Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Court Control

I slumped in my chair. The jury was staring at me, the judge looking at me from the corner of his eye. I had been called to the witness stand, and I was beginning to sweat. I'm going to be sick....Why did I have to file that report and go through with this!?

My lawyer stood, straightening his tie. He was one of The Joker's men, Guess they come from all walks of life to get money.

"Ms. Conway, tell me about that night at the masquerade."

"Um..." I leaned to the microphone, "I arrived with Mr. and Mrs. Jennings. I later danced with Lieutenant Kelgar, spoke with Mr. Seacross, danced with Mr. Wayne, and then got into the skirmish that explains why I am here today."

"And what was that skirmish?"

"Mr. Jennings was accusing me of using abortive drugs against his wife."

"Were you?"


"So this man," he pointed at Jennings, "Tried to turn his wife against you. Where you childhood friends?"

"In the final years of high school, yes."

"So, what would cause Mr. Jennings to believe you, a childhood friend of his wife, were trying to take away his unborn baby?"

"I'm not sure. First he was accusing Lisa...I mean Mrs. Jennings, of taking the abortive drugs, and then he turns on me claiming I have done this."

"Ah, what man turns the blame one others so quickly?" he turned to the jury, "Usually it is a liar!" He began to pace across the floor, "A man without something to hide has no one to blame, but in the nature of lies, the person usually pins everything on an innocent bystander. Namely in this case, Ms. Conway, was falsely accused of a crime she did not commit by Mr. Jennings. If he had nothing to hide, why did he act so theatrical? He began to think that the man Ms. Conway was with was the infamous Joker, whom we all know she wouldn't be caught with because quite frankly, he tried to kill her. Mr. Jennings said other things as well, talking about blackmail and certain plans for the future. This blackmail could be linked to the Joker, but what were these plans? I propose Mr. Jennings was trying to take the life of his own child!"

"Objection!" Jennings' lawyer yelled.

"Over ruled," the judge replied.

"As I was saying, the defendant was never with his wife when she needed help. Even at the hospital he was no where to be found, leaving Ms. Conway to care for her. This lack of care and blame are two very clear actions of a man trying to commit a crime!"

There was a gasp across the whole room, and I was relieved that I didn't have to say much. Just as I was getting comfortable, Jennings' lawyer came and asked me questions.

"Ms. Conway, where are you living?"

"Well, I'm temporarily living at the Jennings' mansion."

"Yes, and before that?"

"Well, that is personal. My life has no reflection on this case."

"I would say otherwise Ms. Conway. Where have you lived for the past...3 years."

"Well, if you must know, I lived near the docks." People were shocked.

"Interesting. While you were living there, did you take part in any prostitution?"


"Then how did you live?"

"I got a job sir. It would be greatly appreciated if you weren't so narrow minded. There are other ways for women to live," I looked up at the judge, "Can we stop this questioning? My past has nothing to do with what is being accused here." If he is trying to paint the picture of me being a low life criminal, I don't think I'd be so happy with that, and neither is the jury. Seems the fact that I'm a woman has won them over already.

"Your questions are numbered sir," the judge was also getting annoyed by this lawyer.

"Right..." he stepped back and pulled out some evidence, "Would you explain why you were in possession of this pill bottle?"

"My foot kicked it, so I picked it up."

"Right, and who were you with that night in the garden?"

"Mr. Smith..."

"And who is this man to you?"

"Just someone I danced with that night. I never saw his face and the only time he mentioned his name was to the Lieutenant."

"Is this questioning leading to a point?" the judge asked.

"Yes, I promise," the lawyer seemed frustrated.

"So you were dancing with randoms all night?"

"Yes, its a party! Typically people do that."

"Damn it! You're an incompetent lawyer!" Jennings pushed back his chair and walked straight toward the judge, "I made a deal with The Joker! As long as I let her live in my house, things would be normal!"

"Objection!" my lawyer yelled out, "He's falsely accusing my client again!"

"Sustained. We will take a recess for the jury to give their final verdict," he banged his gavel and everyone walked out.

I took my lawyer aside, "He's going to sing like a canary and the whole plan will be shot to hell."

He shook his head, "The jury feels for you and with the new knowledge the other lawyer gave, they know you came from nothing and retained a sense of honor. The people are for you. Its a guaranteed win."

"Did you plant some people in the jury?"

"Something like that," he glanced at the other lawyer who gave a knowing look of assurance.

"Oh my, we're playing with the law and no one even realizes it," though I was thankful, the idea made me feel a little uneasy. Knowing you could control something like this as long as you had the right connections, it scared me.

When an hour had passed, the jury had come to a verdict, "We find the defendant guilty for assaulting a woman, lying to the court, and for attempted murder of his unborn child."

The room screamed. Lisa was in tears and I rushed to comfort her, "It will be alright. The baby is safe!"

"Yes, but who will take care of it?"

"We will."

"And where will we live? My husband is going to jail! The mansion and money, they will all be gone, and there will be nothing!" I looked down realizing that maybe this wasn't the best choice, "Oh, Maya I'm sorry. I appreciate what you did, we owe you our lives to you," she patted her stomach.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that while Jennings is in jail, you will gain control of all his funds," I thought of both of us in the lonely mansion. Then I remembered Bruce saying I could call him anytime I need his help, "And I think I have a care taker in mind."
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Hope you like it!