Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Safe Haven

Time to act was on, and just getting home from the court was doing nothing for my nerves. I held the phone in my hand, "Lisa...I don't think I can do it..."

"Can't do it?" Lisa yelled from behind a wall, "What do you think he is going to curse you for calling him?"

"No it's just," I paused for a minute, "Are you already packing?"

"Um...would you kill me if I said yes?" she peeked out from behind the wall like a child.

"No, but why are you so sure?"

"Well, the way I see it he won't turn us down. Though he's a playboy, he has this thing for helping others when they're in need, and I definitely think we fit the mold for people in need," I looked behind the wall to see her packing boxes instead of a suitcase, "I was also planning to sell this house."

"Sell it?"

"Even if Bruce turns us down, I don't think I could take living here. An apartment would be better than this..." she looked down, "This place is all a lie to me now."

"Oh Lisa," I put my arms around her.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," she looked up and sniffed, "Besides time heals everything right?"

I smiled, "Yeah," and dialed the number. I waited three rings and began to get nervous, I was never good at leaving messages.

The fourth ring, "Hello?" said a voice.

"Can I speak to Mr. Wayne?"


"Hey, it's Maya..." he was panting heavily, "Did you run to the phone?" Or did I interrupt something?

"Yeah," he breathed, "I was...working out."

Haha sure. "Oh, have you heard the news about Jennings?"

"Yeah, is Lisa alright?"

I looked over at her packing, "She's getting through it. Actually that's why I called. You see, neither of us really want to live in this place anymore and I was thinking that maybe you could take us in for a bit?"


I cut him off, "I know it's a lot to ask but please. Your business will remain your business, I promise!"

He started to laugh, "I was going to say yes the first time. Anything for you and Lisa, just one condition."

"Anything!" I smiled.

"You have to go out with me at least once."

Anything but that.... "Um, ok. Can I ask why?"

"I'm curious."

"Curious? Never heard that one before. Curious for what?"

"You'll find out sooner or later. Oh, is tonight good for you? I won't be in, but Alfred will come by and help you with your things."

"Sure, tonight's good."

"Great. I'm sorry to have to cut this short, but I have to run a few errands. See you soon?"

"Yes, and thank you," I twisted my hair and bit my lip.

"Anytime. Goodbye Maya."

"Bye..." I could imagine him winking at me through the phone.

"What did he say?" Lisa questioned, slowly stretching out her back.

"Alfred is coming tonight," I smiled.

A large sigh of relief escaped her lungs, "Thank God! I was thinking the worst!"

I twirled my hair again, "Um, there's another thing..."

"Huh? Is it bad?"

"Well, depends how you look at it. He told me that I have to go out with him if we move in."

She started laughing, "Bruce never changes! I knew he had his eye on you from the start! I mean just look at you? Perfect for him."


"Well...yes. You're charming, good looking, and have a good reputation."

"But everyone knows I came from the docks."

"Yeah, and you retained a sense of honor. You have no criminal record, earned your own way, and have rich friends but never called on them. The public loves you right now! Honestly do you ever watch the news?" she pointed to the T.V.

A reporter was giving an overview of the whole thing. He was painting this picture of me being the innocent one while Jennings' was the worst human on the planet. My cell phone started to ring. I looked down to see that 'Mommy' was calling, "Oh my...I have to take this." I walked out of the room, "Hello?"

"Well, seems like everything is going well. Everyone thinks you're a hero."

"Is that good or bad?"

"It's the best that could happen. I wonder if I should let out information on you being a virgin?"

"Oh no! That's private and really embarrassing!"

"It'd make you a shining beacon of purity."

"Yes, but being too perfect always causes trouble. Besides that'd make me a target."

"Yeah, for eligible bachelors. I could really cash in on you..." he trailed off thinking.

"Are we forgetting the original plan?"

"No. Besides, the idea of you will cause Batman to be more attracted to you."

I can't wait until this is over! "If you feel the need to then sure, tell everyone," I said with a little enmity.

"I think I'll wait. Who knows when that's going to change anyway?"


He laughed, "Kidding. Oh where are you going after this?"

"Lisa and I are staying at Bruce Wayne's."

"Ah, the billionaire. You shouldn't get too attached, what do you think will happen once the plan has finished? Your sterling reputation will crash and you will be my right hand criminal. You think they will accept you after that?"

I was speechless, the thought had never come across my mind. "Maybe, and who do you mean they? Lisa is the only one that I really care about."

"Have you been totally blind to Mr. Billionaire's interest?" he said in disbelief, "I saw him kissing you in the paper!"

"I...There's nothing there. He's just a safe haven, you know, so I have cushion when I fall, and the press won't dig too deeply into my past."

"It better stay that way. The chances that he's Batman are next to nothing, and I wouldn't want you to forget your mission entirely."

"I won't. I think about it every second."

"Now that's my girl."

"Maya!" I heard Lisa yell, "Can you help me with this box?"

"Coming!" I shouted back, "I have to go, we're moving out tonight."

"Ah, well you must do what you must," he sighed, "You really need to come here soon, I've been wearing ripped shirts for weeks."

"No one there can sew?"

"Well, some patch things up, but they always tear."

I laughed, "I'll come by Friday. Can you hold out until then?"

"I think so."

"Maya!!!" Lisa yelled louder.

"That's my cue to leave. Goodbye John."


"Lisa knows both my parents are dead," I whispered into the phone.

"Oh, well goodbye Maya," I shut the phone.

"Who was that?" Lisa asked.

"Oh my friend John from back home."

"John who?"


"Are you serious?" she laughed, "What parent names their kid that!"

"Yeah, now what did you want me to help you with?"

"This," she pointed at a box as tall as her.

"Can't we get movers to do this? And you aren't supposed to do heavy lifting!"

"Fine," she breathed, "You and your technical thoughts," she laughed.

"Hey, don't knock the common sense!" I laughed and we began to pack another box.
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Hope you liked it!
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