Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice


I took his hand, "Want to dance?" He was wearing a normal suit so i couldn't tell if he was worth dancing with.

"Of course," his hand was gloved so I couldn't tell anything about his stress levels or work habits Well this is just frustrating! I said matter-of-factly in my mind.

I made a look of curiosity, "So, what is your name?"

"I would like you to guess."

"Guess?" I pouted, "What if I don't know who you are?"

"If you cannot find out then I may tell you," he whirled me around the dance floor until we where outside.

"Hmm, have I known you for long?"

"Depends on your definition for a long time."

"A few months?"


"Have I met you before this night?"


"Hmm," we walked into the garden, "Well, what does your name start with? Or is this twenty questions where I can only ask 'yes' or 'no' questions?"

"I prefer twenty questions but I'll cut you some slack. My name starts with a J."

"Jennings!?" I made the mistake of saying the name with a disgusted look.

"No, try someone that's closer to home."

"Hmm, J..." I was afraid to guess who I thought it was. If he isn't The Joker I will be SOL and this guy who I supposedly know will either die or tell the cops. "I'm stumped. By the way, the colors on your mask are very interesting. Where did you get your inspiration?" I squinted at his eyes.

The emotionless mask started to laugh and his voice took a familiar pitch,"I'm glad you found out before I had to tell you."

"Why are you even here? You know a shit load of cops are inside and someone may be able to recognize you!" I started to shove him toward the bushes.

"You worry too much."

"No, I still have my sanity," I continued to shove him into the bushes.

"Maya, this early and you're already doing this?" Jennings' came up laughing with Lisa on his arm.

I stepped away instantly embarrassed, "It's not what it seems, I swear!" my foot kicked something. I looked behind me to see a pill bottle, one lonely pill remained.

"Relax, I was just joking, and what are you looking at?"

"There's an almost empty pill bottle out here..." I picked it up, "It's for..." my eyes grew wide, "RU-486?"

"Why are you in possession of an abortive drug...unless," he took on a shocked appearance and looked at Lisa, "Its you!"

I looked at Lisa panicking, "No! I swear I haven't..."

Jennings cut me off, "She's trying to hide the evidence!" he turned to Lisa and grabbed her hands, "I've seen her, cursing your pregnancy and trying to seduce me while your back is turned! This is probably the pharmacist she got the pills from!"

Lisa was shocked, " this true?"

"I swear it isn't! He's framing me!"

"She's lying! Let's get the police and have her arrested!"

"Maya..." a tear slid from behind her mask, "We give you food and shelter...this is how you repay us?" her thoughts spilled out her mouth, confused and in disbelief.

"I promise that everything you've done I have appreciated and loved! Jennings is trying to frame me! The truth is he is trying to abort your baby!"

"She's trying to turn you against me. If she is so innocent then why is she with this man? I bet its the Joker!" he walked toward The Joker, reaching for his mask.

Lisa didn't believe the comment, "Maya may have done something horrible, but The Joker kidnapped her and almost killed her. Fred, let's just go to the police, you are getting too excited."

The Joker blocked Jennings' hand, "Now let's not go crazy. I'm just a guest, not a mass murderer."

Jennings laughed under his breath, "I have you now," he gripped the mask, "All the blackmail is never gonna get in the way of my plans!"

"Blackmail? Plans?" Lisa picked up the sentence, "Fred, why are you so convinced The Joker is here? And what's this blackmail about?"

"It's nothing for you to worry about!"

"Tell me n--"

"I said it was nothing!"

This little argument gave The Joker time to flip him into a headlock, "You should answer your wife."

"Never scum!"

I got angry when Lisa began to tear up. I stood in front of him, "Tell her! Forget this petty framing charade. A friend like me would never do something like that and deep down...I know Lisa knows that."

"Even when you first stepped in I knew you would mess things up! I should have fucked you when I had the chance to teach you your place!"

The Joker's grip tightened, "There will be no talking to her like that."

"Mess things up how?" I asked, mentally thanking The Joker.

Lisa was all ears, "My plans for the future."

Lieutenant Gordon had come to return a bracelet that had slipped off Lisa's wrist. Upon hearing the heated conversation he quickly intervened, "Stop now! Mr. Jennings, I will have to arrest you for disturbing the peace and verbally assaulting a woman!"

"Bull shit!"

"I would like to add that he got into a fight with me," The Joker offered.

"It seems you have taken care of that," he took out a radio and called in back up, "Now if you'll excuse me," he took out a pair of handcuffs, "I will have my associates escort this man to prison." He looked over to Lisa, "Can I walk you back to the party? I'm sure you have been through a lot seeing this side of your husband."

"Yes please," she looked down to the ground avoiding the gaze of her cuffed husband.

"Thank you Lieutenant," I said as officers came out to take Jennings away.

"I'm just glad you're safe. Oh, and thank you Mr...?"

"Smith," The Joker quickly answered.

"For keeping this man under control until I came."

"Gladly," he said. The Lieutenant walked off, "You know you have to sue him now right?"


"If he's set free then he'll tell the press everything."

"Well this is just a magical incident," I sat down on a stone bench. The court system was foreign to me.

"Don't worry, we have lawyers."

I laughed once and settled my chin in my palm, "When did everything get so complicated."

He sat down beside me, "If things get too hard, you can always use my simplifier," he pulled out a gun and smiled.

"You brought a"

"Yes," he pet it and cackled a bit.

"Impossible," I rolled my eyes and stood up, "Well, I still have suspects to dance with."

"The party is going to be over soon. Time for only one dance I bet. Besides these men don't fit the mold for Batman. Why not spend the last dance with me?"

I looked at him slyly, "Is The Joker turning into a Casanova?"

"I just practiced and I've barely gotten to dance at all."

"Practiced?" I imagined his dancing with one of his henchmen, "Ok," I laughed, "But if anyone catches you, we're both in trouble."

"I promise I won't get caught," he put his hand on my waist and we began to slow dance. Little did I know, Bruce had glanced at the garden to see us dancing. A touch of jealousy played at his heart.