She's The New Girl In Town

Valentine's Day And Classic Cars

~Chapter Thirteen~

**Candice’s POV**

I just know that my mom’s either gonna text or call me when she finds out about me leaving. Maybe she won’t even care…At least tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day. I wonder what Danny’s gonna do for it, if he does anything at all. But I’m REALLY excited to see what Matt does for Casey. Those two are just so cute together.
“Um…is it alright that I’m here?” I ask Danny.
“Of course. I just have to explain to my parents the whole thing.” he says.
“You’re not going to tell them what we did, are you?”
“No, of course not. I can’t tell them. Do you know how long I’ll be grounded for?”
“Longer than I would be, I guess.”
“Oh yeah. Way longer. So there’s no way in hell I’m telling my parents. They don’t need to know anyway.”

A couple of hours later, we go to bed. God, what a day.
When I hear the alarm go off, I hear Danny shut it off and we both get up.
“Morning.” he says.
“Good morning.” I say, and go in the bathroom to get changed.
I put on my makeup, and go downstairs.
He follows me, and we go in the kitchen to get something to eat.
When I sit down at the table, he covers my eyes.
“What’s going on?” I ask, giggling.
“I got you something…” he says.
“Ok…what is it?”
“Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
“Um…alright.” I say, and do as he says.
He places something in my hands, and I open my eyes.
It’s a long black box, so I open it.
Inside, there’s a really pretty silver necklace with my birthstone on it.
Awww, how sweet.
“Danny, this is beautiful! Where’d you get it?” I ask.
“Eh, my mom took me to some jewelry store a couple of days ago, and told me to find something for you. I liked that one, so I got it for you.”
“Aww, thank you!” I say, and hug him.
“You’re welcome. Oh, and happy Valentine’s Day.”
“You too!”
He smiles, and we get something to eat.

Once we’re up at school, we go inside. The same 10th grader that was calling me a slut yesterday gives us both glares, but we ignore him. I’m really not in the mood to get into a fight today. Maybe later…

**End of POV**

**Casey’s POV**

Well, today is Valentine’s Day. I normally like this holiday, and I don’t know why. I just…think it’s a fun day, I don’t know. I got something really special for Valentine’s Day. I had been saving up a ton of money for a restored 1957 Motorama show car, something I’ve wanted for so long. I love classic cars, and I’ve finally had enough money to restore one. Well, as it turns out, Matt’s into classic cars too. And he really wants a car too. Since I can easily save up more money for another car once I get a job, I can always get another restored car, so I’m gonna give that car to him as an early birthday present. I know that sounds crazy, but he really deserves that car. I slept over Zacky’s house last night so Matt wouldn’t see the car. It’s a really gorgeous car. It’s painted white, and looks just like it would back in the ‘50s. As much as I love the car, I really wanna give it to Matt. So I drive up to school, and get out. Matt’s already here, waiting by the lockers. He’s got his hands behind his back. Hmm…

“Hey!” I say, and he smiles at me.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my dear.” he says.
“You too! What’s behind your back?”
He pulls out what’s behind his back, and it turns out to be a dozen red roses.
“I got these for you.” he says, and hands them to me.
“Thank you! You’re so sweet.” I say, and hug him.
“You’re welcome.”
“I’ve…got something to show you!” I say, and lead him outside.
“What is it?” he asks.
“Close your eyes.” He does as I say, and I lead him to the car.
“What are we doing?”
“Ok, open ‘em.”
He opens his eyes, and gasps.
“Whoa! Is this yours?” he asks.
“Nope! It’s yours.” I say, and hand him the keys.
“Wait, what? This is…this is mine?”
“Yep! All yours.”
“You bought this for me?”
“Well…I didn’t buy it intentionally for you, but…”
“Hold on, was this the car you said you were saving up all your money for?”
“Then Casey, I can’t accept this.” he says.
“Why not?” I ask.
“I just can’t. This is what you’ve wanted, I’ll buy my own.”
“No, I insist. I want you to have it. I’ll buy myself another one.”
“Are you sure?”
“You’re not gonna be upset if I have it?”
“You’re positive?”
“Yes! Now, just take the car!”
“Ok ok! Thank you so much! I owe you, honestly.”
“No, you really don’t.”
“Don’t argue with me. I’m gonna repay you for this. Not to be rude or anything, but how much was this car?” he asks.
“$90,000.” I say.
“Yeah, I know. But this is my early birthday present to you.”
“Oh hell no, I won’t be accepting another birthday present from you after this. No way. 90,000 fuckin’ dollars you paid for this car. How long were you saving up for this?”
“Ever since I was five, I was really interested in classic cars. So I decided that I was gonna save up my money for this. I put all my money I had gotten for my birthday, Christmas, Easter, and chores into a savings account my mom opened up for me. Over the years, the money grew and grew. My mom and dad even put a few thousand in the account every year.”
“Oh my God…Part of me wants to accept this, and part of me doesn’t…” he says.
“Matt, it’s fine. Take it, go ahead.”
“Alright, I will. But I’m driving you everywhere.”

