She's The New Girl In Town

I Can't Believe I Did That!

~Chapter Six~

I don’t know how I’m going to tell Matt about what happened between Zacky and I.If I can tell him. I don’t know how he’s going to take it. And I also don’t want he and Zacky to get into a fight, especially because of me. I’d hate that. I lie in Zacky’s bed in silence, tears rolling down my cheeks. I can’t believe I did something like this! I put my face in my hands and cry. Zacky stirs a little bit next to me, and sits up. I don’t stop crying, because I can’t. If I could take back what I did, I would.

“Casey, what’s the matter?” Zacky asks.

“Why did we do what we did last night?” I ask, turning to look at him.

“I don’t know. Is it bothering you?”
“Yes! I cheated on Matt!”
“It’s bothering me, too. And I know…”
“And you cheated on your girlfriend!”
“I don’t even like that girl.”

“You gonna tell Matt?”

“I don’t know yet! I don’t know if I can!”

“If we tell him…we’re so screwed.”

“Yeah, no shit!”
I say, and put a change of clothes on.

“Casey, I’m sorry.”

“I know, and I am too.”
“Shit, I have to get up to school. I’m gonna get myself suspended so I can stay here with you.” he says.

“You sure you wanna do that?” I ask.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Ok…Please don’t tell Matt about anything, please.”
“I won’t” he says, getting some clothes on. He has a really nice body…I shouldn’t be thinking like this. I already have a boyfriend.

“Alright, I’ll see you later.” he says, and heads out his door, going downstairs. I shut the door behind him.

I think I’ll take a shower. I feel really dirty…

I go in his bathroom, and take my shower. When I’m done, I get out and wrap my hair in a towel, and get dressed. I go back in his room, and straighten my hair with my straightener, and put my makeup on.

Next thing I know, my phone buzzes on the nightstand. I get it, and look at the screen. ‘One New Message From: Matt’ it says. I gulp, and open the phone.



M-hey baby. :D what’s up?

C-not much…just doing my makeup.

M-you really don’t need all that stuff. you wanna hang out with me n’ zacky after school?

What if what happened between Zacky and I slips out if we all hang out together?

C-sure, sounds good.

M-good! i’m in math right now…i miss you. :(

C-i miss you more…trust me.

M-awww. i love you. <3

He probably won’t love me anymore if he finds out what happened…

C-i love you more. ;)

M-oh, is that so?? :P


M-weirdo. -sigh- i g2g. stupid fuckin’ math. text you next period.’

C-:( ok…bye love.


I finish putting on my makeup, and chill on Zacky’s bed for a while. At about 11:00, Matt texts me again.

M-hello my sexy sexy girlfriend. :D

C-hey babe! is it third period yet?

M-yeeees ma’am. zacky got himself suspended. xD

C-LOL, how?


I almost die laughing from what he just told me. Zacky would so say something like that to a teacher.

C-sorry, i almost just died laughing from that.

M-i almost did that too! i thought it was funny as hell!

C-hehehe, zacky would say something like that to a teacher. XD

M-he would…well my dear, will you text me later? maybe around lunch time? i almost got caught texting.

C-sure sure. ily. <3

M-ily more…:DDD byeeee.


I put my phone back in my pocket, and lay back on the bed, and think. I can only imagine what Matt with think of me if he finds out about the thing with Zacky…

What will he say? Will he break up with me? Matt’s the best damn thing that’s happened to me ever since I moved here, and if I lose him…I’ll never be able to forgive myself. Fuck it, I’d never be happy again.

About half an hour, Zacky walks in.

“Hey!” he says.

“Hello, Mr.IDon’tMotherfuckingCocksuckingThinkSo.”

“HA! Did Matt tell you how I got suspended?”

“Oh yeah. I almost died laughing, and no one would’ve been here to revive me.”

He laughs, and sits next to me.

“So how were you being here?” he asks.

“I was fine. Matt was texting me for a while…”

“Did you mention anything about …what happened?”


“Ok. Do you think we should tell him?”
“I don’t know Zack…I don’t want to keep this from him, though.” I say.

“This sucks.”
“I know.”

“Matt wants to hang out with us after school.” I tell him.

“Where at?” he asks.

“I don’t know yet. I’ll ask him.”

The day flies in 3:00pm, and Matt texts me again.

M-you guys ready to hang out?

C-yeah. where should we meet?

M-how bout the park?

C-sounds good.


I don’t want Matt to see the bruises and cuts on my face and neck, so I put a fuckload of cover up on before we go to the park.

Zacky and I get to the park, and we see Matt sitting on a bench.

I go over to him and sit down.

“Hey babe.” he says.

“Hi…” I say, seriously about to break down in tears. Even looking at him and thinking about what I did just makes me want to cry.

Zacky sits next to me, looking a little nervous.

I can feel the tears stinging my eyes, when Matt puts a hand on my face.

“What’s wrong, Casey?” he asks.

I have to tell him.

“Matt, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“And what’s that?”

“My mom beat the shit out me and kicked me out of the house for getting suspended yesterday. So I went up to Zacky’s house because he lives up the street from me. I explained to him what happened, because he noticed I had cuts and bruises on my face. Next thing you know, we’re making out,” I say, and take a deep breath. I could see Matt flinch when I said that Zacky and I had kissed. Oh shit.

