I try not to laugh, when he sits down again. After about 5 minutes, he taps my shoulder. I turn to him, and he motions for me to come closer.

“Can I see your notebook for a second?” he whispers.

“Sure…” I whisper back, and hand him my notebook.

He writes something down in it, and hands it back to me.

I look at it, and see that it’s his number, then he gives me the thumbs up, and I nod. Then Matt taps my shoulder. I look at him, and he asks for my notebook.

He writes something on the same page, and hands it back to me. He wrote down his number too.

I tear out a piece of paper, and split it in half. I write down my cell phone number on each of them, and hand the papers to both of them.
“This class SUCKS!” Matt mouths to me.

“IT DOES!” I mouth to him.

“Can I text you later?”
I nod my head, and he smiles.

“Mr. Sanders and Mrs. Stewart, you can flirt after school.” the teacher says. Do I really have to kick this teacher’s ass?

“Um…we’re not flirting, sorry.” I say.

“This is your first day, so I’m going to let you off with a warning. Do NOT get a smart attitude while you’re in my class, understand?” he asks.

“Loud n’ clear, sir.” I say, saluting him. What a dick…

Matt stifles a laugh, when the teacher turns around again.

“Stop laughing while I’m trying to teach!” the teacher yells.

“What?” Matt asks, holding up the peace sign.

The teacher huffs and rolls his eyes, and turns around again.

Matt gets up, putting his foot on the desk, holding up both the middle fingers.

“FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU!” he mouths.

I couch, trying to hide my urge to burst out laughing.

He sits back down, acting like nothing ever happened. A little while later, the bell rings.

“Hey Matt, where’s the chemistry room?” I ask.

“I’ll show you.” he says, and leads me to the chemistry room. I sit down, and he sits next to me.

“I hate chemistry. I think it’s the worst class in the whole world.” I say.

“It’s one of the worst classes in the world. But, you’ve got me as a lab partner. What more could you want?” Matt asks, sitting next to me. I giggle, and look at him.
“Nothing more, I guess.” He smiles at me, showing his dimples. I’m trying really hard not to go ‘SQUEEEE’ when he does that.

“Matt, how many girlfriends have you had?” I ask.

“None yet, why?”
“Seriously? I thought you would’ve had a ton of girlfriends by now.”
“Nope. I haven’t had one girlfriend yet.”

“Why not?”
“I haven’t found anyone I like yet. I know, that sounds lame.”
“It’s really not. I haven’t had a boyfriend yet, and I’m 17 years old.”
“We’re the same age…that’s cool. And trust me, you’ll find someone here. You’re pretty, and I know a couple of guys here are suckers for pretty girls with pretty eyes like you.” I blush, feeling my face get hot. I think I’ve already found someone…

Who would that be? Well…I think Matt’s pretty adorable. He’s really sweet and nice…

But I’m not sure if my mom would approve of him, and I’m sure I really wouldn’t care what she thought about him. The thing is, I really shouldn’t feel this way about some one I just met this morning. But he’s exactly my type. Tattoos, lip piercing, gauged ears, dimples, and everything I see in a guy. Then again, Zacky’s really cute too. He’s really nice too. I really shouldn’t be torn between two guys that I just met…

OK KIDS! That was the first chapter. I hope you liked it, because I did. ♥