Weevil Hunting


Back At The Village.

Gibby paced the tavern floor repeatedly, hands folded behind his back and worry leaking from every pore in his body. It's been a week since Ianto left to save his father from the castle and yet, neither of them have returned.

The Beast must be keeping them captive, using them for his own pleasures. Possibly slowly eating them alive with his ferocious fangs.

Gibby shuddered at the thought of Ianto being eaten. He loved Ianto with all his black and nerdy heart. He had to do something to save him, if he was even still alive.

That's it!

Gibby's head snapped up and he called to everyone for their attention. Most of them were hammered, but Gibby didn't care. It would result in more riot and anger.

"The Beast has taken more of our people!" Gibby shouted, stumbling and falling a few times as he struggled to get up on the bar table. "It has stolen Rice and Ianto, he plans to use them as his slaves!"

Hearing that, they all turned away and continued with their drinks and few with food. Gibby faltered for a moment and then said, "And your next!"

No one else responded. Gibby wanted to slap himself and them upside the head. Of course! They don't care about anything but their beer.

"He's going to steal all the booze."


"Jack! Jack!" Ianto yelled, running through the castle swiftly, sliding around on the slippery marble and stumbling when it got rough again. "JACK!"

The Beast appeared out of nowhere, causing Ianto to ram into him. They fell to the ground, Jack's arms wrapped around Ianto's small form to keep him protected. Once they regained their senses, Ianto instantly started to ramble.

"The castle it's - I saw them - the village, they - Gibby - and Crack -"

"Whoa, calm down. What's wrong?"

Ianto took a deep breath. "The village. Their attacking the castle and Gibby is leading them. Crack saw them first."

Jack's eyes widened into saucer's and he suddenly made a move to roll them over, but it was too late. Ianto's eyes snapped open in shock as an arrow stabbed him in the back, blood immediately beginning to pour from the wound. Jack snarled and lunged at the archer, taking him down with one swipe of his paw.

After him, a whole swarm of villagers with various weapons ambushed them and Jack had no choice but to pick up Ianto and run for it. The villagers chased them as Jack ran for the West Wing, taking a sharp right so fast that the humans couldn't register it fast enough so they ended up running into the wall.

Jack leaped into a random room and slammed the door shut, turning the lock and barricading it with a heavy chair. He then placed Ianto down on a soft cushion under the window, looking at his hands to see them soaked with blood.

"I-Ianto?" Jack's voice was shaking as he spoke, the fear so evident. "Ianto, please."

Ianto's eyes opened the tiniest bit and he smiled the best he could. "Hey," he whispered, barely managing that.

Jack smiled nervously. "Hey."

Suddenly the door made an odd sound, like an axe hitting wood. Jack whirled to see that he was right. An axe was going through the door.

He quickly turned back to Ianto and kissed his hand before jumping to his feet, ripping the chair from the door and bursting through, taking down a few of the humans. Jack fought with all his might until only a few of them were left.

The rest happened in slow motion.

As Jack was distracted with one, the other lunged forward and stabbed his sword into Jack's side, his reward was Jack's claws ripping his face off. The other ran away.

Jack stumbled back into the room and collapsed, falling out the window and landing on one of the many stone balcony's. He looked to his left and saw the rose from the enchantress. The last petal was dangling from the levitating stem, but he no longer cared. Ianto was dying and so was he. It no longer mattered.

Suddenly Ianto was there, the arrow still in his body as he leaned over Jack's, palming his hideous face. "Don't go, Jack. I'm gonna be fine. I promise. Just don't leave me. The - the arrow didn't hit anything major.. I just need to heal and so do you... Jack. Jack!"

Jack's eyes closed just as the last petal fell.

"No!" Ianto cried. "Please, Jack! I love you, please!"

A few moments passed and then Jack's body began to float, rays of color shooting from his body as it transformed. Ianto's mouth dropped open in awe.

Jack's body was on the ground again, except this time it was in human form. Jack was human again.

Ianto crawled over to him cautiously, peering into the gorgeous face before him. Oh, God, he was so beautiful.

His eyes opened and Ianto gasped at how blue and pretty they were.

"Ianto?" Jack croaked, his voice music to Ianto's ears.

"Jack!" Ianto cried and crushed his lips to Jack's.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short I know. And I'm finishing the last chapter now!