Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


Family stereotyping. It's something everyone does, where if you wear nice clothes, then obviously you're rich and your home life is everything a teenager could ever want.


It may be true, that if you wear top notch clothes, that you're probably more wealthy than usual, but that doesn't mean anything. To be rich, parents have to work. When they work, they aren't home that much. One strike. And usually, you're an only child. Two strikes. So if no one is around except for the maid, who only knows one word of English, then you have no one to talk to, or hang out with. Strike three, and you're lonely.

Then there's the type where, if you wear all black and have weird hair that your parents do crack and your brother died from child abuse.

Wrong, again my friend.

When you wear black, and have weird hair, that usually means you're either trying to fit in with a crowd that will piss off your preppy parents, or you just feel like it. Strike one. What really goes on, is that those sorts of people have many, many siblings, who annoy them. And parents who think they should get amazing grades and go to Harvard. Strike two. Parents and siblings who are always around. And they get on your nerves. Strike three, and you want to rebel.

Vanessa and Justin's lives are like these. One has one life style, the other has, well, the other. I think you can guess which is which.

Justin's father is a very successful movie producer, hence why they live in Los Angeles. And his mother is his assistant. Hence why he's around. And while they're both off doing movie after movie, he's stuck with Maria and his dog Sam. It sucks that neither of them can talk properly.

Vanessa's mom is a stay at home mom, who takes care of Vanessa and her four other siblings. All younger than her, by many years. Her father is a construction worker, and a very good one too. People pay him loads just to build onto their already four story house. Her family isn't rich, but they aren't near to being poor, and she is far from being a crack baby.

My point is, just because it seems like everything is fine and dandy, it's not. Far from it, actually.


Vanessa sat in Trigonometry, secretly one of her favorite classes. No one knew that she made A after A in this class, because none of her friends were smart enough to be in it. She didn't listen to the teacher, because she already knew what he was teaching. So she sat in the back corner, her regular seat, tapping her pencil and watching the rain fall outside.

The teacher, Mr. Brown, never called on her to answer a question. It was a request of hers. She didn't want people to know she was actually smart. Her image was "I don't give a shit about school, all I want to do is skateboard with my loser friends". And she liked that image, so she tried to maintain it. But I guess today it was going to be broken.

When the teacher stopped talking, she looked up to see everyone staring at one person. Bieber.

"Um, no actually." He obviously answered a question she missed out on.

"There has to be someone at home who can help you." Mr. Brown said, putting his hands on Justin's desk, looking at him with concern.

"Nope." He replied, popping the "p".

"Then you give me no choice, you either get a tutor, or fail this class and have to repeat it next semester."

Justin practically flew out of his chair at the sound of that statement. He couldn't fail, not only would he be grounded for weeks, but he also.. He just couldn't fail.

"I can't fail. I'll do anything to not fail."

"Fine then. I'll get you a tutor for you, and they will help you. Other than that, I can't help you."

Justin sank in his seat, not only will this cut out of free time, but he has to put up with some nerd who he won't be able to understand with all the math talk. He's going to fail, and he knows it.

While the other students, excluding Justin, did their work, Mr. Brown walked over to Vanessa hesitantly. She looked up at him with wide eyes, hoping he wouldn't say what she knew he was going to say.

"Vanessa, I'm going to need you to be his tutor."
♠ ♠ ♠
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My jaw dropped when I saw that.
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Means alot.(:
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*take a bow;;