Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


Justin walked through the doors of the high school, automatically getting greeted by people standing around the hallway. He made his way to his locker, to see all of his "friends" waiting for him there.

"Hey!" Came out as a chorus from all of their mouths. Half of him wished he wasn't this popular. Because he knew that those "hey"'s were just meant to kiss up to him, so they had a sure spot at hanging around with him, and sitting at his lunch table. Those "hey"'s were fake. Those people were fake.

He smiled at everyone of them, high-fiveing all the guys and winking at all the girls, who also use him. They may be cute, but all they want is to have the title of his girlfriend. Most of them get it, then lose it within the first week. After he had gotten his books out of his locker, he started walking towards his first class, all the members of his "posse" walking beside him.

He looked at all of the people who watched him walk past in the hallway. Most envied him, which he had no idea why they did, and then there were the few who hated him, and then the ones who just ignore him. He watched as the football players knocked books out of people's hands, then straighten up and give him a head nod as he walked by. This is what makes him happy he's popular. No one messes with him.

But trust me, they all wish they could.

Vanessa and her friends, who you can actually call true friends, stood by their lockers like they did every morning. They waited for Bieber and his followers to walk by, then go to their classes. You didn't want to try and walk when they were walking, because most likely you'd get pumbled by the football players. It made her sick how people worshiped him. He didn't walk on the moon. He didn't save people's lives. He didn't do anything spectacular like that, yet people act like he did.

It just didn't make sense. She thought about it everyday. How it would be to be popular. She didn't beat herself up for being a loser, because you don't miss what you'll never have. And she's okay with that. She's happy with the friends she has now. They make her laugh, and that's all that matters.

At least, she thinks it does.


Justin sat down at his regular lunch table in the middle of the cafeteria, his posse following behind. Lunch was the same everyday. The girls would sit there, not eating anything heaven forbid, and make fun of all of the girls that walked by. Then he and all of the guys would pig out on the surprisingly good food and talk about whatever they wanted to, with Justin being the center of attention, of course.

But today, something caught Justin's eye. In front of his table, was of course another table. Usually no one dared to sit there, but today, a group of friends sat there. They were all laughing and talking, and the girls were actually eating just as much as the guys were. But the one he was really watching was the one in the middle, just like him. She was talking to another girl, her eyes flashing to everyone in the cafeteria.

Her hair was long and wavy, and her eyes were piercing even from the distance away she was. He shook his head and scrunched up his nose. She wasn't apart of his group, so he couldn't pay attention to her. He turned his attention away just as her eyes floated to him. She's just a loser.

At least, he thinks she is.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a start.
Tell me what you think?
I have ideas for this.<3

*take a bow;;