She's The New Girl In Town

Telling The Truth And More Bad News...

~Chapter 10~

English class was really bad. Zacky was really acting up. And now that he got kicked out, I can’t talk to him. I really need to get him some help, and fast. His parents are coming home from their business trips today, and I’m going to tell them about Zacky’s drinking problem. I really hope he stops drinking. I don’t want him to end up like one of those kids who have to go to rehab. Zack’s a really good kid, when…he’s not getting into fights with assholes. And who wants to see their best friend go to rehab anyway? Since Zacky’s basically rotting in the principal’s office, I decide to text him. I hope he answers…



C-zacky, are you alright in there?

Z-…yeah, i’m fine. bored as hell, but i’m fine. thanks for asking. :)

C-good! i miss you…you should sneak out.

Z-honey, if only i could.


Z-i’m so sorry.

C-that’s ok.

Z-um…how are you and Matt doing?

C-we’re doing fine…just being bored at lunch without you.

Z-i’m not even allowed to eat lunch at the same time as you guys.

C-that’s bullshit.

Z-i know. fuck, i g2g. talk to you later.

C-kk zee vee.

I put my phone back in my pocket. Oi, this day sucks.

The day slowly comes to end, and I finally get back to Zacky’s house. His parents’ car is in the drive way. Great, now this is my chance to explain to them Zack’s problem. I go in the house, and I see Zacky and his parents in the kitchen. His parents look PISSED.

“Zachary, why is my bottle of vodka gone?” his dad asks.

“W-What bottle of vodka?” Zack asks.

“You know what bottle! I specifically told everyone not to touch it.”

“I…I-I-I-I don’t know…”

“Did you drink it?

“No, no I-I-I didn’t.”

His parents turn to me.

“Casey, did Zack drink this bottle?” his dad asks me.

“Um,” I say, trying to lie.

“I don’t know. I hope he didn’t.” I lie.

“Casey, tell the truth.” his mom says.

Zack gives me a look like ‘Please Don’t Tell.’

But I HAVE to tell them. They need to know.

“Alright…Zacky DID drink the bottle. Then, he got more and more bottles of vodka and beer at a liquor store, and drank all of that. He’s got a drinking problem.”

“What?!” his mom asks.

“Yeah…” I say.

“Zack, is that true?” his dad asks.

“Yes.” Zacky says.

“You’re grounded, for 3 months.” his mom says.

Zacky comes over to me.

“Thanks for nothing, bitch. I wish I never met you.” he whispers.

Did he really just say that to me?

“Zacky, I--” I say, before he cuts me off.

“No. Get the fuck out of my house. Go pack up your shit, and get out.”

I go upstairs and pack up all of my stuff, tears coming down my cheeks. I never meant to make Zacky hate me, but I was just worried about him I think I’ve just lost my best friend…

Now where am I gonna go?

I slip past Zacky, who’s getting yelled at by his parents.

He shoots me a viscous death glare, and I hurry out the door. The tears come down even more, as I walk around the block.

I head up to Matt’s house, and knock on his door. His mom answers the door.

“Casey…what’s the matter?” she asks.

“Is Matt here?” I ask, tears still coming down my cheeks.

“Yeah, h-he’s here. Matt, Casey’s here!”

Matt comes to the door.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” he asks, and takes my hand, pulling me inside.

“Z-Zacky kicked me out…” I say.


“I told his parents about his drinking problem, and he kicked me out because of it. He’s grounded for 3 months.”

“And he kicked you out because you wanted to get him some help?”

He sighs, and we go upstairs. We go in his room, and shut the door.

“I lost my best friend!” I say, and start to cry.
“Shhh, it’s alright. You and Zacky can fix this.” Matt says in a soothing tone, hugging me.


“B-But, he HATES me! He said he wishes he never met me!” I cry.

“He did?”

“I’m gonna call him…”
“No, don’t! Just don’t.”
“Are you sure?”

“Can I stay here for a while?” I ask.

“Of course you can. You can stay here for as long as you like.”

“Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome, my dear.” he says, and kisses me.

We make out for a while, his mom walks in on our half nakedness.

