Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


Vanessa had no idea if Justin would show up the next morning to pick her up. You know what? Scratch that. She didn't care. She beat herself up the night before for even having an inch of hope that he liked her back in some way. She was just being stupid, but that stupidity prevented her from doing something worse. Like telling him in person. That would have been embaressing.

She was pretty sure Kayley bragged to him about the conversation they had. The things she said didn't surprise her, she would have said them even if she didn't feel the way she felt. So half of her expected him to show up, and half of her expected him to completely ignore her from there on. She was hoping for the second half.

"Vanessaaaa!" Her mom sang, walking into her room. "That boy is downstairs."

Vanessa nodded and went back to straightening her hair. She didn't even feel like having it straight, she just knew it would take longer than scrunching it. Her outfit didn't give off the impression that she had just broken up with her "boyfriend", just like some girls' would have been. Skin tight jeans and a loose purple v-neck. Typical Vanessa Munro.

When she knew that her hair couldn't get anymore straight, she grabbed her black purse and started to walk down the stairs. She didn't say hi to her younger siblings like she usually did, and she didn't smile at her dad who was sitting at the dining room table, she just walked straight through the house and out the door. And like she expected, Bieber was leaning up against the car with his arms crossed.

His head was down, looking at something in his hands, so she thought that if she was quite enough she would be able to sneak off. But of course she just had to wear her boots that made more noise than nessecary. As her heel hit the wooden deck, his head shot up, revealing a smile. Mother fucker won't be smiling for long..

"What are you doing here?" She asked, walking slowly down her driveway. His eyebrows raised, "I think you'd know after two weeks." He chuckled.

She took a deep breath and tried not to explode. "Didn't Kayley tell you about our little conversation last night?" She asked, shaking her head. Then his smile dropped, finally. "N-no.. You talked to her?" He asked, biting his lip. Truth be told, he knew Kayley would probably brag to her about it.. But what he didn't know was, why she looked so mad about it. It's not like she was his real girlfriend. Then he would've expected her to be mad.

Vanessa nodded her head and started walking faster, turning onto the sidewalk. Don't follow me, don't follow me, don't follow me..

"Vanessa!" Justin yelled, grabbing her arm. She turned around and looked at him. "Sup?" She asked, trying not to show her real emotions. They consisted of anger, anger, more anger.. "What's wrong?" He asked. She wanted tolaugh punch him square in the face. "What's wrong? Are you fucking retarded? You ruined everything! Kayley is probably going to tell everyone now, and they'll expect me to have dumped you. Fuck, I told her last night that I did! God, you can't even keep a girlfriend for a fucking month." She yelled, giving him a 'duh!' look.

Justin bit his tongue. He didn't think about that. But the whole girlfriend thing stung. "She probably wouldn't have told anyone if I told her not too! Why'd you tell her that, anyways?" He yelled back at her. It was like they were a real couple, having a real fight.

"What else was I supposed to say? 'Oh your boyfriend doesn't know when to stop'. Was I supposed to be calm or some shit?"

"She said that?" He asked, laughing lightly. Vanessa punched him in the arm, "You're such a douche bag."

She started walking away again, not caring if he followed her again or not. While she walked farther and farther away, Justin thought. He was a douche bag for doing it, even if she wasn't really his "girlfriend". He was stupid for thinking Kayley wouldn't have a way for screwing with everything. He was indenial about Vanessa.


"Vanessa." He yelled, running toward her again. She turned around, and of course, like any other stupid fairytale, she spinned in slow motion. Her straight hair flipping in all directions. Justin rolled his eyes at himself and walked up to her.

"Is that the only reason your mad? Is because it messed up this "plan" that, honestly, was stupid to come up with in the first place?" He asked, grinning down at her. She narrowed her eyes, "Of course, why else would I be mad?" Lie. Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.

"You're a bad liar." He said, chuckling. She frowned at him. "What's your point?" She asked, looking away. He rolled his eyes again, then kissed her abruptly. Vanessa's eyes widened as she pushed him away.

"What the fuck, Bieber!" She was about to wipe her mouth with the back of her hand, then she remembered how good he tasted..

"You so liked it."

"You're so full of yourself."

"I have a right to be."

She slightly giggled. "Ugh, I'm supposed to be mad at you. Stop making me laugh." Just as she said it, he started giving her weird looks. She laughed more, "You're an idiot." She said, walking back towards his car.

She turned around before she got into it, "Let's go, Bieber. We have rumors about a break up to stop." She winked and got into the big Range Rover.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was going to have them have this big fight as stuff, but I changed my mind.
So now the story will be longer. :D
Your comments are amazing, guys!<3
I love them!
Oh, and ignore the title chapter. I was at a loss with what to call it. :p

*take a bow;;