Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


Justin pulled up to his house, not even noticing Vanessa's gasp and open jaw. When he opened her door, and she hopped out, he finally saw how she was so shocked. His house, was gorgeous, in Vanessa's eyes. It was pretty plain in his. "You live here?" She asked, following him to the door.

"No, we're just here to look at it." He joked, unlocking the door. No one was in sight, which confused Vanessa. In her house, you were never alone. "Do you have any like, brothers or sisters?" She asked as he sat down on one of the very comfortable looking couches. She did too. It was comfortable. She finally looked up at him when he didn't answer her. He had a frown on his face as he stared at his hands.

Guess not.

"Let's just get started." She said, trying to laugh it off. His depressing facial epression wasn't helping much. She opened her book, then reached over to open his book. Once they were both on the right page, she sat back on the squishy couch and sighed. His face wasn't any different, and he was tense.

"Alright, either you talk or I make you talk. They're both pretty hard, so I'd just spit it out." Her words made him look up. There wasn't much to say. He came home every night, then either went to one of his friends house's or have a girl over. But ever since this whole fake dating thing that hasn't been happening. He didn't want to say he was lonely, because in the snap of a finger he could have a girl at his house and no one would know a thing, but he wasn't happy.

"There's nothing to say, so if we could just start learning this, that'd be awesome." He didn't look up at her, his words were icy, and just thinking about it put him in an instant bad mood. He wasn't someone who "talked about his feelings". That was for losers.

"Dude, I'm not kidding," She set her book on the couch beside her and crossed her arms.

"And neither am I. Just drop it." He finally looked up, since his voice was getting louder. Her eyes said "I know your lying".

"Whatever. Be sad. I could give a fuck less. Look at problem one." She snapped, pulling the book into he rlap, not once looking back up at him. And somehow, to him, that stung.


Vanessa was surprised when she was yet again woken up by her giddy mother Wednesday morning saying "Oh, that cute boy is outside again! What did you do to get him, Nessa?". She was even more surprised when he smiled at her when she walked outside. Did he not remember the little despute they had the day before? The whole way to school he was smiling. When they walked through the doors of the school, he swung his arm over her shoulder and smiled. Smile. Laugh. Grin. Chuckle.

He was acting too fake happy.

As they walked to lunch, she couldn't take it anymore. She pulled him down a vacant hallway and stopped him in front her. "What is up with you?" She asked, running a hand through her bangs. He gave her a puzzled look, theadorable annoying smile still on his face.

"Whatever do you mean, Vanessa? I'm perfectly fine." He shot her a goofy grin and ruffled her hair, not realizing that it only made her more pissed off.

"Bieber, I'm not forgetting about yesterday. You will talk and you will like it. Whether it's to me or some homeless guy, your going to talk." She stepped back a little and huffed. Justin knew she wasn't kidding, but maybe, and that's a tiny little maybe, if he acted all chipper she would just forget about it. If only.

He grinned once more and, to both his and Vanessa's surprise, hugged her. "You don't know what your talking about, I'm completely fine." He whispered in her ear. She grimaced as he pulled away, smiled of course, then walked off. Vanessa sighed, then went to catch up with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sucks, I know right?
Sorry sorry. :P
It'd still mean a lot if you commented.(:

*take a bow;;