She's The New Girl In Town

Make Out Sessions And A Lecture From My Mother...

~Chapter Four~

I hear someone calling my name as I’m sleeping.

“Casey…” the voice says. My eyelids flutter open, and I sit up. Matt’s sitting up too, and he smiles at me.

“How was your nap?” he asks.

“Fine…How long was I out for?” I ask.

“Half an hour.”

“I woke you up because I was getting lonely.”
“That’s fine. I’d rather be awake right now.”

“Good! What do you want to do?”
“Well, I’ve gotta go wash the dishes real fast. You can wait here and watch TV if you want.”
“Okie dokie. Go wash the dishes now.”
I grin and roll my eyes, and go in the kitchen.

I start doing the dishes, when I feel two muscled arms wrap around me. Oh gee, I wonder who it is.

“Guess who…” Matt whispers in my ear.

“Hmmm…this is a tough one! I have NO idea who’s behind me right now.” I say, sarcastically.

“Then turn around.” he whispers.


I finish washing the dishes, and turn around.

“Hello, gorgeous.” he says, running his hands up and down my sides.

“Hi there!” I say.

“You did those dishes fast…”

“What can I say? I’m an expert at washing dishes.” I say.

“You’re so hot.” he says, and kisses my neck.

“You really think so?”
“Hell yeah.”

I’m enjoying this. End of story.

He keeps kissing my neck, kissing up to my jaw line, then nips at the bottom of my earlobe.

God, am I enjoying this.

And just as I think that, he bites down on my neck, causing my head to roll back. That was my sweet spot…

I kiss him, tightly wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me, which causes him to grunt.

He kisses back, putting his hands on my hips, making this an intense make out session; tongues and all. YES, SIR!

But all our fun comes to an end, when I hear my mom walk in.

“HOLY CRAP!” she yells, and I pull away from Matt. I can feel my face get really hot, and I notice his face is really red too.

“Uh, hi mom!” I say.

“I thought I told you not to do anything I would walk in on, Casey Alexandra.” Alexandra is my middle name.

“Yeah, I know…but--” I try to say before she cuts me off. How polite…

“Is there something going on between you and Matt?” she asks.


She huffs, and goes in the living room.

“I don’t think she likes me…” Matt says.

“I could care less.” I say.

“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”

“I really liked that…”

“Me too.” I say a little quietly, and lead him upstairs.

“Where are you two going?” my mom asks.

“Upstairs.” I tell her.


“Because we want to.”
“If I walk in on anything, so help me…”
“Mom, we’re not gonna do anything. Calm your pants.” I say.

“What did you just say to me?”
“OK! Let’s go!” I say, and run to my room. Matt follows, and I shut the door behind him.

“Well, that was interesting. You could’ve gotten in so much trouble just because you said that.” he says.
“Yeah, that was a bad move. Remind me to never say that to her again.”
“Never say that to her again.” he says.

“Will do.”

“Can I take a look at your CD stack?” he asks.

“Sure, knock yourself out.”

He goes over to my shelf, and looks at all the CDs.

“Wow…your music taste is excellent.”


He picks up one of my most prized CDs, Stand Up And Scream by Asking Alexandria.

That band is amazing, and my middle name is close to their name. HEH HEH.

“Who’s Asking Alexandria?” he asks.

“They’re an amazing metal-ish band from England.”
“Oh really? Mind if I listen?”

“Go ahead. Just be careful with it, it’s one of my most prized possessions.” I say.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. That’s how I am with my Metallica CDs.” he says, and puts the CD in my stereo.

“Your stereo is awesome.”

“I know, it was really expensive.”

In a couple of seconds, the first song on the CD comes on. It’s called Final Episode (Let’s Change The Channel.) I think it’s a sexy song. Hehe.

When it’s over, Matt presses the pause button on the stereo remote.

“Wow. I like it.” he says.


“I have a question…”


“You’ve never told me what you like to do. What do you like to do when you’re bored?”
“I like to draw…and sing.”
“Drawing’s cool. But you sing?”

I really shouldn’t have told him that I can sing. I get too nervous.

“I don’t know, Matt…”

“Come on,” he says, standing up.

“Sing something for me.”

“But I get really nervous.”

“It’s just us here…Please?” he asks.


I’m gonna sing part of ‘A Prophecy’ by Asking Alexandria. I skip the song to the part I want to sing, and press play.

“I should’ve known the tides were getting higher. We can still survive…They think we’re drowning but our heads are still above the waves.” I sing, a little nervous. I pause the stereo, and look at him. He’s staring at me, wide eyed.

“What?” I ask.

“That was amazing. AMAZING.” he says,

“Thanks!” I say, blushing.

“You have a really beautiful voice, my dear.”

“Do you really think so?” I ask.


“Awww, thanks.”

“No problem. So now what?” he asks.

“I don’t know…what do you want to do?” I ask.

“I need a picture of us for my wallpaper on my phone.” he says.

“Okie dokie! I need one too.”

He holds his phone up to us, and snaps a picture.

