Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


Justin didn't really care that his mother had hit him. She had done it before, and he kind of had it coming. But the fact that she hit him in front of Vanessa, that was what embarrassed him, and scared him. He didn't want her to tell anyone, it would ruin everything. He was perfectly fine with staying away from them half the year and ignoring his mother whenever they were around. Because if he didn't, her temper would surely set off and more hitting would be involved.

What embarrassed him even more was that he had cried in front of Vanessa. But she didn't seem to pay any attention to it, so he just didn't bring it up as they sat in his car in the parking lot by some old park. She was still in his lap in the same position as she was when they first got into his car. And he didn't care, it felt right. They just sat in there in silence that neither of them minded while he played with her hair.

But, she decided to break the silence. "Are you gonna go back there?" She asked in barely a whisper. He shrugged under her arms, "It's not like I have a choice.."

She picked her head up off his shoulder and gave him a puzzled look, as if to ask him why. He went ahead and answered, "That.. Has happened before. I'm used to it, no biggy. By the time I go back she'll be up in her room and won't take a second glance at me. Like always.."

"You shouldn't be so calm about that though. Parents shouldn't hurt their children.." She grimaced at how much she sounded like her mother.

"It doesn't hurt, my mom's a wimp.."

"Not what I meant." She looked at him sternly, then sighed, placing her head back in it's original place. "I'm sorry about asking you why you didn't talk about your family so much.."

"It's S'kay." He told her, yearning to change the subject. After some thought, his mind found the perfect thing.

"So, before we were rudely interrupted by my parents, were you really going to let me kiss you again?" He asked, smirking down at her. She didn't dare to look up, or he would have started laughing at how much she was blushing.

"Psh.. You wish.." She said with as much confidence as she could gather. It wasn't much.

"I do, because I loooove it." She lifted her head up once again just in time to see him wink at her. It was her turn to change the subject now.

"So, how many days we got left?" She asked nonchalantly. His eyebrows creased as he started blankly at her. She flicked his head lightly and giggled, "You know.. The whole fake dating thing.."

The words "fake dating" stung. Being totally honest, he had forgotten about the fakeness of their relationship all together. "Um.. I.. Can't remember.." He lied, realizing that the real time was just a little under a week now. Suddenly he got an idea. Just two more weeks. Lie and say two more weeks and then see where that takes them.

"Two weeks. There's t-two weeks left." He smiled at her as she nodded.

Two weeks. Only two weeks to turn "fake" into "real".
♠ ♠ ♠
Crappy chapter but whatevskies.
I'm so happy right now! (:
Comment and stuff!

*take a bow;;