She's The New Girl In Town


~Chapter Five~

I sit at our table in silence, thinking.

Is Zacky actually jealous that Matt and I are together? I’d certainly hope not. I really hate when people get jealous of things, even though I’m sort of the jealous type. I don’t get so jealous to the point where I lose control, but I get pretty jealous. I keep it all inside of me, though. Zacky looks really upset, like someone just ripped his heart into shreds, and I don’t like it.

“Zacky?” I ask.

“What?” he asks.

“Are you alright? You look upset.”
“N-No…I’m fine.” he says, his voice shaking.

This can’t be good…

“Are you sure? I don’t like seeing you like this.”
“I’m positive, I’m fine.”

I know he’s still upset. He can’t hide it from me. So I get up and hug him, and he hugs back.

“Please tell me what’s wrong.” I say.

“Nothing’s wrong, I promise.”
“Zack, don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not, I swear.”

He kisses my forehead, and I kiss his. He smiles, and I do the same. Then I sit back down next to Matt.

Now Matt looks a little hurt. Oh boy…

“What’s the matter?” I ask him.

“Don’t worry about it.” he says.

“Yes?” he asks.
“Tell me what’s wrong.”

“There’s nothing wrong with me.”
“You sound really upset.”
“I’m fine.”
I hug him, and he rubs my back.

Something’s up…

Right after study hall is my woodshop class. Zacky and Matt are in this class too.

Matt sits down next to me on a stool, and Zacky sits across from us. He’s got his arm around some blonde trashy looking girl. Does he have a girlfriend? This is…kind of bothering me

“These stools are as uncomfortable as fuck…” I say.

“For real.” Matt says.

“Do you have a girlfriend, Zack?” I ask.

“Yep. Her name’s Amber.” he says.
“Cool!” I say, trying to hide my jealousy.

The teacher comes in, and goes to the front of the room.
I swear, this teacher’s a pedophile…

That was random, but I’ve heard that he has a record of hitting on girls in his classes. I hope he doesn’t try that with me…

“Ok class,” he says. “We’re going to start on building wooden lawn chairs today.”

We start sawing the wood and putting it into place, when I feel some thing sharp pierce my skin. I’ve got a splinter. Way to go, Casey!

“OW, WHAT THE FUCK?!” I yell.

Matt comes over to me.

“What happened, babe?” he asks.

“I got a splinter…” I say, tears coming to my eyes. This hurts really fuckin’ bad.

“Alright hold on, I’ll get it.”
“Whoa whoa, I don’t think so.”
“Trust me, I know how to get splinters out.”

“Fine…Just be careful.”
“I will, don’t worry.”

I close my eyes, trying not to think about the pain.

“Alright, you ready?” he asks.

“Yeah, just get on with it.”

“Ok. 1...2...3.” he says, and pulls the splinter out of my thumb.
“OW!” I yell.

“You ok?”

“Yeah, I’m better now. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Matt, could you help me with this?” I ask, pointing to the saw.

“Sure!” he says, and leans over me, holding my hands to the saw.

“Ok, now what do I do?” I ask.

“Pull it back like this, then push it forward.” he says, and demonstrates.

I copy what he does. Saws are really hard to use…

“There ya go!” he says, smiling.

“WOOH!” I say,.

He’s still leaned over me, when someone comes over.

“Ya know when you two are standing like that, it looks like you’re taking it in the ass, Casey.” he says.

“Excuse me?” I ask.

“You heard me.”

“Do me a favor and fuck off.” I say.

“Alright. Have fun getting fucked in the ass by Matt. Fuckin’ slut.” the guy says.

I try to jump at him, but Matt holds me back.

“Let me go!” I yell. The guy’s now fucking LAUGHING at me.

“Casey, stop. Stop. He’s not worth your time. Calm down.” Matt says.

“You think this is fucking funny? Keep laughing, just wait until I fucking break your neck!” I say to the guy.

“I’m sure you will. You’re a slut, and you’re weak. Your dad would be ashamed of you. I’m sure he’d rather be dead than have to put up with you.”
Something inside me just absolutely snaps. He just went too far.

I yank myself out of Matt’s grip on my first try, now that’s I’m completely pissed. I sock the guy in the face, punching him repeatedly. When I’m done, he’s basically on the ground.

“Don’t you ever talk shit on my dad, you got that?” I yell.

Before the guy can say anything, the teacher comes over.

“Miss Stewart, Mr. Martin, go to the office!” he says. Great…now I’m probably gonna be suspended.

Well everyone, I’ve just been suspended.

And I’ve been told that I have anger management problems, judging by what I did in the woodshop class.

I’m gonna be suspended for a week. My mom’s gonna kill me. She’s been called and told what I did, but she wouldn’t talk to me on the phone. So that means that something bad’s gonna happen to me. Just great.

