Status: Active.(:

I Owe You


Vanessa made her way outside, towards the big black car, and into the passengers seat. She wasn't in the best mood, and obviously Bieber had to piss her off more.

"Morning, sunshine!" He chirped, backing out of her driveway. She groaned at his peppyness. "Aw, is someone tired?" He cooed, ruffling her platnum hair. She slapped his hand away and let out a huge sigh. "Someone's PMSing." She mumbled, not caring what he thought of the comment.

"TMI, Ness." His words made her laugh lightly. He sounded like such a girl.

"Would it be too much to ask if you picked me up like, half an hour later this week?" She asked, giving the best puppy dog face she could. It was hard, seeing that her eyes were caked in eyeliner and her lips were redder than blood. He smiled at her, "No problem!"

Her eyebrows creased together. Was he seriously carrying on this happy act? Right now she didn't really care, but it still bugged her. "Still acting happy, hm?" She asked, closing her eyes and resting her head against the seat. It was really comfortable, surprisingly. She didn't notice him not answer, just slowly went back to sleep.

While Vanessa slept, Justin stared. For a girl who was.. You know.. She looked really pretty. He mentally slapped himself. He needed to stop staring. As much as hewanted needed to stop looking, he couldn't stop himself. He didn't even hear her question, just saw her big, plump lips moving. Then her eyes closed and her breathing slowed. Once he tore his eyes away, he groaned.

She was beautiful.


Justin sat at his usual lunch table, talking to all the guys about some football game he pretended he watched. He knew whatever he said they would either laugh or agree with. His arm was slung over Vanessa's shoulders, who was texting away on her phone, completely oblivious to the death glares she was getting from everyone in the cafeteria.

Just as he was about to say something about a touchdown he never saw, Kayley said something instead.

"You know, Justin, I've never seen you two kiss." She was smiling evily, almost as if she knew something, but she couldn't.. Could she? He gulped, then tried to smile back.

"Um, so?" He said, shrugging.

"Well, it's just weird. A real girlfriend will let her boyfriend kiss her in public." All the girls around her nodded, and come of the guys snickered. He shrugged again, "That's cool?"

Kayley rolled her eyes and reached over to tap Vanessa's shoulder. Without even looking up, her grumbly yet girly voice answered. "Yessss?" He laughed at her tone of voice.

"I was just saying how no one has ever seen you kiss. It's weird.."

I heard Vanessa chuckle, then she looked up with a cock smirk. "That's cool?" Justin laughed this time at how thier responses were the same. Kayley huffed, then went back at it. "So, why hasn't anyone?" She asked.

Vanessa's face didn't flinch as she stared back with a bored expression. She looked up at Justin, back at Kayley, then grabbed his face and kissed him hard in the lips. After about ten seconds, she pulled away and went back to looking at her phone. Justin saw all the girls' jaws drop as he grinned. He definitly didn't expect that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohmygod, that sucked.
Sorry haha, it was rushed. xP

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