She's The New Girl In Town

Sugar Rush And More Jealousy.

~Chapter Eight~

I open my eyes to see that it’s light out, and I’m on the floor. What the hell happened last night? Zacky’s sleeping in his computer chair, and Matt’s sitting up with his back to the wall, passed out. It’s about…8:00. I stand up and stretch, then sit on Zacky’s bed. What a night…even though I barely remember what happened. We didn’t get drunk, since we’re not old enough to drink. Plus, I have no desire to drink. I know we all had a fuck load of junk food, so it was probably a sugar rush. The rest is all a blur…I sit on Zack’s bed, until I see Matt open his eyes and yawn. He gets up and sits with me.

“Good morning.” he says quietly.

“Morning!” I say.

“How’d you sleep? You were like--on the floor.”
“I know…I slept surprisingly well, even though I hardly remember what happened last night.”
He laughs quietly.

“We all got a sugar rush, and passed out around 2.”

“Oh wow. I don’t remember that…”

“It was crazy…”

All of a sudden, Zacky jumps in his sleep, his eyes popping open.

“WHAT HAPPENED?!” he yells, and falls out of his chair.

I try not to burst out laughing, but I can’t. Matt laughs too, and Zacky gets up.

“That wasn’t funny…I could’ve broken something.” he says, pouting.

“Ah, shush. Do you remember anything that happened last night?” I ask.

“Yeah, but barely. It’s like we all got drunk…on sugar.”
“I know, right? And now we’re all hung over ‘cause we can’t remember anything…” I say.

“Excuse me, but I have a better memory than you all. I can remember that we stayed up until 2, then the sugar wore off.” Matt says.

“Of course Matt, of course.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” he asks.

“Oh…nothing.” I say.

“How much sugar did you have last night?” Zacky asks.

“Well…I had pop rocks, Mountain Dew, chocolate milk, ice cream, cookies, and…that’s it.” I tell him.

“Wow. I don’t even remember what I had.” he says.

“All I can remember is…marshmallows.” Matt says.

“Oh my God, the marshmallows. I almost forgot about those. We ate like--an entire bag of marshmallows in about…15 minutes.” I say.

“Seriously?” Zack asks.

“YES.” Matt and I both say.

That was one CRAZY night.

My week of suspension is over. I really don’t want to go back to school, but I have to. Zacky’s been acting a little…strange lately. He’s been all depressive…and it’s bothering me. His mom drives us up to school, him not saying a word on the way. Something’s up, and I’m determined to find out what it is.

“Zacky?” I ask.

“Hmmm?” he asks.

“What’s the matter?”

“Sure there isn’t. You’ve been acting really strangely lately.”


“So…I want to know why. I know there’s something wrong, and sooner or later you’re going to have to tell me. Please.”
He doesn’t say anything to me after that. I’m definitely going to find out what’s wrong with him.

Once we get dropped off at school, Zacky heads somewhere, and I go inside.

Matt’s sitting in a chair in the lobby, and I join him.

“Hey!” I say.

“Hello, my dear! I have a question…” he says.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“Have you noticed Zack’s behavior lately? He’s been acting a little weird, like he’s…depressed or something.”
“Yeah, I have. It’s bothering me. I tried to get out of him what was wrong, but he wouldn’t give in.”
“We need to do something, then.”

“Yeah, I know.”

I get up, and go outside to look for Zacky. I find him in a corner by the wall, and sit down next to him.

He’s hugging his knees, looking like he’s been crying.

“Zack, what’s the matter? Please tell me.” I say.

“Nothing’s wrong, I promise.”
“Then why have you been crying?” I ask.

He hangs his head, and I lift it back up.

“Zachary…” I say.

“I’m fine, I swear.” he says.

I know he’s lying to me.

**Zacky’s POV**

I’m still so upset about what happened at the hospital. Ya know…what Casey’s mom said to me. Even though that was almost a week ago, I still feel horrible about it. I never meant to get Casey into any kind of trouble, but from what her mom told me, I did. When I first say Casey the day she came to our school, I instantly fell for her. Love at first sight, I guess. That sounds really cheesy, but it’s true. I would’ve asked her out, but then I realized that her mom wouldn’t like me. I really like Casey, and now that she’s pregnant with Matt’s kid, I don’t know what to think. That’s really the main reason why I’m so depressed. I don’t want to be depressed, but I am. I can’t help it. I’ve never felt this way about any girl before, and now that I know that I can’t have her, it makes me feel like I have no purpose in life. I’m not gonna kill myself, but I still wish I were dead right now. Maybe if I would’ve told her how I felt, she would’ve never been with Matt. I’m happy for them, I really am. But I really don’t like to see my best friend date the girl I’m…basically in love with. Yeah, I said it. I love Casey. A lot. It hurts…like hell. I really wish that she felt the same way, but I know that’s never gonna happen.

I know that this all sounds really corny n’ shit, but this is how I really feel. But I’m gonna have to deal with it, because I brought myself into it. I don’t know how to bring myself out. I want to tell Casey what’s really wrong, but I can’t. I just…can’t.