“WHOA.” she says.

Matt turns his head, covering me still.

“Hi mom!” he says.

“What’s…going on in here?”

“Uh huh…” she says, and leaves.

“Phew.” I say.

“Hehe. Now…shall we continue?” he asks.

I wake up at 6:00am to find myself in Matt’s arms. I gently pull myself out of his grip, and get up. I change into some clothes, and brush my hair. As I’m putting on my makeup, Matt’s alarm clock goes off. He sits up and stretches, then comes over to me.

“Good morning, beautiful.” he says, and kisses my cheek.

“Morning!” I say.

He changes his clothes, and does whatever else he has to do.

His mom drives us up to school. When we get there, we go inside.

I’m a little afraid to see Zacky today. I hope he can forgive me. All I wanted to do was help him.

When the bell rings for first period, Matt and I head there. When class ends, Matt heads off somewhere, and I stand in front of the lockers, when some guys come over to me. They look like big jocks.

“Hey slut.” one of them says. I ignore him.

“Word around here is, you’re pregnant with Matt Sanders’ kid.” another says.

I glare up at him.

“…Who told you?” I ask, gritting my teeth.

“Some kid named Zack.” Zacky told them. Goddamn it!

“Watch out, Matt’s known to knock up girls, then leave them.” another guy says.

“Oh, I’m sure he is.” I say, getting aggravated.

“He is. He’s a player.”

“I’m sure you’re just saying that, because you couldn’t get a girl as fast as he could.”

“Right…that’s why we all have girlfriends. Trust me, Matt’s gonna lose interest in you, and toss you aside.”

“Shut the fuck up.” Matt says, and I look to my right. Matt’s standing there, giving them all really mean looks.

“What if we don’t want to? You know you’re gonna dump her once the kid is born.” one of them say.

“Shut your fucking mouth!” Matt yells.

“Watch it, Sanders.”

“No, YOU watch it! Get the fuck out of here, before I snap you and all your friends’ necks! Don’t fucking think I won’t do it!”

Just before the guy can say anything else, the bell rings for second period.

Are the things that the guy told me true? Is Matt really going to leave me after the baby is born? Now that I’m thinking of it, I start to cry quietly to myself.

Matt means everything to me, and if he’s just using me, I’ll never be happy again.

I can’t believe Zacky would tell people about my business. I know he’s just mad at me. But whatever. We’ve been avoiding each other all day. Once lunch comes around I see Zacky sitting at a different table all by himself. I’m gonna talk to him later. I’m still really bothered by what those jocks told me earlier. I haven’t really gotten over it yet…

A couple of tears roll down my cheek, and Matt looks at me.
“Hey! Casey, what’s wrong?” he asks, getting worried.

I shake my head, when he sits next to me.

“Casey, what’s wrong?” he asks again.

“Can I talk to your privately for a second?” I ask, and he nods.

We go outside of the cafeteria, and sit down in front of a wall.

“Now, what’s wrong?” he asks.

“Those jock’s earlier told me that you’re ‘known’ for knocking up girls and leaving them…and it’s really been bothering me.”

He lifts my chin with his finger, and stares into my eyes. I look away, not wanting him to see more of the tears welling up in my eyes.

“Casey, look at me.” he says.

I hesitantly look at him, a tears rolling down my cheek. He wipes it away, and puts both his hands on my face.

“Listen, what they said back there is NOT true. I wouldn’t do that to a girl, especially you. Casey, I LOVE you. Keyword in that sentence is LOVE. You’re my first girlfriend, and I gave my up my virginity to you, so how could I have knocked up any other girls? I know that kind of sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. I love you, honest. And I will be there for you when we have our child, as much as I can’t believe we’re having one. I promise you, I will not leave you to raise our child on your own. I’m not like that. I have respect for women.” he says, sounding really sincere.

“I love you too, Matt. And I hope that you keep to your word on what you just said.”
“I promise, I will.”

He hugs me, and I hug back.
“Let’s go back to lunch. I’m starving.” he whispers.

“Okie dokie.” I say, and he pulls me up.

We go back to the cafeteria earning snickers and scoffs from other people at the tables.

