Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


Justin sat on his couch, which was placed right in the middle of his big empty living room, in his big empty house. That cafeteria kiss thing, only made him more mad at himself for actually letting himself feel things for a girl like Vanessa. He shouldn't have agreed to the fake dating thing anyways. It was a stupid idea, and he didn't get much out of it.

Well, except being happy for once..

The truth of the matter was that Justin felt something for Vanessa. He didn't know what it was.. Friendship wise or anything else than that.. He felt something. And he didn't like it. He needed to get her out of his head, somehow, someway. And he knew just how to clear his mind.

After the doorbell rang, he instantly jumped up with a smile on his face. He wanted to forget about Vanessa, and Kayley would help him do that. It wasn't like he was cheating.. Their "relationship" was completely fake, and neither of them felt anything for each other.

Now he's just lying to himself.

Once he opened the door, Kayley walked in like she knew exactly what he wanted. And she did, and she knew he'd call for it eventually. She shut the door and grabbed his hand, then started walking towards the stairs. "I was starting to think you'd never call, Justin. I knew that loser wouldn't put out." She looked back at him and winked. He just nodded and followed her.

After they were in his room, she pushed him on the bed just like she had done many times before. When she was on top of him, and he let out an unsteady breath, she smirked.

"Vanessa who?"


After finishing up for the third time, Kayley hopped off of Justin's bed and walked over to the bathroom that was connected to his room. She fixed her hair and makeup, then walked back out to see him sleeping. She always tired him out, and she just loved seeing his pleased face asleep.

She was about to put her shirt back on, when his phone rang. Being the curious little whore she was, Kayley walked over to his pants that were on the side of his bed and grabbed the phone out of his pocket.

Vanessa calling.

Kayley let out an evil laugh. If it was anyone else she wouldn't have answered it, but this would just be too good. "Oh, hey, Ness!" She chirpped, sounding happy but sinister. There wasn't a response for a moment, so Kayley thought she had actually won. But Vanessa wasn't going to back off that easily.

"Kayley, darling. How are you?" Vanessa replied. Kayley narrowed her eyes. Why wasn't she freaking out?

"I'm actually quite tired. Your boyfriend just doesn't know when to stop." She shot back at her. If that didn't freak her out, what would?

"I know right? He's a wild one."

Kayley deadpanned. What girlfriend doesn't freak out when another girl answers their boyfriend's phone, then starts talking about doing it with him? This chick wasn't normal. Kayley snorted, "What kind of girlfriend are you?"

"An ex."
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but eventful, yeah?(;
2 away from 80 subscribers!
Most I've ever had.
Thank you thank thank you.<33333
I love you guys.
Thanks for commenting, too!

*take a bow;;