“I like it. What do you think?” he says.

“I think it’s cute. MY TURN!” I say, and take a picture of us on my phone.

In the picture, he’s kissing my cheek. It’s pretty cute.

“What do you think?” I ask him. He looks at it.

“Hehe, I like it.” he says.
“GOOD!” I say, and set it as my background.


We sit on my bed, while he holds me in his arms.

He leaves light kisses on my neck, when my mom comes in.

Matt stops kissing my neck, and she looks at us all funny.

“What are you two doing?” she asks.

“We’re just sitting here, mom.” I say.

Her eyes narrow, and she motions for me to come over to here.

“Come with me for a second.”

I do as she says, and she shuts my door behind her. We go in her room, and she shuts her door.

“Yes, mom?” I ask.

“I don’t like him.” she flat out says.

“Why not?”
“I just don’t like him. I thought you would’ve chosen someone more…your type.”
“He IS my type! How would you know what my type is anyway?” I ask her, getting a little agitated.

“I thought your type was the sit-up-straight and respectful kind of guy.”
“You’re way off. I don’t care if a guy sits up straight, and Matt is really respectful.”

“Sure he is. He sure was respectful when I walked in on your little make out session earlier.”

“Mom, we were just having a little fun! Jeez.”

“I don’t care. I do not like him. He’s not the kind of person I want my daughter dating, or the kind of person I want in my house.”

I ball my fists, clenching them tightly. She needs to get herself a grip.

“I want you to tell him to leave.”
“No. And you know why? I don’t care if you like him or not. I would NEVER care if you didn’t like any of my boyfriends! You need to get a grip, because you sound really childish right now. I like him, and that’s all that matters. He’s very sweet, and you need to realize that. The only reason why you don’t like him is because he’s not prim and proper to your liking, and because he has tattoos and piercings and is in a band. Just because he has the bad ass attitude and gets in trouble sometimes at school, as well. Well guess what, I LIKE that. Until you realize that I don’t care what you think about Matt, don’t even talk to me about how much you don’t like him.” I say, going to my room, leaving her shocked. I shut my door and stand in front of it. I slide down the door, and put my face in my hands, tears coming down my cheeks instantly. Matt comes over to me, and sits down.

“Is everything alright?” he asks, lifting my chin.

“No! Everything is most certainly NOT alright!” I say.

“What’s the matter, hun?”

“She doesn’t like you, just because you’re not the type of guy she wants me to date! I couldn’t give a shit less if she likes you or not. I like you, and that’s all that really matters to me. I like who you are.”

“Did I do something to make her not like me?”
“No. It’s just that she’s so strict about shit like this, and she doesn’t know how to accept people for who they are. Sometimes I really wish she would learn to accept people who aren’t like her.”

“I’m sorry, Casey. I didn’t mean to make her not like me.”
“Don’t be sorry. It’s her loss, not yours.”
“I guess so…”

He pulls me up, and we sit back down on my bed.

I kiss his cheek, and look at the clock. It’s pretty late.

“Matt, you ready to go to bed?” I ask.

He nods, and pulls off his shirt.

I squeak, and blush. Holy shit, he’s ripped.

“You like what you see?” he asks.

“Yes. Yes I do.”

His muscles are really attractive to me. I just have to touch them…So I put my hand at the top of his arm, then slowly and gently run it down his gigantic muscles. HEE HEE!

“Matt, I love your muscles.” I say all dreamily.

He chuckles at that.

“Do you really?”

“Oh yes.”

I push him down on his back, and sit on his waist. I feel something poke my the inside of my thigh…Oh God.

My eyes go wide, and I look down at him.

“Sorry…” he says.

“That’s ok…”

I run my hands down his arms. I can definitely tell he likes it. YEAH, BOY! Hehe, this is so fun.

He kisses me intensely, and I kiss back, as he slowly pulls my shirt over my head, and is in the process of removing my bra, when my mom comes in. Oh. FUCK.

“What the hell is going on?!” she asks, anger in her voice.

I jerk away from Matt’s lips, turning around.

“You can’t do that to my daughter!” she yells at Matt.

“Mom, it’s fine. I was fine with him doing that.” I say.

“Yeah well, I’m not fine with it!”

“Look mom, I’m not a little kid anymore! I know what I’m doing, alright? Now, please leave.”
She glares at me, and leaves, slamming the door behind her. I get up and lock it, then get back on top of Matt again. He looks upset…

“I’m really sorry…” he says.

“No, it’s ok. You wanna continue?”

“Oh yeah.”
“Then let’s make this more romantic…” I say, and dim the lights a little.

He pulls me back on to him, and kisses me, finally removing my bra.

“Wow.” he says, staring at my chest.

I lift his head back up to mine.

“Stop staring…and just touch me.” I say, and he does just that. His touch is so…gentle.

I’m like--losing my focus right now. It’s almost 12:30am, and I’m really tired. I really like this, so I don’t want him to stop just yet. It feels so good, and I’m about to lose myself, but I’m gonna try to maintain myself. Then he leans up, and runs his tongue on my chest. That’s when I lose it. I moan loudly, and he stops.

