Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Improbable Diagnosis

The doors closed behind me and I felt a feeling of emptiness in the sterile environment, "So what's happening to Lisa?"

"Well, Mrs. Jennings' is an odd case. We've found traces of RU-486 in her blood stream. This drug is typically used for an abortion."

"What? Lisa wouldn't try to abort her baby! She's so proud of the pregnancy, I doubt she'd even have a nightmare of this."

"I need you to ask her if she is trying to do this by herself. I know it's hard to believe, but you would be surprised how many women attempt this," the doctor looked down at his clipboard, "She cannot do this without medical attention, too many risks. Now, I have to visit some patients," he called over one of the nurses, "Sarah will lead you to Lisa's room on the fifth floor," he walked away

I stared at him It's all business to you isn't it?

The young nurse stepped in the elevator, "Are you coming ma'am?"


She pushed the button and the doors closed, "Usually the doctor is more attentive, but a gang attacked some bystanders and the whole hospital is in an uproar. I apologize now, because when I lead you to the room I have to leave as well, more patients are being brought in."

"Did this just happen?" the elevator stopped and opened its doors to the fifth floor.

"Yes, a few minutes after you checked in the attack began. One of the gang members is still loose but Batman got the rest of them," she sighed at the mention of him, "Here is Mrs. Jennings' room. If you need any help, one of the nurses will come."

"Thank you," I turned to see Lisa hooked up to machines and surrounded by wires. She wasn't meant to be like this. This is the girl who enjoyed life and openly stood up against abortion in high school when we were having a debate on it during class. For her to attempt one while married and beaming every time she mentioned a baby, It just doesn't make sense to me. I sat in the chair beside her bed.

"Fred?" she breathed, not looking over.

"No, it's Maya."

"Oh," she turned over her hand and I grasped it, "The doctors say that I'm trying to abort my baby."

"Yes, he told me that as well. Are you Lisa?"

She shook her head, "Not in a million years."

"They say they found an abortive drug in your system when they did blood work."


"Yes, if you want an abortion...they can provide one and you won't have to..."

"No!" she cut me off, "This baby is the world to me! I'm not sure how that drug got in my system, but I'd never take this life inside me!"

Memories of the debate came back.

"Ok kids, today we're going to talk about abortion. Those for it go to the left side of the class while those who are against it go on the right," the teacher said.

"What if we're not sure?" one kid said.

"Sit in the middle and go to the side you choose when you arrive at a decision."

"Persuasive arguments...I'm going to sit in the middle," I waved to my friends, Dan and Gertrude. The majority of the class was in the middle while some took the 'for' side and even less took the 'against' side. I was shocked to see Lisa over there, she was just a blond bimbo to me then.

"We're going to start with the 'for abortion' side," the teacher instructed them to go.

"Well, I think that it should be ok. So what if a 'life' is lost? At least the baby won't grow up in a messed up home and the stem cell research thing gets what they want," a snobby girl said. She was widely known as the 'easy girl'. A few guys stood behind her nodding.

"Yeah, and it gives you freedom to keep being a slut," someone said on the other side.

The girl rolled her eyes, "You're just jealous because you can't get any!"

"Stop! No name calling or derogatory terms!" the teacher yelled, "It's your turn," he looked at the 'against' side.

"A life is a life. Why do we classify an unborn baby as not being real, but charge a murderer with two murders when he kills a pregnant lady? It makes no sense! Only those with life decide for abortion, what about the baby? What do they think when they are suddenly here and get sucked up by a giant vacuum?" the voice seemed on the edge of screaming but it was unmistakably Lisa's. She sighed, "By the way Sally, adoption is a great alternative."

We weren't really friends at that time but her words were strong enough to make me get up out of my seat and cross over to her side. It was the first time we had actually made eye contact that meant something.

"Whatever it takes, I will try to stop this," I looked her straight into the eyes, "You will not lose this baby!" I started to tear up.

She smiled and leaned over to hug me, "I'm so happy you're here!" She looked up at my face, "What happened to your face? It's bleeding and...are those black specks?"

"I fell outside, It's no big deal. I'll take care of it when we get home."

"It'll be infected by then! I'm calling the nurse."

"No, it's ok...." she pushed the button before I could even argue. Yep, she'll be a mother alright.

A nurse came in, "Yes?"

"She needs some attention to the scrape on her face."

"Right away," the nurse disappeared for a few seconds and returned with alcohol, some wipes, and bandages. She sat beside me and poured alcohol on the wipe, "This may sting a little."

I looked over at Lisa and stuck my tongue out. She just laughed and stuck out her tongue back at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
The purpose of this chapter was to make clear how Lisa feels about abortion. I am in no way trying to change your opinion on this touchy subject. Promise!

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