Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


Vanessa was, in an understatement, out of place inside of Kayley's car. The other girls, Samantha and Ashley, were texting away on their phones while singing to the music that was blasting in the car. Vanessa didn't know what it was, but she didn't like it, and thought that the girl the was singing made 'California Girls' sound like whores.

While the other three were wearing pink and skirts and lace, Vanessa was wearing high heeled boots and ripped black jeans and leather. Their hair was straight as pins. Her hair was a curly, wild mess. They had on purple eyeshadow and lip gloss. She had on black eyeliner and red lip stick. She kind of wished she didn't go, but that would mess everything up. She needed to become "friends" with Kayley.

Kayley turned down the radio and smiled at Vanessa, who was in the passengers seat. "So, tell us about you and Justin." She insisted, winking. The other girls were practically in the front now, nodding furiously. Vanessa resisted the urge to roll her eyes and smiled back at them.

She shrugged innocently. "There's nothing really to tell."

"Oh come on! We all know what he's like! You've been his longest relationship like, ever. He must really like you." Kayley told her, trying to sound sweet. But it didn't come out well. She even twitched throughout her words.

"Yeah.. So have you done it?" Ashley asked, looking really interested. Vanessa gave her a 'WTF' look and tried to find the right words.

"Ashley! You don't just ask someone that!" Kayley exclaimed. "And of course they have. You know Justin."

"What do you mean?" Vanessa asked, actually wanting to hear what Kayley had to say.

"Oh, he's very.. Well, I don't know the word exactly. But like, every girl that he's been with say that he goes out with you for like two weeks, fucks you, then dumps you." She looked over at Vanessa, who wasn't trying to act fazed, but she kind of was. Why, though? They weren't really together. She was kind of glad too, if what Kayley said was true. What kind of person would do something like that?

Kayley smirked as she pulled into the mall parking lot. "But maybe you're different.."

Vanessa slumped down into her seat and sighed. She shouldn't care what he did with his real girlfriends. In two weeks, it would all be over, "they" would be over.


Thank God there's no school today, Vanessa thought to herself as she walked herself down the stairs Tuesday morning. The day before took a lot out of her. The girls decided to give her a "makeover" and bought her a whole new wardrobe. She was surprised at how she could pull it off so well.

She was greeted by just about her whole family when she walked into the living room. Everyone was sitting on the couched laughing and having a good old time, and they were all looking at one person.


He was sitting in the middle of everyone with a grin that stretched across his whole face. She was too dazed by the sight to hear the joke he was telling. She wiped her eyes many times, just to see if her sight wasn't playing tricks on her. Unfortunately, it wasn't. Every time she opened her eyes he was still charming her family just like he charmed her.

She cleared her throat, and the whole room went silent. Everyone's eyes were on her, instantly making her feel awkward. Justin winked at her and kept the grin on his face.

"There she is!" Her father boomed, getting up to go give her a huge hug. "Why didn't you tell us this boy of yours was so cool?"

Vanessa cringed. "Dad, don't say cool. It's not cool." She told him. They both laughed as he gave her a hug again.

"Um, what exactly are you doing here?" She asked Justin. He stood up with a backpack on his shoulder. "We have a math test to study for." He said. She groaned and headed for the stairs again.

"Fine, let's go." She said, motioning for him to follow her. He caught up to her quickly.

"Keep the door open." Vanessa heard her father say. She rolled her eyes, "Don't worry."

Once they were both in her room, she slammed her door shut and walked over to wear Justin sat on her messy bed. "I thought he said to-"

"Oh, believe me, they want and expect us to be doing anything but studying. But, unfortunately, we're not. So let's get to it." She sat down across from him with a huff and started to go through his backpack. He put his hand on top of hers and said, "Stop for a second."

She looked up with an eyebrow raised. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for yesterday. I was being a jerk.. I didn't mean what I said." He told her, biting his lip.

"Whatever." She mumbled, going back to what she was doing. He sighed audibly and put the bag on the floor, then scooted closer to Vanessa and hugged her. She started to object, but he shushed her.

"Don't talk, just hug." He said into her shoulder. She went limp in his arms and closed her eyes, trying to casually smell his Adidas cologne.

"What's with the hugging?" She asked, finishing just in time for him to kiss her. "Whoa, and the kissing?" She asked once he was done.

"I feel like," Kiss. "Such a douche bag," Kiss. "For freaking out over nothing." Kiss.

She stopped him so she could speak. "It's fine, really." She giggled softly, trying not to get caught up in the moment. He was being way to sweet; she couldn't stay mad at him if he kept it up.

"I'm glad.. Because I don't like it when you're mad at me." He winked at her, then kissed her again, but harder this time. He pushed her back onto the bed and steadied his weight to hover over her as they continued the kisses.

Nope, definitely not mad anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Crappy filler.
Haha, sorry.
I tried to spice it up with the ending. Hehe. ;)
Well, tell me what you think please!
Oh and.. 171 subscribers.. I wanna kiss you all..
But that would be weird. :p haha.

ANOTHER NEW STORY. And I won't quit this one, promise! :)
I'd Lie
Check it outtt.<3

*take a bow;;