She's The New Girl In Town

My Little Sister's NOT A Slut!



Once Matt and I get up to school, we go inside. I heard a whole bunch of yelling and fighting outside the doors, and I kind of want to know what’s going on. The first thing I see when I enter the school is Candice in a chair, crying her eyes out. Before I rush over to her, I see Danny beating the shit out of someone. Damn, he’s only an eight grader, and he’s beating up a tenth grader. I need to find out what’s going on.

“Is…that Candice’s boyfriend?” Matt quietly asks me, and points to Danny.

“Yeah. That’s him.” I say.


I go over to Candice, and sit next to her.

“What’s wrong, Candice?” I ask.

“H-H-He was calling me a slut from the second I walked in the doors.” she stutters, crying.

“Who did? That tenth grader Danny’s beating the shit out of?”

She nods her head. That tenth grader is gonna get what’s coming to him, as long as I have anything to say about it.

“Alright little sister, I’ll be back.” I say.

“W-What are you doing?” she asks.

“You’ll see.”

I go over to Danny and the guy he’s beating up, and pull Danny off of him.

“I’ll handle the rest of this, Danny.” I say.

“What’cha gonna do to him?” he asks, a devious smile coming onto his face.

“You’ll see, now go over by Candice.”
“Sure sure.”

He does as I say, and I look the tenth grader in the eyes.

“Look, since I’m a junior, I suppose it’s not fair the beat up someone younger than I am. So I’ll let you off with a warning: You call my little sister Candice anything again, you’ll be begging you didn’t say anything to her in the first place. Do I make myself clear?” I say.

“It’s not my fault your little sister’s a slut. Someone needed to tell her, and if it wasn’t gonna be you or your parents, it was gonna be me.”
I sock him right in the face.

“Shut the fuck up, you fucking son of a bitch. You don’t know SHIT about my sister, and I hope you know that if you EVER come near her, I’ll fucking kill you. Understand?”

“You don’t scare me.” he says, getting up.

“Oh, I don’t?” I ask, and pick him up by his shirt, slamming him to wall.

A look of fear flashes in his eyes.

“Get scared, little bitch.” I growl.

I let him go, and he runs away.

A whole bunch of kids laugh at him, and I go back over to Candice and Danny.

“Candice, your sister is so badass.” Danny says.

“I know, I know.” Candice says, and hugs me.

Matt comes over to me, and Candice lets go of me.

“Hello my badass girlfriend.” he says to me, and I turn around.

“Hi!” I say.

He wraps his arms around me, when I see Danny plant a kiss on Candice.

I gasp a long gasp, smiling.

“WHAAAT?!” Candice asks.

“You bad little children…” I say.

“I would NOT be talking, missy. You lost your virginity already.” she says.

“Listen here, kiddo. I’m seventeen going on eighteen, and you’re fourteen.”

“Yeah, and?”

I sigh.

“You get knocked up, and you’ll never hear from me again.”
“I won’t!”

The bell rings for first period, and Matt walks with me to reading.

I sit down in my seat, thinking about what that faggot said about my sister.

The fact that I sit all the way in the back of the room, pisses me off. I couldn’t lean over and talk to Matt if I wanted to. I know I only have to go forty two minutes without talking to him in any way, but I can’t handle it. GAH! I pull out my phone, and text from the inside of my hoodie pocket. Yes, I’m gonna text him. I need to talk to someone. I could text Zacky or someone, but no. I’ve gotta text Matt. God, I’m such I loser.



C-hello love! i know, it’s lame that i’m texting you right now, but i really need to talk to someone.

M-haha, that’s ok. i’m really lonely too. i miss leaning over my desk and talking to you so much, it’s not even fucking funny.

C-yeah, me too. i really hate sitting in the back of the room. it…makes me feel so isolated.

M-well i’m sorry to hear that. xP

C-yeah yeah. i’m bored.

M-same here. guess what!!


M-i love you with all my heart. i mean it.

C-awww! i love you too.



M-what kind of emoticon is that?

C-the kind you use when you text, DUH.

M-well PARDON ME for not knowing your weird texting…things.

C-you’re so laaaame. i think it’d be a good idea for us to stop texting now, because we could get caught.

M-i am NOT lame. xD and yeah, that’s a good idea. TALK TO YOU AFTER CLASS!!

C-OK!! :D

I put my phone away, and go back to doing my work. And soon enough, the bell rings. Thank God.

“Wow Casey, you can’t go one class without talking to me. Am I really that irresistible to you?” Matt asks as we walk to 2nd period math.