“SLUT!” one guy yells at me.

“Shut the fuck up!” Matt yells at him.

“Was I talking to you?”
“No, but you’re not gonna insult my girlfriend like that. ESPECIALLY when I’m around, understand?”

“Girlfriend? Don’t you mean your fuck buddy? That’s how you knocked her up, right?”
Matt’s eyes turn dark.

“What did you just say?” he asks.

“You heard me. Your little ‘girlfriend’ is a whore.”

Next thing I know, Matt’s fist meets that kids’ face.

“You wanna shut your fucking mouth, or am I gonna have to fucking shut it for you?” Matt asks.

“You’re gonna pay for that, Sanders!” the kid yells.

“Sure I am.” Matt says, and he leads me to a table.

“Matt, you really didn’t need to do that.” I say.

“The fuck I didn’t. He can’t say shit like that about you, then try and get away with it.”

“Calm down. Please.” I plead.

“I can’t…” he says, when I lean over and kiss him. He kisses back, then pulls away,

“Thanks. I needed that.” he says, blushing.

“Hehe, no problem.”

He rubs my arm, then rubs my stomach gently.

“I can’t wait for the baby to come.” he says, smiling. Wow, he actually DOES care.

“Me too.” I say.

“By the way, when’s your first sonogram? I wanna make sure I can blow off anything to come.”

“It’s at 5:00 today.”

“Awesome! I’ll take you.”
“Ok, cool.”

Once 5:00 comes around, Matt walks with me to my doctors office.

“You excited for this, babe?” he asks.

“Oh yeah.” I say, as we walk into the room.

“Ok Miss Stewart, lay down in this chair.” the nurse says.

I do as she tells me, and she starts the whole sonogram thing.

A worried look comes onto her face.

“Uh oh…” she says.

I gulp.

“W-What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Well…you were going to have twins, but…” she says, trailing off.

“But what?”

“You’ve had a miscarriage.”

A numb feeling enters my body.

“A miscarriage?” I ask, the tears burning in my eyes, and a lump forming in the back of my throat.

“Yes. I’m sorry, Miss Stewart.”

I look over at Matt, who’s face is pale.
We leave, and the minute I step out of the building, I start to cry.

Matt pulls me to his chest, and I swear I see tears coming down his face too.

I look up at him, and there are tears in his eyes.

Then, we start walking down to his house.

I notice he stopped, and I turn around.

“This isn’t fucking fair!” he yells, and punches a telephone pole a few times.

“I know! I fucking lose my dad to the fucking war, then my mom kicks me out of the house, my best friend hates me, I’m being called a slut at school, and now I had a fucking miscarriage! What’s next, I’m gonna lose you?” I say, crying still.

Matt drops on his knees, crying really hard.

“I was gonna be the best dad any kid ever had!” he says.

I kneel down, and hug him.

“I know you were. Life sucks, let’s just leave it at that.”
“For real. Maybe we can…try again another time?”

“When we’re older, Matt. If we’re still together, and you’re still interested in having kids, then yes.”

“I gotta call Zacky.” I say, and pull out my phone.

After a few rings, he answers.
“What do you want?” he asks, bitterness in his voice.

“Zacky, there’s something I need you to know.”
“I…I had a miscarriage.”
A wave of dead silence comes around after I said that.


“Yes.” I say, and sniff.

“Casey, I’m so sorry.” he says.

“It’s ok. Well, I have to go.”
“Wait,” he says.

“What?” I ask.
“I want to apologize for all the pain I’ve caused you. I never meant to hurt you…I was just, well, mad at you. And I shouldn’t have been, because you were only helping me out. I really should be thanking you, because now I’m gonna get help about my drinking problem. So, thank you Casey.”

“You’re welcome. And you don’t need to apologize, it’s fine.” I say.

“Alright. I’ll text you later.
“Okie dokie, Mr. Teddy Bear.”
“Please, don’t call me that.”

“Will you call me sexy?”
He laughs.

“Bye.” he says, and I hang up.

Matt and I walk the rest of the way home, and go inside.

What a horrible fucking day this was.