10 minutes later, my mom pulls up in her car. I get in the front seat, and sit down.

“Explain something to me.” she says.

“What?” I ask.

“Why are you suspended right now? I want you to tell me why.”
“Some kid was talking smack on me, then brought dad into it.” I say.

“Or, is it because you forgot about all I taught you about ignoring what people say if it’s something rude?”
“No mom, I didn’t forget!”

“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me!”
“Then don’t act like this is all my fault!”
“This is all your fault! You’re being suspended for YOUR actions! I was so embarrassed when I got the phone call at work that you got suspended for beating someone up! Do you know how many people commented on that? My reputation may be over because of you!”

“Well excuse me for lashing out on someone who was talking shit on my dad! I should mean more to you than your reputation, mom! I’m your fucking kid!”

“Watch your mouth!”

Next thing I know, I feel a sharp pain across my face.

She just slapped me. I can see the anger in her eyes.

“Just WAIT until we get home!” she yells. I gulp.

She can be really violent when she’s angry.

When we get home, she drags me by my hair to the house. She unlocks the door, and basically throws me inside. She kicks me a couple of times, then pulls me up, punching me in the face. Is this really happening to me? I can see Candice standing in the door way of the kitchen, tears coming down her face. She shouldn’t be seeing this.

Then mom throws me on the ground for the last time.

“You’re an embarrassment to me!” she yells.

“I wish I never had you! And you know what? I love Candice more than you! You’re a mistake; a disgrace! I don’t love you, Casey! I never have! Get out of my house!”

I can’t believe she just said that to me. I get up and go to my room to pack up my stuff. I look in my mirror, and examine all the cuts and marks on my face and neck. I look awful.

Candice runs up the stairs and comes into my room. She hugs me tightly, and I wince. The pain from my mom kicking me is killing me.

“Are you ok?” she asks.

“No…” I say, crying.

“I can’t believe she said those things to you! That’s not fair!” she says.

“What can I say, Candice? I deserve it. She hates me, and I caused it.”
“Where are you gonna go?”
“I don’t know. I’ll find a place.”
“You can’t leave, Casey! You can’t!” she says, starting to cry again.

“I’ll be fine.” I say, all my stuff packed. I’ve got all my Cds, clothes, posters, EVERYTHING.

“I’ll text you later, then.” she says, wiping her eyes.

“Alright.” I say, and head downstairs. She follows behind me.

We see mom standing there, looking angry.

“Aren’t you gonna say goodbye to her?” Candice asks.

She gives me the middle finger, and I roll my eyes.

“Bye Candice.” I say, and head out the door.

This is bullshit. I don’t know where I’m gonna go. I can’t believe this is happening to me. I really thought my mom was my hero, but she just proved to me that she’s not. Fuck it, she proved that she was NEVER mine or Candice’s hero. I need to find a place to stay…Zacky’s house is really close to mine, and I walk up there. Maybe he’ll let me stay with him for a while. I knock on his door, hoping he’ll answer it and not his parents. To my luck, he answers the door. When he sees me, he gasps.

“Casey, what happened?” he asks.

“Is it ok if I come in first? Then I’ll explain what happened.” I ask.

“Yeah, come in!” he says, and leads me up to his room.

He shuts the door, and we sit down on his bed.
“What happened?” he asks again.

“I got suspended from school for a week, for what happened at school. My mom was going on and on about how I may have ruined her reputation, and I told her that she should care more about me then her reputation. She slapped me, and when we got to my house, she beat the shit out of me. Then she kicked me out.” I say.

“Oh my God, Casey…Are you alright?”

“I’m in a lot of pain, but I’m better now.” I say.


“But, she told me she never loved me, and that she loves my little sister more than me. She said she wished she never had me, and that I was a mistake and a disgrace.” I say, breaking down in tears again. He hugs me tightly. When he pulls his arms back, he gets his face really close to mine. Then, he kisses me. Without thinking, I kiss him back, snaking my arms around his neck. He pushes me down on my back, getting on top of me. He lifts my shirt over my head, and I do the same for him. He takes off his pants and boxers, and takes off the rest of my clothes. Positioning himself at my entrance, I brace myself for what I’m about to do…

I open my eyes to see that it’s already 6:00am. I look down to see that Zacky’s arm is around me. Oh shit…

…I fucking slept with Zacky! My best friend! Worst of all, I just cheated on Matt! How could I have done such a thing? I love Matt with all my heart, and I just cheated on him with his best friend. I feel like a fucking slut! I come to Zacky for help, and this is what happens. At least I gave my virginity to Matt first, not Zacky. But that doesn’t change the fact that I still slept with Zacky. What if Matt finds out? How am I going to explain? Why is this happening to me?

There’s chapter 5 to my story! Hope you liked it! ♥