Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Leurre Faux

I rode in the back of a limo with Jennings' and Lisa. As we slowed to a stop I looked out the window. The pathway inside Bruce's mansion was about thirty feet and filled with paparazzi, "Oh God help me!" I shifted back in my seat.

Lisa smiled, "The public will know that I'm healthy and pregnant!" she patted her baby bump, "Does my hair look ok Fred?"

"You look beautiful," he smiled and took her hand.

The driver opened the car door and an instant haze of flashes and yelling flooded the cab of the limo, "I don't think I can do this..." I slumped.

"Just walk straight and pay no attention to the reporters," Lisa put on a wide grin and stepped out of the limo.

"Do you need help out?" a man gave me a hand and I floated out into terror.

I started walking hearing a fashion reporter giving a short biography on me, "Maya Conway appeared on the scene last month when she was saved by Batman from the evil clutches of the Joker. Since this traumatic event, the young socialite has spent her time with her childhood friend Lisa Jennings, which is now pregnant with the heir to Fredrick Jennings thriving business. Maya is wearing a charming deep blue dress cut in the ball gown fashion with off-the-shoulder straps and a sweetheart neckline. Ms. Conway? Ms. Conway!?" the reporter shouted at me and I made the mistake of acknowledging her, "Is it true that The Joker threatened to take more than your life that night?"

The question made me angry and I kept on walking.

"Ms. Conway seems to still be traumatized by that fateful night," she seemed like her puppy just died as she pouted to the camera in 'mourning' for my lack of reply, when we all knew that she was bummed that I scoffed her off.

"Ah, Maya," Bruce Wayne met me at the end of the path and kissed me on the cheek. The crowds went wild and the flashes of camera light gave me a head ache, "Let me escort you in."

I looked up at him, "You did that on purpose didn't you?" I sneered.

"Have to give the media something, else they will start to dig a little too deeply into your past."

I nodded finding the logic in his act, "Why aren't you wearing a mask?"

"I will later in the evening, but for now, it's best everyone knows who the host is before they make a fool of themselves."

A man came up to us, "Well hello, may I dance with you miss..."

"Conway," I smiled and took his hand. Though he was wearing a mask, the honorary police uniform was hard to miss, "I'll see you later Mr. Wayne," I smiled and walked off.

"Please, call me Bruce," his voice trailed off as we walked further away.

The soldier took my hand and waist, "Are you familiar with the waltz?"

I laughed under my breath, "Yes." As we danced away I thought how I had been taught in the week before. Apparently some of The Joker's henchmen weren't as dull witted as I thought. Practice after practice I slowly began to get the rhythm of the dance.

"So, Ms. Conway, how is the family?"

"Oh fine, Mother is well and Father is working to keep the us comfortable."

"Good good," things were silent for a bit.

"I have been dancing with you for a while, but you haven't told me who you are," I say.

"Oh forgive me, I am Lieutenant Gordon."

"Wow, one of the most celebrated police on the force himself," I inspected the half of exposed face His chin is too angled to be Batman's and his voice may be husky but not nearly as deep as Batman's "Is all well with the force?"

"Yes, I am terribly sorry but we have no new leads on The Joker's whereabouts. Do you still carry fear with you?"

"A little, but I feel comforted about the job you and your men have done in trying to protect me and the public."

"Why thank you! Gotham is blessed to have such a charming young lady."

I blushed, "The compliment is too much," I smiled. I looked over to see Lisa all alone, Jennings' had left her again, "Lieutenant Gordon, would you mind dancing with my friend Lisa Jennings over there? She seems awfully lonely."

He glanced at her, "Yes, anything for you Ms. Conway." We walked over to Lisa and she gladly danced with the lieutenant. I smirked and went to go get a glass of wine I'll be doing this all night so I can't get too loose...but one glass won't hurt. I leaned against the wall and began to sip on my drink, "Having fun?"

I looked down to see a man with a simple white mask, "Yes. Your mask, it seems very much like the one the phantom wore in Phantom of the Opera. Are you a fan?"

"Somewhat. The phantom amuses me and I feel I am like him in a sense."

"A little crazy and sadistic?" I joked.

"I was going along the lines of musical genius and unsuccessful romantic."

"A musical genius? Who are you?"

"I am Ramone Seacross, at your service," he took off his hat and bowed.

"Oh, the famous singer and composer! Very interesting," This man can't be Batman...too flamboyant.

"What is your name? Unless you'd prefer to be called Christine."

"I am nothing like Christine, my voice isn't that great. My name is Maya Conway."

"Oh, the survivor of the Joker attack. Was it everything I've heard about?"

"More or less...less being the better option."

He laughed, "Would you like to dance? I would like to hear all that happened!"

"Well I..."

A man came up behind me, "I'm sorry but she is taken for the night," the man behind me wore a full black facial mask with some lighter accents.

At first I had no idea who it was, but his voice was obvious, "Oh Mr. Wayne, you finally put on your mask. I am sorry Mr. Seacross, cannot keep my date waiting," I took his hand and walked away, "Thank you..."

"Ramone can be a little over bearing sometimes."

We began to dance, "You are quite light on your feet, where did you learn?"

"Its a necessity to learn this. Years of dance classes have rubbed off on me," he smirked and spun me.

"Well, another thing I have to note about you Mr. Wayne...I mean Bruce," I smiled. This new familiarity with Bruce was strange to me.

"Finally. You need to treat me as more than an acquaintance."

"Excuse me," a man with a full facial mask and a nose long enough to whack me in the face came up behind Bruce, "May I cut in?" his eyes looked at me through the purple and green diamond design.

Bruce looked over his shoulder, "Yes..." he said reluctantly, "Guess there is no rest for the host, I have to go," he kissed my hand and I was left with the mystery man.
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The title is 'Fake Lure' in French.
I hope you like it!