Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


"You didn't have to drive me home." Vanessa scolded Justin as they drove towards her house after school. He insisted, and since half the school was watching them she couldn't say no.

"I'm your boyfriend, aren't I? And boyfriends drive their girlfriends home." Justin said, flinching when he said the words "boyfriend" and "girlfriend". This was going to take some time to get used to. Vanessa's face scrunched up as she sat in her seat with her arms crossed.

"You still didn't need to." She mumbled. Honestly, she didn't want him knowing where she lived. She was embaressed, because she knew how he lived. Comparing their houses is like comparing The Hamptons to East St.Louis. Well, in her eyes it was. But she may be overreacting.

Either way, she was not happy about him driving her. She could have easily walked the mile and a half.

Okay.. Maybe she was a little thankful she got to be in this nice, new Range Rover of his. But she was still mad.

"I couldn't let you walk away with everyone watching. You know how that would've made me look?" He asked, stopping at a stoplight.

"Like a dick?" She answered, the left side of her mouth turning up. "Yeah, a little too late for that, buddy."

"Excuse me?" He asked, taking off again.

"Well it's not like you and your friends are the nicest people in L.A."

Justin went silent. Another thing he wasn't sure if he liked about being popular or not. His friends were definitly coneited and stuck up. But he tried not to be. Guess he failed. "Am I that bad?"

"Not as much as Kylie or Kayla or whatever." She shrugged, looking down at her Droid. Justin didn't correct her, on account of he knew she wasn't listening anymore. She was one of those phone addicts. He drove up to a four way, confused on where to go.

"Left. Then right, then left again, and it's the third house on the left." She said, not moving her eyes away from the touch screen phone for one second. He followed her instructions, then pulled up to a two story house. It was fairly new looking, and had a trampoline in the front yard. Two kids were inside of it jumping around.

"So, uh, yeah. Thanks for the ride?" She said, opening the door. Once she hopped out, and was about to close the door, Justin reached over and grabbed at her leather jacket. She raised an eyebrow.

"I'll be here tomorrow at eight." He smirked at her, then shut the door, and drove off. Vanessa stood there with a scowl on her face.

"I'll be damned if I'm leaving this house at eight in the morning." She mumbled, walking up to her front door. But surprisngly to her, she was stopped by her 11 year old sister, Sarah.

"Why were you just dropped off by Justin Bieber?" She asked, half of her voice giddy, and half of her voice snotty.

"How the hell do you even know who Justin Bieber is?" Vanessa asked, trying to push past her.

"Our class went to the high school for a tour or something, and we got to watch the basketball players practice. He. Was. Shirtless." She laughed at her younger sisters hormones as she finally got through the front door.

"Whatever, could you please not drool over my boyfriend?" Of course she was just saying that to mess with her little sister, not because she liked saying it.

She walked up the stairs laughing, as her sister yelled to their mom.

"Mom, I think Vanessa's gone crazy. She thinks she's dating the hottest guy in her high school."

Girl, you have no idea.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that it sucked ass.
But thank you for subscribing.<3
Like always, tell me what you thought.

*take a bow;;