“I can’t believe she got you a fucking car. A classic car. She must really love you, dude.” Zacky says to Matt as we’re all walking to lunch.
“Oh yeah. I can’t believe it either. I’m the luckiest guy in the world to have this girl.” Matt says, wrapping his arm around my waist.
“Yeah, that’s for sure.”
I giggle, and we sit down at our table.
“Hey Casey?” Matt asks.
“Yes?” I ask.
“How can I repay you for that car?”
“Um…I don’t know. Like I said, you really don’t have to.” I say.
“Oh yes I do. So tell me, how can I repay you?”
“It depends on what kind of ‘repaying’ we’re talking about here. If it’s the kind of ‘repaying’ I’m thinking of, then…” Brian says. I know exactly what kind of ‘repaying’ he’s talking about. Yeah, the sexual kind of ‘repaying.’ As much as I’d like that kind of ‘repaying’ from Matt, I wouldn’t ask that of him. Ya know, unless he wanted to.
“Shut up, Brian.” Zacky says.
“Ok, I will. I’m just saying, though.”
“Yeah yeah.”
“Anyways…I don’t know, Matt. Think of something.” I say.
“Alright, I will. What do you want for your birthday?” Matt asks.
“I don’t know yet. I have to think about that one.”
“Come on, you’re turning seventeen. What’s one thing you want more than anything right now?”
“I don’t know! Let me think first!” I say, giggling.
“FINE. Just let me know soon, ok?”
“I know what I want more than anything right now…”
“What’s that?” I ask.
“A kiss. I haven’t gotten one all day.”
“But, we’re in school.”
“Do I look like I give a damn?”
“’K good! Now kiss me. Please…”
“Fine…” I say, and kiss him. He kisses back, putting a hand on my hip.
“Ooooh!” Jimmy, Johnny, and Zacky say.
“Don’t get too into it now, you wouldn’t want to get suspended for having a quickie, would you?” Brian asks.
Matt pulls away from my lips, and flips Brian off.
Lunch finally ends, and we head off to study all. Study hall’s been boring lately…

Matt, Zacky, and I all sit down at a table off in a corner, and Zacky pulls out his ipod.
I wonder what he’s listening to…
“When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city, to see a marching band. He said, ‘Son, when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken; the beaten, and the damned?’ He said, ‘Will you defeat them; your demons, and all the non believers; the plans that they have made? Because one day, I’ll leave you a phantom, to lead you in the summer; to join the Black Parade…’” he sings quietly He actually has a really good voice. And I love that song too.
He stops singing, and I want to hear more.
“Don’t stop there, keep going.” I say.
“Huh? Oh, you heard that?” he asks.
“Yes! NOW SING!”
He sings the rest of the song, and I sing along too. Matt just sits there with a ‘What the hell is going on?’ look on his face. Once we’re done singing, Matt looks at us all funny.
“What?” I ask.
“What was that about?” he asks.
“I don’t know. I love that song.”
“I see…Oh, I can’t wait to drive that car!” he says, and smiles like an idiot.
“I know you can’t.” I say.
As much as I loved that car, I think he really loves it too.

Matt and I are sitting in boring Biology class now, the last class of the day. Thank God.
At least everyone’s done with the lesson, so we can all talk and whatever. I don’t sit near Matt in this class anymore, because we talked too much. Hehe, oh well. I see Matt writing in a notebook, and I turn my head to another direction.
“Casey!” he loudly whispers.
“Pssst! Casey!”
I turn my head to his direction, and he holds up the notebook.
It says: ‘I LOVE YOU!’ on it. Wow.
I pull out my notebook, and write something down.
I hold it up to him, and he gets a good look at it.
It says ‘I LOVE YOU TOO. :D’
He chuckles, and the bell rings. He basically sprints out the door, and I follow, walking slowly.
When I get outside of the school, he’s already in the car. Oh dear…
I get in, and sit down in the red leather seats,
Man, I love this car.
I look over at him, and he turns the keys in the ignition.
Once the car starts, he grips the steering wheel.
“WOOH!” he yells, a giant goofy smile plastered on his face.
I laugh a little, and we drive to his house.