She's The New Girl In Town

Not Even 24 Hours I've Known This Guy, And I Already Like Him?

~Chapter Two~

As chemistry slowly comes to an end, 6th period lunch starts. Back in Nevada, we didn’t have lunch until 8th period. I walk down to the cafeteria.

“Casey!” Matt calls from his table.

“Over here!” I smile, and sit down at his table, seeing more of his friends.

“Guys, this is Casey. Casey, this is Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny. They’re all in my band too.” I smile and wave, and they wave back. Zacky comes over and sits down too.

“ZACKY!” I yell.

“CASEY!” he yells.

“So Casey, have you found any guy you like yet?” Matt asks, moving his eyebrows up and down. I blush, and look away.

“Not yet…” I say.

“Fine then.” he says, and sticks his tongue out at me. I copy him, and look around. This cafeteria is HUGE, but half the people are preppy little hoes and jocks. 5 minutes later, I notice a pop machine. I can see that it sells Dr. Pepper. I gasp, wide eyed.

“What’s up?” Zacky asks.

“I spy a Dr. Pepper selling machine. Be right back.” I say, and get up. Before I can get to the machine, 4 jocks stop in front of me. Oh great…

“Wow, not even a day in this school, and half of the people here think you’re a freak. Congratulations.” one of them say. I roll my eyes, and huff.

“Could you please get out of my way?” I ask with a little aggravation.

“Don’t get an attitude with me.”

“Then do me a favor and get out of my way.” I say, with more anger in my voice. He pushes me, making me fall. Oh hell no… When he pulls me back up, he tosses me to his friend. This guy pushes me back on the ground. What the hell is this?

“You can’t push me around like that!” I say.

“You’re a freak, so you might as well be treated like one.” the guy says.

“Excuse me,” Matt says. I just noticed he came over. They both turn around.

“What?” they both ask.

“I suggest you stop putting your hands on my friend, here.”

“Why should we?”

“Why? Because she’s a girl, and I don’t appreciate guys shoving girls around like they’re trash.”

“It’s only what she is, dude.” one of them says.

“What did you say?” Matt asks, coming closer to them.

“I said, she’s a piece of trash. Just look at her.”

“Seriously, do you want me to knock your teeth out?”


“Then keep your mouth shut, and I won’t have to. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Leave her alone, and we won’t have any problems. Let’s go, Casey.” he says, and wraps an arm around my shoulders. “Thanks you for what you said back there, but you didn’t have to do that.” I say.

“I know I didn’t have to. But look, I care about you. Yeah, I just met you, I know. And I don’t like when assholes like them mess with people, anyway.” Wow. That was nice of him to say.

“Thanks, I guess.” I say.

“You’re welcome.”

No one’s really ever stood up for me like that before, and I didn’t even expect him to do that. Next period is my study hall, and I can’t wait. Study hall has always been fun for me. Especially because it’s here in the cafeteria. FUN STUFF! Also because of the fact that Matt and Zacky are in my study hall. I don’t know which one I’m falling for more, and it’s bothering me. I really shouldn’t feel this way right now, but I can’t help it. They’re both super duper cute. I’m gonna put these thoughts aside, and get on with the rest of my day. Once the bell rings, I move to a different table. I sit down, and pull out my ipod. With the music of Slayer in my ears, I zone out, when someone covers my eyes.

“GUESS WHO.” the voice says. I can tell it’s Matt. I smile, I’m gonna have a little fun with this.

“AUNT JEMIMA?!” I ask.


“Then who are you, you stranger?”

I gasp.

“No…you’re the boogie man!”

“Totally.” he says, uncovering my eyes and sitting down next to me.

“HEY, you’re not the boogie man! FALSE ADVERTISEMENT!” I say.

I nearly melt at the sound of his adorable laugh.

“Am I gonna be thrown in jail?” he asks.

“You are now…”
“Oh, I see. What are you listening to?”
“See for yourself.” I say, and hand him my ipod.

He looks at it, then looks back up at me, smiling.
“You like Slayer?” he asks.
“Cool, me too.”

“Where’s Zacky?” I ask.

“Hehehe, he got detention.”


“He swore at some teacher who told him to stop talking.”
“Oh wow.”
“I know. Why? You don’t like just me being here?” he says.

“No, I like you being here.”
“Do you really?”
“Ok. Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“What would you say if I told you that I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the whole school?”

I blush, wondering if he really thought that about me.

“Do you really think that about me?” I ask.

“Then I would say that I really appreciate that. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome!” he says, and smiles. That was really sweet of him to say…

“So…” I say.

“How do you like your first day so far?”
“Well…I liked meeting you and Zacky. I didn’t so much like what happened at lunch.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t liking that either.”

“Other than that, I really like this school a lot.”
“That’s good, I’m glad!”

“Ya know, you’re probably the nicest person I’ve ever talked to. Besides Zacky.”

“Hehe. So what’s your mom like?”
“My mom…she’s strict at times, and doesn’t really enjoy the idea of the majority of my friends being guys.” I say.

“Oh dear. So if me or Zacky were to come over, she wouldn’t like that, would she?”
“She probably wouldn’t, but I could care less.”

“You’ve got a bad ass attitude, and I like that.” he says.

“Do you?”
“Oh yes.”

I think this could be the start of an amazing friendship.


