Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


As Justin drove to school Monday morning, he contemplated on calling the whole thing off. He would just tell Vanessa, (If that's her name; he really couldn't remember clearly), that he just didn't want to do it and then ask Mr. Brown for a new tutor. But then he thought about the consequences. She would most likely either be sad or mad, and if she was sad, he wouldn't be able to see that. As much as he hates to admit it, seeing a girl hurt makes himself sad.

And if she was mad.. Well he'll just have to be looking out for her tough looking friends.

He decided he would just see how it went for the first couple of days, and if just didn't work out, he'd call the whole agreement off.

If only it was that simple.

Vanessa, on the other hand, waited in the the football field with a book in her hands, clutching her leather jacket closer to her body. As much as she loved Fall, sometimes it was just a little too cold at the wrong time. She knew Justin was going to be difficult with the whole idea at first, because honestly, she would be too. She isn't the nicest, or prettiest, or girliest, or most feminine girl around, but she was half way decent.


She shook the thought out of her head. It didn't matter. This "relationship", if you're going to call it that, is totally fake. No feelings, no attraction, nothing in that nature. He wasn't her type, and she wasn't his.


She again, shook her head. These thoughts were getting on her nerves. And yes, she was right. She was so deep in her thoughts, that she didn't even hear Justin making his way up the metal bleachers. And he was being noisy. Very noisy. So when he was about two inches away from her, she screamed. He covered her mouth before she held it out to long.


Once his hand was pulled away, Vanessa rolled her eyes. "What? Afraid to be seen with me? Because you should get used to it, honey." She sneered the last word, snickering along with it. Justin shivered, "Don't call me that around my friends."

"Oh, so you're going through with it, then?" She asked, shoving her book in her bag. Justin's face scrunched up, "I guess.."

She stood up as well, and smiled, then held out her hand. Justin looked at it funny, not knowing what she meant by that gesture. Vanessa rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand, sending shivers down Justin's spine. Why, though, he had no idea.


Vanessa and Justin had, of course, turned everyone's heads when they walked through the hallway together. Justin's friends.. They were all silent. The girls especially. And Vanessa's friends had gotten a talking-to the day before, so they understood.. somewhat.

But now they were at lunch. Where pretty much everyone saw them. It wasn't something you could just shrug at, because most of the "losers" knew and were semi-good friends with Vanessa. So to see her with Justin Bieber, was a little surprising. And weird. And.. Awkward.

Vanessa sat at the "cool table", texting away on her Droid to her friend at the table in front of them, Justin's hand draped over her shoulders. No girls had flirted with him today. Probably because they were scared of what Vanessa would do to them, but, whatever. The fact that no girls hadbothered[/]s flirted with him was satisfying.

All of Justin's friends were in shock. He had explained that "Vanessa was cool, and he liked her". What scared him the most, is that he didn't exactly know if he was lying or not.

Ryan, the only one of Justin's friends who didn't like him because he was popular, bent over to Justin's ear. "Um, what is this, again?" His voice sounded snobby. Even though he wasn't fake, he wasn't nice either. "What is what, Ryan?" Justin snapped back, getting the attention of everyone but Vanessa. She was giggling at something on her phone, making Justin have the urge to smile, but he didn't.

Ryan backed off, only leaving the spot open for Kayley to come in. Who's Kayley? Justin'sworst nightmare ex-girlfriend, three times removed.

"Her. As in this death loving, fake haired, wannabe." Kayley leaned over the table to try and get in Vanessa's face to intimidate her, but still, Vanessa was engulfed in her phone. Kayley cleared her throat, and finally Vanessa looked up. She raised an eyebrow and stared back at Kayley with amusement.

"Sorry, what? I don't speak conceited whore." Vanessa chuckled, making the guys at the table say "Ohh!" and the girls scoff, but some of them even giggled.

If looks could kill, Kayley and Vanessa would both be dead.

"Why are you sitting here? No one here likes you." Kayley sneered. That's when Justin decided it was time todefend do his job.

"Back off, Kayley. I like her, and if you don't, you can go sit over there." Justin pointed to the table where the.. Mentally challenged people sat. More "Ohh"'s were chorused as Kayley's jaw dropped. She looked at the two girls who were on her right and left, then all of a sudden, they all stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. Everyone had witnessed what had just been said, even the teachers who were in the room.

Score one for Vanessa.
♠ ♠ ♠
I updated two of my stories today.(:
I feel acomplished.
So, what do you think?
Thanks for commenting/subscribing.
You guys are amazing.<3
Oh, and someone mentioned this being a familiar plot thing.
I got the idea from watching the movie Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Anything else like this, I have no idea.
But watch that movie if you havent seen.
Proabbly one of my favorites. Nick Cannon is hot in it. <3 ;)

*take a bow;;