Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


"I hate Monday's." Vanessa grumbled, propping her feet up on one of the empty desks in her English class. The teachers gave her a stern look but she didn't even twitch. "I hate Monday's so much."

"Don't we all?" A high pitched voice said from above her. She looked up from her very boring book to see if her expectations were right. And the were, it was Kayley, in the flesh. Was she always in her English class?

"What the fuck do you want? I'm not in the mood for your bitchiness." Vanessa snarled at her. Kayley just smiled and pushed the studded boots off of the desk and sat herself down. She knew how Vanessa would act, and she knew exactly how to act back.

"Oh, Ness. Why do we have to be so hateful to each other? I actually think.." Kayley gave her a smile that almost looked genuine. Almost. "We could be friends, you know?"

Vanessa started laughing hysterically, earning looks from the kids around her. She ignored them and kept her eyes in their place, which was looking into Kayley's fake, plastic eyes. She knew that this was probably just one of Kayley's games. But she liked games; They were fun for her and she almost always won.

So she played along.

"You know what? I think you're right." She said, making Kayley's eyes widen.

"Oh, um.. That's good." Kayley mumbled. "In that case, do you want to shop with us after school?"

Vanessa grinned as a plan formed in her head. "Why not, it could be fun." She agreed.

Kayley grinned as well. She knew damn well Vanessa wasn't stupid, and that she wasn't just going to make nice. The plan she was brewing up was going to be good. By the end of the week Vanessa Munro would be a no one again.

And she would have Justin back.


Justin searched through the halls for Vanessa. He hadn't exactly seen her all day, except for at lunch. And even then she was engulfed into a conversation with Kayley of all people. He wanted to know what was up, because that was far from okay with him for some reason.

He finally spotted her at her locker, of all obvious places, and started walking towards her. He then noticed that Kayley was at the other end of the hall, also walking towards Vanessa. Their eyes met, sending chills down both of their spines. So much hatred were in those looks, it was almost painful. Kayley started walking faster, so Justin did also. They finally got to Vanessa at about the same time.

Kayley said, "Hey Ness," at the same time Justin said, "Hey babe."

Vanessa looked up with a smile on her face and nodded at both of them. She threw a wink in Justin's direction and went back to getting her stuff together.

Kayley lowly growled and glared at Justin. "So, Ness, we still going shopping?" She asked in an overly obnoxious tone. Justin's eyes widened at Vanessa.

"Shopping?" He repeated.

"Um, yeah, I'm still going." She bit her lip and turned to Kayley quickly. "I'll catch up with you okay?" She told her. Kayley's smirk was too much to hold back as she nodded and looked up at the very angry and confused face that belonged to Justin. She narrowed her eyes at him then turned and walked away, her heels clicking on the linoleum being the only sound in the now empty hallway.

Vanessa hesitantly turned back to Justin, closing her locker in the process. She gave him a nervous smile and tried to avoid his eyes.

"Since when do you hang out with her?" He asked in a cold voice.

"Since when do you care?" She shot back. He winced at her words. If only she knew how much he cared. But she didn't, and now he was contemplating on whether or not he wanted her to.

"Whatever." He mumbled, walking past her, bumping their shoulders violently. "Just don't come crying to me when she humiliates you." He called over his shoulder, trying not to show how hurt he was through his voice. He didn't turn around like he wanted to, didn't go running back to her and kiss her like he wanted to. He just walked away like he was supposed to.

Not even noticing who was watching from the shadows.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think we all know who was watching. :D
Gah, I love cliche's somehow.
maybe that's why i always right them. Dx hehe.
well, i want to say thank you for your amazing comments.
they made my day(:
and, sorry for the shortness of this >.< grr.
just tell me your thoughts, kay? kay.

*take a bow;;