School’s been over for an hour. I’m sitting in my room, bored as fuck. Matt said he would text me…and I’m trying to patiently await his text. FUCK, I’m so antsy. Sure, a lot of my old guy friends would text me, but Matt is different…

I can’t think like this. I JUST met him. Why am I feeling this way? GAH! I hold my phone in my hands, my fingers shaking. All of a sudden, it buzzes, and it falls out of my hands. I pick it back up, and the screen says ‘One New Message From: Matt.’ THANK YOU!

The message says: ‘hey you. :) it’s matt.’

I text him back saying: ‘hello stranger! :D what’s up?’

He texts me back saying: ‘not much…sitting around being bored. and you?’

I text: ‘eh, the same. my little sister keeps bugging me.’

He texts: ‘LOL, about what?’

I text: ‘ugh, she’s like: OMG DID YOU MEET ANY CUTE GUYS?! -_-’

He texts: ‘did you tell her any of the cute guys you met was me? ;)’

I text: ‘really, matt? really?’

He texts: ‘YEAH REALLY!’


He texts: ‘i can’t do that, i’m sorry. XP’

I text: ‘weirdo. aww, i got to go…mother’s calling me for dinner. call me later?’

He text: ‘will do, my dear. :) SMOOCHES!’

I text: ‘yeah ok. BYE!’

That was interesting…and fun. I go downstairs to the dinner table, but I basically lost my appetite from anticipation to talk to Matt on the phone. Alright fuck this, I’m gonna admit it. I like him. There, I said it. I literally JUST met him not even 24 hours ago, and I like him. What can I say? I’m a sucker for guys like him. He’s really sweet and caring. Not to mention, he’s really good looking and hot. If I could, I’d ask him out, but I’m way to nervous. And I’m sure he doesn’t feel the same way about me…I’d tell my mom about all this, but she’d get really mad at me. Not that I really care, but I’m just saying. I finish my dinner really fast, and run up to my room, locking my door. About an hour later, my cell phone rings. It’s Matt.

My heart speeds up, and I answer it.

“Hello?” I ask.

“Told you I’d call you…” he says.

“What’s up?”

“Eh…still doing the same thing I was when I was texting you.”

“Oh. Well, I just scarfed down my dinner…”I say.

“Oh wow. That’s fantastic.”

“I know, right? I was hungry.”
“Heh. Do you like to eat a lot?” he asks.

“Well…not a lot, but I can eat.”

“Cool cool. I’m so tired…”

“Then go to bed!” I say.

“I don’t wanna, I wanna talk to you.” he says, and yawns.

“Go to bed, I’ll talk to you at school.”
“Fine. Talk to you later.”
I hang up, and put my phone on its charger.

Surprisingly, I’m really excited to go to school tomorrow. I turn off my light, and go to bed.

I sit in the chairs of the lobby at school, and try to occupy my mind until Zacky or Matt come. I sigh, and wait, tapping my fingernails on the chair.

“Hello, beautiful.” Matt says, and I look up.

“Hey!” I say, and he sits down next to me.

“What’s up?” he asks.

“Nothing much…I’ve been really bored.”
“Me too. I couldn’t sleep very well last night.”
“Aww, why not?”
“Something was really on my mind.”
“Oh. Was it a bad thing?”

“No…it was a really good thing.”
“I guess that’s good then.”
He shrugs, and turns to me.

“So how’d you sleep?” he asks

“I slept well…I’m still a little tired though.”
“I see…Did you get yelled at for talking to me on the phone yesterday?”
“Oh no. My mom didn’t even know.”
“Ok, good. I didn’t want to get you in any trouble.”
“You didn’t, don’t worry.”

A couple minutes later, Zacky comes over.

“Hey guys!” he says.

“ZACKY!” I say, and attack-hug him.

He hugs me back just as tight.

“How come you didn’t hug me like that when I showed up?” Matt asks.

“Do you want a hug?” I ask him.

I pull out of Zacky’s arms, and hug Matt too.

“You guys wanna go out for pizza after school?” he asks.

“Psh, I do.” I say.

“Me too.” Zacky says.

So the day drags on, until the final bell rings. I wait in the lobby for Matt and Zacky to meet me to go out for some pizza. We all decided to skip lunch today so we could be hungry to eat later.

“PIZZA TIME!” Zacky yells, Matt following him. We leave school, and walk to some pizza shop down the street.

“Do we all have money?” I ask.

“I do.” Zacky says.

“I do too.”

“Ok good.”

Once we get to the pizza shop, we go inside. It’s a pretty nice place. We sit down at some random table, and Matt orders for us. We all wanted pepperoni as the topping. I got Dr. Pepper to drink. Yum…Once our pizza comes, we all dig in. I take a little shaker of those pepper flake things, and dump some on my pizza. I love spicy stuff.

“Damn, girl! You do realize that your stomach’s gonna be messed up from eating all those?” Matt says.

“Not really…I’m used to eating all these all my pizza.”
“Ok…whatever you say.”

“THIS IS SO GOOD!” Zacky says.

“It is pretty good pizza.” I say.

After about an hour or 2, we all head home. On the way back to my house, I have an argument with myself in my head whether or not I like Matt or Zacky more. GOD, why is this happening to me? I know I already stated that I really like Matt, but I’m not too sure about Zacky. He’s really cute too. I need to stop thinking like this, at least until I really get to know both of them. I hate having to do this to myself…Ya know, being torn between two guys I just met…

OK! Chapter 2! I hope you liked it! ♥