“I guess I can’t. And yeah, I guess you really are that irresistible to me.” I say, and flash him a seductive look.

He chuckles, and we go in the classroom. I really HATE this class more than anything else right now.

I sigh, and sit in my seat.

The day flies into my eight period Music class.

I really hate the switching specials thing every semester. It’s really annoying. I’m just waiting for the art class we’re supposed to take. Art really is my kind of thing.

I sit next to Matt in that class, so it’s all good. Zacky has to sit between some guys he really hates. Poor him.

Matt lazily drapes an arm around my shoulders, and the class begins.

While the teacher teaches his lame lesson about different cultures of music, Matt kisses my neck gently. I think he’s trying to distract me so I’ll pay more attention to him, and he’s doing a really good job at it.

“Matt, what are you trying to do?” I whisper.

“Distract you, what else?” he whispers. Ha ha, I knew it.

“I don’t know. You don’t need to pay attention in this class, so why not?”
“Well, that may be true. But you don’t wanna get in trouble, do you?”

“Not really. And it’s not like we’re making out or anything, right?”

“So relax, and let me distract you some more.” he whispers.

“You’re doing a good job at it.” I whisper.

“Hehe, I know.”

The teacher puts a lame movie on, and goes in his office. Now we can all talk.

The guys Zacky’s sitting between start annoying the hell out of him.

“You’re a fucking emo.” one of them say.

“Shut the fuck up.” Zacky says.

They keep picking on him, when I finally have had enough. I get up, and tap one of the guys on the shoulder.

He turns around, giving me a look.

“What?” he bitterly asks.

“I suggest you leave Zack alone, or it won’t be pleasant for you. ‘K?” I ask.

“What makes you think I’ll listen to a slut like you?”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”
I push the guy out of his chair, and sit back down in mine.

“I am getting so sick of these bastards calling me a slut.” I say to Matt.

“I know, I am too.” he says, rubbing my back, trying to calm me down.

I really wonder how Candice is doing…

**Candice’s POV**

I really wish Casey was in the same grade as I am. That would make things so much easier.

I’m surprised that Danny didn’t get suspended yet today for what went on earlier this morning. I really wanna go home and make out with him for hours in my room. That would make my day…

Danny’s gonna come over after school anyway, so that’s good. I just wish the day would end already!

The last bell FINALLY rings, and Danny and I walk down to my house together.

I can’t wait for this make out session…We set out stuff down and go up to my room. Thank God my mom isn’t home, or none of this would be happening.

I lay on my bed, and Danny joins me, crawling on top of me. This is gonna be good. I kiss him, my fingers already tangled in his jet black hair. He kisses back, and my hopes of a make out session come true. Just when I think things are getting good by the time he’s biting my neck, my mom opens my door. We’re half naked, and making out. What could be worse?

“Candice Marie Stewart!” she yells.

I gulp.

“Um…mom! Hi!” I say.

“Get dressed! Now!”

I do as she says, as well as Danny.

Once we’re done, she orders him out of the house.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” she asks me.

“I…I don’t know.’ I say.

“Do you know how old you are?”

“Of course I do, mom!”
“You know what? You’re grounded! 1 month. No TV, no cell phone, no NOTHING.”


She leaves, and I slam my door shut, locking it.

“Fucking bitch.” I mumble to myself.

If this is the same grief Casey got from mom, then I feel fucking sorry for her. She’s lucky she got to move out. I think I should do the same. I can’t fucking stand my mother anymore, so I’m gonna run away. Ever since dad died, she’s become such a bitch, and I’m sick of it! I can’t do anything anymore, as long as she has a say in it. I pack up all my stuff, and grab my phone. Dumb bitch, she didn’t take it with her before she left. I open my window, and get on the roof. I slowly and carefully climb off the roof onto the ground, and walk around. Walking around town in just a hoodie and jeans with a pair of tennis shoes isn’t such a good idea in the beginning of February. On the bright side, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I can’t wait. Then in March is Casey’s birthday. Can’t wait for that either. I think I’ll go over to Danny’s house…I walk all the way over to his house, and knock on the door, hoping he’ll answer.

He opens his door, looking a little surprised to see me standing at his doorway.

“Uh…Hey Candice. What’s up?” he asks.

“I ran away from home…” I say, shivering.

“Seriously? Why’d you do that?”
“My mom’s a bitch, that’s why.”
“No offense, but she is. Come inside, you’re shivering.” he says, and brings me inside.

“Thanks, Danny.” I say.

“No problem.” he says, and we go up to his room. I think I’ll be just fine here…

**End of POV**