She's The New Girl In Town

Wow, My Mom Needs To Get A Grip...

~Chapter 3~

A month has passed already, and yet I’m still stuck between Zacky and Matt. I really want to be with Matt more, because we have a lot more in common. I could only see Zacky and I as best friends. My mom really wouldn’t like him anyway, because of all his piercings. She’s ok with tattoos, but not snake bites and what ever . Matt only has one lip ring, and he promised he’d take it out if he comes over my house. I’ve been dying to invite him over anyway, and today’s Friday, so maybe I’ll invite him to sleep over tonight. I already asked my mom before she dropped me off at school today if he could spend the night, and she said yes. So now all I have to do is ask him if he wants to come. I see him standing by the lockers, and I go over to him. “Hi!” I say.

“Hey, girl. What’s up?” he asks.

“I’ve got a question for you.”

“What’s that?”

“Do you want to sleep over my house tonight?”
“I’d love to.” he says, and smiles.


“Can you drive me to my house so I can get some stuff?”
“Sure sure.”


This is gonna be one awesome day…

It’s Chemistry class already, and on Fridays we’re allowed to have our ipods out.

Zacky starts singing a song, and I can instantly tell what it is.

“Lock eyes from across the room, down my drink while the rhythms boom. Take your hand and skip the names, no need here for the silly games. Make our way through the smoke and crowd. The club is the sky and I'm on your cloud. Move in close as the lasers fly, our bodies touch and the angels cry. Leave this place, go back to yours. Our lips first touch outside your door. Is the whole night what we've got in store? Whisper in my ear that you want some more, and I JIZZ IN MY PANTS.” he raps, and yells the last part. Jizz in my pants by the Lonely Island was what he was just singing. WOW. The teacher looks at him all funny.

When the day ends, Matt meets up with me in the lobby.

“I’m really excited to go over your house.” he says.

“And I’m excited for you to come over!” I say. Once my mom shows up in front of the school, we leave and get in the car. We both sit in the back seat.

“Mom, I’d like you to meet Matt. He’s one of my new friends.” I say.

“Hi Matt.” she says.

“Hello, Mrs. Stewart.” he says.

“We need to stop at his house before we go to ours. He wants to get some stuff.” I tell her.

“Okie dokie.” mom says, and Matt directs her to his house.

When we get there, he gets out and goes inside. 10 minutes later, he comes out carrying a bag of stuff. He gets back in the car, and sits next to me.
“Ok, I’m ready.” he says.

We drive to my house, and head inside.
“WOW. This is a nice house.”

“Thanks!” my mom says, and Matt puts his stuff on the dining room table.

“Alright, I’m heading out. Don’t do anything I would walk in on, you two.” she says.

“MOM!” I yell. She laughs, and heads out. We go in the kitchen and sit down at the table, when my little 13 year old sister Candice comes downstairs.

“What’s up, big sister?” she asks.

“Hey. This is Matt.” I say, pointing to Matt. He says hello, and she waves.

“He’s cute.” she whispers in my ear.

“BACK OFF.” I whisper in hers.

“Jeez jeez, ok.”

She sits on the dining room and plays on her laptop, while Matt and I talk for a while. Soon, we both get silent. It’s a pretty awkward silence, when he leans in really close to my face. My eyes widen a little. I’m staring directly into his eyes right now. His eyes are hypnotizing. He leans in a little further, making his lips slightly brush against mine. After a couple of seconds, he kisses me, putting his hands on my face. I snake my arms around his neck, kissing him back. He stands up, not breaking the kiss, and hovers over me, pinning me to my chair. After a little while, he breaks the kiss. I nearly forget how to speak.

“Well that was uh…” he says, and trails off.

“Great.” I say.

“Yeah, great. I’m sorry about that, though.”

“Why are you sorry? I liked that.” I ask.

“I’m glad you did, but I thought a came on a little too strong.”

“Oh no, you were fine.”

“Ok, good.” Candice is standing there with a ‘WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED’ look on her face. “Can I help you?” I ask.

“What was that about?” she asks.

“What do you think it was about?” I ask.

“Just don’t tell mom.”
“Do you seriously think I would tell her? I don’t tell her shit!”
“Hehe, neither do I.”

Matt taps my shoulder, and I turn to him.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“Can I confess something to you?” he asks, looking a little nervous.

“Sure, go ahead.”
“Well…Casey, I really like you. A lot. I know we haven’t known each other for that long, but I really do like you. I’m tired of hiding it.” he says. Candice looks at me, a smile appearing on her face. I blush really dark, and look up at him.

“To be honest with you, when I met you, I instantly fell for you. So…you could say that I like you too.” I say to him. And what I said was absolutely true, but I still think Zacky’s really cute.

His face lights up like a Christmas tree.

“Really?” he asks. I lean in and kiss his lips as my response.

“ALRIGHT, CASEY!” Candice yells.

When I pull away, I can see how red his face just turned.

“Was that convincing enough for you?” I ask.
“Oh yeah. VERY convincing.” he says.

“Seriously Candice, don’ t tell mom.” I say to Candice.

“I won’t! She doesn’t need to know…”

“Alright, Miss Casey. I’ve got a question for you…” Matt says.

“Yes?” I ask.

“Will you be my girlfriend?”

“Of course!” I say.
“WOOH!” he yells.

As happy as I am to be his girlfriend, I still would want to give Zacky a try. He’s really nice too, but he even said that Matt will treat me like a princess. Of course I don’t expect him to at all, but it’s really nice to hear.

The fact that I’ve finally got a boyfriend makes me feel a little more confident about myself now.

“So…” I say.

“Can we watch a movie?” he asks.

“Sure! You want some popcorn?” I ask.


I smile, and get up to go make some popcorn.

Once it’s done, he’s picked out a movie. We’re gonna watch ‘The Dark Knight.’ I’ve seen it a million times. He lays on my couch, and pulls me down next to him. When the movie ends, I fall asleep. I get tired easily…

Today was a really fun day, though. I got my first kiss AND my first boyfriend all in about 10 minutes. Hehe, lucky me.

There’s chapter 3!! Hope you liked it! ♥