“You like that?” he asks.

“I’m sorry, that just…caught me off guard.”

“Hehe, that was hot.”

“Whatever whatever.”

“You’ve got nice ones.” he says, poking one of them.

“Thanks. I’m going to bed.”

“Goodnight!” he says, and I turn off the lights.

The next time I open my eyes, it’s almost 9:00.

What a night…

I sit up, and put my shirt back on.

Matt opens his eyes, and sits up too.

“Whoa…” he says, putting his hands on his head.

“What?” I ask.

“I sat up too fast.”
“Oh. You ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Good! You ready to go downstairs?”
“Sure.” he says, and puts his shirt back on.

“Come on.” I say, and slip my hoodie on.

We go downstairs, and go in the kitchen.

“Morning mom.” I say, putting my hair into a messy bun.

She ignores me, and I give her a funny look.

“Wow, it just got 10 degrees colder in here.”

“You look cute like that.” Matt says to me.

“Thank you!” I say.

“You’re welcome. Will you allow me to raid your food cabinets?” he asks.

“Knock yourself out.”

He finds a box of Lucky Charms, and takes it out of the cabinet.

“My favorite…” he says, and pours himself of bowl.

“Lucky Charms is my favorite cereal too.” I say.



“Could you two please be quiet?” my mom asks.

We quiet down, and eat.

Matt went home about an hour ago. My mom was been giving me the cold shoulder ever since we woke up.

She’s pissed at me because I won’t break up with Matt. What a bitch she is! Candice gets the same grief from her. She’s gonna be 14 in a week, and is allowed to date when she turns 14. She has a huge crush on this boy, right? He’s got the black emo hair that covers one of his eyes and what not, and he likes the metal music like she does. He and Candice are like--best friends, and she’s showed a picture of him to my mom. She asked her if she could date him when she turned 14, and what did my mom say? ‘No, I don’t like how he looks. He looks like he’s going to make you do bad things.’ Candice was so upset, she wouldn’t come out of her room for almost 24 hours. We texted back and forth the whole time she wouldn’t come out of her room, though. I felt so bad…

My mom needs to grow up, and accept Matt. She also needs to learn to accept the boy Candice likes too.

I am so annoyed with what she rants on and on about Matt, it’s not even funny. She’s said so many mean things about him, and it pisses me off. If I could, I’d punch her in the mouth. But I can’t do that…

The weekend goes by fast, and soon enough, it’s Monday again.

I get up at about 6:30am, and get ready. I don’t want to talk to my mom at all this morning, and I know she doesn’t want to talk to me either. Oh well. Just stand up and scream, the tainted clock is counting down. You gave into me, would you say the nights are far too long now-- I’ve got a text message. I wonder who it’s from…I look at the screen, and it says the new text is from Zacky.

It says: HELLO! do you want a ride?

I text back: oh yes please!

He texts: okie dokie! i should be there in 5 minutes.

I text: kk

And in 5 minutes like he said, he gets here. I get in his car, and sit down. It’s a mini van. Mini van’s are amazing.

“Hello friend!” he says.

“Hi Zacky!” I say.

“How was your weekend?” he asks.

“It was great! How was yours?”
“You must be Casey. Zack’s told me a lot about you.” his mom says from the front seat.

“Oh really?” I ask, looking at him. “And what has he told you?”
“Nothing bad at all. He tells me that you’re a really great person.”

“Awww. Thanks, Zack.”
“No problem!” he says.

I swear, there’s a hint of pink tinting his cheeks.

When we get to school, we get out of the van and go inside.

“Thanks for the ride!” I say to him.
“You’re welcome.” he says, and goes off somewhere.

Matt comes over to me and hugs me.

“Hey you.” he says.

“Hi!” I say.

“How was the rest of your weekend?” he asks.

“Eh, it was alright. My mom never said one word to me since you left on Saturday.”
“Yeah. But I don’t care. That’s her problem.”

“I’m sorry…”
“It’s not your fault, don’t worry.”

“I suppose so…”


The bell rings, and we all go to first period. The fact that Zacky’s not in this class PISSES ME OFF…He’s my best friend…

But thank God the day flies into study hall so we can all hang out. Matt and I sit down at a random table, and chill out, waiting for Zacky to come over.

Matt kisses me, and we keep this up until I hear Zacky sit down. I pull away from Matt, and look at Zacky.

For a second, I see a flash of jealousy in his eyes. Hmmm…

“Are you guys dating?” he asks.

“Yeah…” I say.


“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine.”

Is he bothered by the fact that Matt and I are dating?

**Zacky’s POV**

Great. Just fucking great. I’ve just been informed that Matt and Casey are dating. The thing is, I like Casey. I really like her. And I was going to ask her out today, but now that I know that she and my best friend are dating, I can’t do that. I know she had to of felt something for me…Maybe I’ll hook up with some girl to make her jealous. That just might work…

**End Of POV**


There’s chapter 4 to my story! Hope you liked it! ♥