Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

No Looking Back

After packing a few boxes I got the bright idea of packing the necessities until the movers came and took care of everything. "Hey Lisa, let's just pack for a week and let the professionals take care of this?"

"I want to separate my things from his..." I knew she was talking about her husband.

"Oh, can we do it later? Alfred is coming in an hour."

"Oh my! How are we going to pack our things so quickly? Even clothes for a week take forever."

"Don't worry, I'm an expert at fast packing," For all the times we had to leave in ten minutes before the cops caught us, you bet I'm an expert.

We split into our rooms and began picking out clothes. Since I was not rushed, I finished in thirty minutes. I walked in Lisa's room and saw her sitting on the floor, "Do you need help?"

"No, just had to rest," I saw clothes folded into the suitcase and a few shoes picked out, "You know, it's surprising to see how many things he bought for me. The clothes I picked out, they were the only ones that I paid for with my own money. Maya, when did I become nothing but a rich leech?"

I sat beside her, "Lisa, you aren't a rich leech."

"Really? Because I haven't had a job since I was in college. Those clothes were bought with gift money from my family," she teared up, "I'm worthless! I dropped out of college and married. I have no education and who would even take me?"

"You aren't worthless. You just need time to think. Besides, Jennings' money automatically becomes yours. Once you have the baby then you can go back to college."

"Yeah, and who's going to take care of the baby?"

"Hire a maid?" I was running out of advice.

"I won't trust my child with a maid! Who knows what'll happen when I'm gone?"

"Not me."

"Maya...why don't you take care of the baby?"

I stepped back and put my hands up, "I'm not good with'd have better luck with a maid. Besides, I have to start working again some time. You know I won't always be here."

"You won't?"

"Can't afford the living. Besides, I know it sounds weird, but my home is by the docks. I find myself missing that place..." I was shocked at the words, they weren't a lie.

"You actually like it down there?" I walked to the bathroom and got her toothbrush and shampoo.

"Yea, I guess."

"Do you have a man down there or something? Even the people from the docks say they hate it. Besides you're blushing."

I dropped everything, "No I am not! And I don't have a man down there."

She laughed, "Who was that friend you were talking to earlier? John? Should I tell Bruce that you aren't available?"

"John? No," my mind flashed back to that night where he kissed me, "He's just a friend from my job."

"Whatever you say," she eased herself up and picked her things from the floor, "I want to meet this guy. Maybe he could look after my baby!" she joked.

"I'm not sure about that," I could see her screaming and telling everyone that my friend from the docks was The Joker.

"He can't be that bad, I mean he's your friend," she closed her suitcase, "I mean it's not like he's a murderer or something."

"No never," my coughing wasn't helping cover up stifled laughter.

The doorbell rang.

"Oh that must be Alfred. I'll answer the door while you finish packing." I left the room in a hurry and rushed down the stairs. It is getting harder to keep my life a secret around here. I exhaled and opened the door.

"Ah, good evening Ms. Conway."

"Hey Alfred, I'm glad you came. We only have a few bags to take with us. We're going to leave all the boxes for the movers to take care of."

"Ah, well I still need to ask, do you need any help?"

"Lisa does, her stomach is getting bigger and bigger every day," I smiled and led him upstairs.

"Oh Alfred!" Lisa hugged him, "I'm am so glad you are here!"

"So am I, you need help with your bags?"

"Oh yes!"

I left to get my suitcase and returned to see Alfred stumbling around with three bags, "Do you need help?"

"I can manage. Though, could you open the door for me at the bottom of the stairs?"

"Yes, I can." Getting down the stairs was interesting. I couldn't help hanging on to one of the bags in case he fell down, and when we finally got to the car he placed each bag just so it would fit nicely in the trunk. Wow, he's really good at this job.

"Well, ladies, any last thoughts before we leave?"

"I'm good," I said getting into the car.

"Yeah, me too."

With that we left, never looking back. Never coming back.
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