Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


Justin and Vanessa may have both in been in denial, but deep, deep down, they both knew that they cared for each other. They also both knew that this was a very big problem for both of them. Justin was still as popular as ever. Nothing had really changed when he started dating Vanessa, other than girls backing off because they were scared of Vanessa. but he was known for dumping girls quickly, then moving on to the next one. Every time he was with his friends those annoying similar questions came up. "So, have you fucked 'er yet?", "When are you gonna dump this chick, dude?", and his least favorite, "Is she good? I might try her after your done."

His friends were getting tired of him changing the subject and not answering. Truthfully, so was he. He wanted to tell them that he had no intentions of 'dumping' her anytime soon. Now fucking.. Well that was definitely still in the question.

Now Vanessa. She may not have much of a reputation to keep track of, but she did have friends who constantly made fun of her for going out with someone who wore Hollister. Her think shell was slowly being broken by the ridicule, and needless to say, she just wanted everything to go back to normal. Before her friends lost respect for her, before she actually started acting like a girl, before she started having feelings for Justin.

And to make things worse for Vanessa, she was supposed to hang out with Kayley after school. They were going shopping, again. How she needed ore clothes when she bought enough for the whole state of Rhode Island the last time, Vanessa couldn't understand. They were still going, though, and it was just the two of them, and she knew that some how, somewhere, something was going to go wrong.

That math test Justin had made her spend time studying for wasn't hard at all. Well, for her it wasn't, but when she looked back at everyone when she finished early they all looked confused as hell.

When the class was over, she felt a familiar presence walk up beside her.

"So that test was super easy." Justin said, grinning at her. "I guess you aren't a bad tutor after all." Vanessa slowly nodded as she made her way to her locker. "How's your end of the deal holding up?" He asked.

She stopped to look at him. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you promised to help me, and in return I," He leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Fake date you."

She got what he was saying quickly and felt stupid. She shrugged, then began walking again. "It's.. Whatever." She said, finally reaching her locker, and spinning the combination in.

"Oh come on.. Dating me has got to be better than 'whatever'" He joked, leaning against the locker to the right of her. She rolled her eyes and switched her math book for her history book. "You are ridiculously cocky." She told him.

"If by cocky you mean sexy then yes, I guess I am."

With another roll of the eyes, Vanessa pretty much slammed her locker door closed and started walking in the direction of her next class. One that she didn't have with Justin, who was being pretty annoying, thankfully.

"So what are you doing after school?" His voice called after her. She groaned and kept walking, hoping he would just forget it and go to his next class, that was all the way across campus, but no. He started following her. When she didn't respond, he sped up and got in front of her, so she would stop.

"C'mon, dude, I'm already late!" She whined, trying to get past him as the bell rang loudly. He kept blocking her with a frown on his face. She stomped her foot and glared up at him. "What the fuck do you want?"

"You seem mad.. Is there something wrong?" He asked, putting a finger under her chin to tilt it upwards. She awkwardly looked up to his face, down to his finger, then around the hallway. It was completely empty.

"Nothing is wrong. Can I go learn now?"

"Not until you agree to go somewhere with me after school." He said in a more happy voice. She bit her lip and looked away. "I, um, have plans."

"With who?" And there's the disappointment again.

"With my secret twenty year old fuck buddy," She said sarcastically. "It doesn't matter!"

"Just tell me."

"Fine.. I'm going shopping with Kayley." She quickly slipped past him and started to practically run down the hallway. She was almost to the corner that she had to turn when she heard him shout, "I'm coming with you!"

And there's the something that went wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
-___- i know, i know.
haven't updated for like a month.
my minds been totally blank when it comes to stories and such.
i think it was because I'm on vacation.
and because I'm lazy and didn't feel like writing.
and this is a totally unneeded chapter.
but its still a chapter.
so there ya go.
comments would be nice.

*take a bow;;