Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


Vanessa expected Justin to fight, and whine, and complain about the piercings. But he didn't. He didn't say one word as Terry pinched the needle through the cartilage in his right ear. Not even a flinch, or a wince. Vanessa watched in respect as he got up so she could sit down. As Terry got a new needle, she turned her head towards Justin, who was looking at the piercing in the mirror.

"You hate it, don't you?" She asked with a smirk. He turned around and shrugged at her, "I actually think it looks pretty bad-ass."

Her jaw dropped. The only reason she brought him to get it was so she could get revenge on him for waking her up so early on a Saturday. She never expected for him to be so.. Cool. Maybe he wasn't half bad, just maybe.

"So you like it?" She asked after Terry got done with her ear.

"I kinda love it, actually." He answered, grinning.

Vanessa sighed and payed Terry. "Thanks big guy," She said as he gave her a hug. From Justin's point of view, you could barely see Vanessa from behind his huge arms.

"You better come more often, Ness. The other guys miss seein' ya' around." He told her. She laughed solemnly and nodded, "Don't worry. I'll definitely be back sometime soon." She turned around and walked towards Justin, who was smiling at the little interaction the two just had. Vanessa rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand again.

"You know, if I'm not mistaken, I think you like the feel of my hand." He told her with a smug grin on his face. This caused Vanessa to roll her eyes again as she got into the passengers seat of the Range Rover.

"If I'm not mistaken, I think you enjoy pissing me off." She mumbled, trying not to let him hear.

Justin sped off down the street, quietly laughing to himself. After a few minutes, he decided to reply to her indirect comment.

"Of course I do."


"McDonalds? Seriously, Justin?" Vanessa asked incredulously, staring at the big yellow 'M' in front of her. "And we're going through the drive-thru?!" She practically yelled. He laughed audibly and nodded his head.

"Yeah, why not? Mickey D's is good!" He yelled back playfully. She calmed down, actually laughing a little.

"But it's so fattening, and greasy, and makes my skin break out-"

"Oh shush. I don't think one time of eating this would make you any fatter, and it's not that greasy. Plus your skin is flawless, nothing could make it look bad." Justin rambled, not really wanting to let the last part slip. She blushed, but his her face by looking out the window. She smiled widely, not really knowing why. It was just a little compliment, why was she so flustered?

"You think my skin is flawless?" She asked, looking back over at him. He nodded his head fast, then turned his head just like she did. Vanessa rolled her eyes and started out the front window as he ordered the food, actually getting exactly what she wanted. She didn't even tell him, who did he do that?

"How'd you know what I want?" She asked in shock. His smirk replaced the embarrassed look on his face as he shrugged, "It was just a wild guess.. You look like a chicken sand which girl."

"But you got perfect, all the way down to the strawberry banana smoothie!"

"Well, who doesn't like those? I would have drank it if you didn't like it." He laughed as the person handed him the food. After they had gotten everything settled, he sped off down a road Vanessa ad never gone before.

"Where are we going?" She asked after swallowing a bite of her sandwich.

He smiled over at her, "You'll just have to see, won't you?"


Vanessa was amazed at the sight around her. They sat in Justin's car, eating their fattening food while staring the the ocean. If her day could have gotten any weirder, she didn't know how. She had gotten a piercing with a guy she thought would freak, but didn't. That same guy had gotten her to eat McDonalds, and knew exactly what she would want. He also took her to one of her favorite places to be.

She couldn't help but want to kiss him. Wouldn't you? the boy was perfect, in every way. A few weeks before, she never payed attention to him. Now she's eating like a pig in his car? She had no idea what was going on, but she liked it.

"So, did you enjoy today?" Justin asked her, sipping his sweet tea. She nodded her head as she took a drink of her smoothie.

"Very much so." She told him, staring out at the moving ocean. "You know, you're hard to figure out, Bieber. One day you completely piss me off, then the next you're taking me on the best date of my life?"

"So this was a date?" He asked, perking up in his seat. She bit her lip, not knowing what to say. She thought it was.. Didn't he?

"Um, I guess.. If you wanted it to be." she said after taking another gulp of her smoothie, getting some on the corner of her mouth without noticing. She looked over at him innocently. He noticed her mouth and took the chance. He leaned over closer to her and wiped away the smoothie, grinning at how close their faces were.

"Oh, I definitely wanted it be."
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo! 20 chapters!<3
I'm so glad this story got to be so.. Successful.
152 subscribers! OMG! :D
I. Love. All. Of. You.
Keep up with the comments, this isn't done yet! Probably not even close!
so, tell me what you thought,(:

*take a bow;;