Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


Vanessa walked down one of the schools many hallways, passing full classrooms and empty ones as well. Why students come here on Saturdays when they don't have detention is beyond her knowledge. Why she was here on a Saturday was beyond it, too. She didn't want to tutor this kid. He probably wouldn't listen anyways, and she'd just be waisting her time.

She pushed open a door, leading into a room that was all glass on the North and South walls. It had been raining a lot, and still was today, so it made the white room dance with shadows of the water drops. Sure enough, there was Mr. Brown and Bieber sitting in chairs at the far back table. She walked over there, hoping to not make much noise. But, of course, she tripped over a chair and stumbled a bit.

Both of their heads snapped over to her. Mr. Brown smiled, while Justin's eyes widened. Not only was she the girl he was staring at in the cafeteria, but she.. was a girl. He expected some AV nerd with glasses taped in the middle and plaid pants. Not her. A girl with eyes rimmed in eyeliner and ripped black jeans.

"Vanessa, I'm glad you came." Mr. Brown greeted her as she took the only seat next to Justin. He smiled at her, while she secretly rolled her eyes. "It's not like I had a choice." She mumbled, just loud enough for both of them to hear. Mr. Brown cleared his throat, then stood up. "Well, you two get to studying." And then he out of the room quickly, avoiding Vanessa's death glares.

Once the door was shut, she stood up, walked around the table, and looked at Justin.

"Look, I was practically forced to do this. And don't even start to think I'm going to waist my time on some cocky jock who's not going to even listen to me." She was looking at him with a bored expression, her blonde hair falling from behind her shoulders so now it was creating a barrier around her heart shaped face. While she thought, Justin stared. She was even prettier up close.

He mentally slapped himself. Like he thought before, she's a no one. Isn't she?

"Who said I wouldn't listen?" He asked, leaning forward on his elbows a little more, trying to see her eyes from behind her bangs. Wasn't working.

"Cut your crap. I'm not here to play games." She sat down in the seat Mr. Brown was originally in. she crossed her legs and arms, pursing her lips so that it looked like she was blowing someone a kiss. Justin sat back too, and crossed his own arms.

"Why are you here? You don't look like the type to like math." Vanessa rolled her eyes at his comment.

"Well I guess everyone has their own secrets." She said, watching the rain, just like she did in Trig. It was mesmerizing to her.

"So are we going to do this or what?" She said, breaking her out of her thoughts. She sighed, throwing her head back in exasperation. She'd rather watch Twilight for 24 hours straight then try to teach this kid math. Why couldn't she be dumb like the girls in his "posse". The teachers didn't even bother to look at them.

And that's when the idea popped into her head.

She sat up immediately, the grin on her face mischievous and cocky. She stood up and took Justin's chin in her hand, freaking him out. She studied his features carefully. He wasn't bad looking. He was nothing like the guys she had dated before, but he wasn't bad.

"Um, Vanessa, isn't it?" He asked, pulling her hand away from his face slowly. She smirked, then sat down again, pulling the chair closer to the table.

"How about I make you a deal. I do all of your work, if you do something for me." She said. Justin raised an eyebrow. He was skeptical about even being around this girl, so he didn't know if the favor she was going to ask would be.. dangerous or not.

"Calm down, it's not dangerous." She said, reading his thoughts almost. He sighed with relief, then smiled the best he could. "I guess that could work. What do you want me to do?"

"Okay, now take into mind that I'd be doing twice the homework, even though it's a piece of cake, but I was thinking you could.." She took a deep breath, before saying the words, "Pretend to.. date me." She whispered the last part, almost as if people were watching them.

Justin was taken aback. Not only did it surprise him, but it humored him. She wasn't anything like the girls he dated. Her hair wasn't straight ans shiny, and she didn't wear skirts that almost showed her ass. She wasn't fake. And deep down, somewhere, he liked it.

"I.. I don't know.." He gave her a strange look, not expecting that kind of thing.

"Look, it's not because I like you or anything. It's so people, mostly teachers, will look at me differently. They don't exactly take you or your friends seriously. But it's like I'm freakin' Albert Einstein. And plus, I'd be doing all of that work. You would owe me something." She sat back in her chair again, kind of pissed off now. Justin saw the look on her face, and thought.

If he "dated" her, then girls would back off. And it would make his friends back off from acting like he's a god, too. This might just work out.

"I'll do it. But only for like two weeks." He said, smiling. She looked up, the smile now back on her face.

"A month." She countered, raising her eyebrow this time. He let out a breath, then nodded his head.

While biting her lip happily, Vanessa stood up, and grabbed Justin's books. "I'll get started on this. You meet me on the football field Monday morning before school. I'll explain everything there, kay?"

He nodded sheepishly, then watched her walk away, her scrunched hair bouncing as she stepped. She didn't exactly know what she was doing, but she hoped it would work out.

While she left, Justin sat there, thinking.

What did he just get himself into?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm starting to fall in love with this.<3
Thank you for subscribing, everybody.
21, as of right now.(;
You should tell me what you think.
Comments make me happy.
Even if they're one word.
Oh, and BTW, the girl in the picture is Taylor Momsen.
I think its funny how I'm using her as the girl, when in reality she has no idea who Justin Bieber is. xD
But I think she makes the perfect Vanessa.

*take a bow;;