“Zacky, please. Please tell me what’s wrong.” Casey says.

“There’s nothing wrong.” I lie.

“I really don’t like to see you like this. It really hurts.”

“I’m sorry.”
I look down, and right before I do, I swear I see a tear fall from her eye.

“Casey, are you crying?” I ask, getting worried.

She sighs, and wipes away the tears.

“Stop, don’t cry. I don’t like it. I’m sorry.” I say, and hug her. She hugs back, and I really don’t want to let go.

Matt comes outside, and I let go of her. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.

He sits down next to us, and looks at me.

“You ok, dude?” he asks.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I say.

“He still won’t tell me what’s wrong.” Casey says.

“C’mon Zack, please tell us what’s the matter.” Matt says.

“There’s nothing wrong, I swear, I’m fine.” I say, as the bell rings.

We get up and go inside. The day flies into English. I usually don’t pay any attention in this class…I have this journal thing…that I write in when I get sad or depressed. It sometimes helps me, other times it doesn’t. I’m hoping it will help me this time. In the front cover of it, I wrote ‘Casey’ in a big heart. I shouldn’t have done that, because it makes me think of how much I love her, and how much I want the feelings to go away, because she’s obviously taken. I don’t see she and Matt breaking up and time soon. And God, does that really hurt. I don’t want them to break up, but I really want to be with Casey. I should stop thinking about this. I really should. This is making me more and more depressed, and I need to stop. But I don’t think I can…

The rest of the day slips by, when I finally get home.

Casey’s gonna spend the night at Matt’s house, what a surprise…

When I said that I was gonna try and stop being so depressed, it didn’t work. I need something to ease my pain; my sadness. My parents have a huge bottle of vodka in their cabinet, and I know that they wouldn’t notice that it’s gone. They don’t drink all that often. I’m gonna drink some of that vodka, and let that ease my pain. And to my luck, my parents are both on business trips, and I insisted to stay here by myself. Now I don’t have to worry about them finding me in my room drinking a bottle of vodka. I go in the kitchen and find the vodka. ‘Blue Raspberry Vodka,’ it says on the label. Sounds pretty good. I go up to my room and shut the door, ready to do myself in. I uncap the bottle, and let the sweet liquid meet my lips, then slowly trickle down my throat. The taste is amazing….and the rush I get from the vodka is even better.

I drank the entire bottle. And the buzz I have from it makes me crave more. I need to get more. I grab my jacket and house keys, and head down to a liquor store. I have my drivers’ license, but I shouldn’t drive. I’m not fully drunk, but I’m pretty intoxicated. This store’ll sell liquor to any kid as long as they’re 17, and I’m just that age. I need to get some more vodka…or something. I crave it. I go inside and buy a couple of bottles of different flavors of vodka, and a couple of beers. This oughta hold me for a while…

I drink and drink and drink…until I’m finally out of booze. That’s it for the night. I’m so fucking drunk right now, I can barely even see anything in front of me. God, I need to piss. So much drinking, no bathroom breaks. I stumble to the bathroom, barely making it in without falling. I do my business, and stumble back to my room. I fall onto my bed, laughing my ass off. Man, I’m gonna have quite the hangover in the morning…

I open my eyes to the light around 9:00am. Wow, what a night. I have a frickin’ mind splitting headache, but it was worth it. I don’t think I’ll be drinking for a while though. All of a sudden, Casey comes in, and she gasps. She notices all the crushed, empty beer cans, and empty vodka bottles littering my floor.

“Zacky! What the fuck did you do?” she asks.

“I got drunk as fuck last night.” I say, rubbing my temples.

“Why?!” she yells.

I cover my ears. God, this headache is making me really sensitive to loud noises.

“Could you keep it down, my head hurts. And I got drunk last night because I wanted to. It was easing my pain.”
“What pain, Zack? You need to tell me!” she says, and sits down next to me.

“Look Case, as I told you before, I really like you. Fuck it, I love you. And seeing you with Matt really hurts me. Seeing my best friend with the girl I love hurts me like hell. That’s why I’ve been so depressed. That, and the fact that your mom said putting you in the hospital was my fault.”

The tears well up in her eyes, and my heart sinks. I don’t like to see her cry…

“Why would you do this to yourself? If you were really that depressed, you could’ve came and talked to me. Zacky, you’re my best friend. And I’ll listen to what you have to say no matter what. I promise. But please, don’t ever do this to yourself again.”
“I really appreciate you saying that. I really do. And I promise, I won’t.” I say.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”
Something in me tells me ‘KISS HER! JUST DO IT!’ I try to ignore it, but I can’t.

On impulse, I gently kiss her lips, and to my surprise, she kisses back.

It’s a pretty great make out session, until she quickly pulls away.

“Zack, we can’t.” she says.

“I…I-I know. I’m so sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I’m sorry.” I stammer.

“It’s ok, Zack.” she says.

As much as I shouldn’t have done that, it felt great…

**End Of POV**

There’s chapter 8 to my story! ZACKY’S AN ALCOHOLIC?! :( I’d sure hope not!