“And then…we um…we slept together.” I finish.

He sits back on the bench, tears coming to his eyes.

“So… you two fucked?” he asks.

“Yeah. And I’m so sorry, Matt. I don’t know why we did what we did. It’s making me sick to my stomach as I’m telling you right now. I wish we hadn’t done that, but we did. I feel like a whore, and I’m sorry.”

The second a tear rolls down his cheek, he flashes a death glare at Zacky.
“How the fuck could you do this? Fuck that! How the fuck could either of you have done this? Casey, I thought you loved me! And yet, you go off and fuck my best friend! What have I ever done to you to make you do this?” Matt says.

“I…I-I-I- I don’t know! And I do love you Matt! I do!” I say, crying.

“The fuck you do! I don’t wanna fucking talk to you anymore! Fuck you!” he yells at me, and storms away. I get up, and go after him.

“Wait!” I say, and he ignores me. He keeps walking away from me.

“Matt, please!”

“Fuck off!” he yells.

I stop, and put my face in my hands, crying really hard. Zacky comes over to me, and hugs me.

“Shhhh….don’t cry.” he whispers.

“I just lost him! I knew this was going to happen! But I had to tell him about what happened, because I can’t keep stuff like this from him!” I say through my tears.

“Casey, this is all my fault. I’m so fucking sorry, I really am. You two can fix this. I know you can.” he says.

“C-Can we go back to your house?” I ask.


Once we get back to his house, we go inside.

“I’m gonna go take a shower…” Zacky says.

“Ok.” I say.

While he’s upstairs, I go in his kitchen. There’s a little holder with sharp knives in it. I need to get rid of the pain I feel…

I’m gonna cut myself. I haven’t cut myself ever since dad died. The only reason why I did it is because I wanted to get rid of the pain I felt.

I feel so much pain from what I’ve done to Matt, I need to get rid of it by inflicting some sort of other pain on myself. So I take one of the knives out of the holder, and sit in the corner of the kitchen. Thank God Zacky’s upstairs, and his parents aren’t home. I start cutting my wrists, the cuts deep. I don’t feel anything from it…I think I’m losing a lot of blood from this…I don’t fucking care. I might as well die from this. No one will give a shit.

“Casey, what the fuck are you doing?!” Zacky yells.

“What does it look like?” I ask.

“Stop that!” he yells, trying to take the knife from me.

“No Zacky…just let me go.” I say, feeling light headed from the loss of blood.


I drop the knife next to me, and fall on the floor. Soon, everything goes black.

“Casey! Casey, can you hear me? Oh my God!”

I think I went too far with this…


**Zacky’s POV**

I walk in my kitchen to find Casey in the corner, cutting her wrists with a steak knife. I seriously tried to stop her, but she like--passed out. I tried to call her name, but nothing’s working. I’m scared shitless right now. I need to get her to a fucking hospital, and fast. I call 911 on my kitchen phone, and explain to the person who answered what happened. Now I have to wait for an ambulance to get here. They need to fucking hurry the hell up. In about 5 minutes, they get here. They bring a stretcher in and everything, and take us to the hospital. I stand over her in the stretcher, hoping she’ll be alright. Ah fuck, I gotta call Matt.

Once we get to the hospital and get her to a room, I call him.

“Hello?” he asks on the other line.
“Dude, I gotta tell you something. It’s really fucking important.”
“First off, I’m sorry for what I did--” I say, before he cuts me off.

“I don’t wanna fucking hear this. Now if you don’t mind, I’m hanging up.”
“Dude wait!”
“What now?”
“Casey’s in the hospital!”
“Yeah, she was cutting herself and passed out! I called an ambulance and all that shit!”
“Oh my God, I…I’ll be up there as soon as I can.” he says, his voice shaking.

“Alright. Bye.”


In about 20 minutes, he shows up, and I meet him out in the lobby.

“Dude, where the fuck is she?” he asks, freaking out.

“She’s in that room over there.” I say.

“Why aren’t you in there?”

“I’ve been told to wait.”
“Fuck waiting, I need to see her!”

The nurses come out of her room.
“She’s awake, you can go see her now.” one of them says.

We rush into her room, and hover over her.

**End Of POV**

**Casey’s POV**

I open my eyes to see Matt and Zacky hovered over me.

Matt looks like he’s been crying. Then again, Zacky does too. Matt looks down at my wrists, gets a horrified look on his face.

“Oh my God, Casey…Why did you do this to yourself?” he asks.

“I wanted to inflict more pain on myself, because I felt that I deserved it.” I say.

He puts a hand on my face, and kisses me lightly.

“Please don’t ever do this to yourself again. You scared the living shit out of me.”
“I thought you said you weren’t going to talk to me anymore.”

“Forget what I said. Casey, I love you. I really do, and I don’t want you to hurt yourself anymore. I forgive you for what happened. I forgive you and Zacky for what happened, alright?”



OH, THE DRAMA! XD So yeah, there’s chapter 6 to my story! Hope you liked it! ♥