Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice


We walked into Wayne Manor, "This place is beautiful," I didn't notice I was smiling.

"Yes, may I show you to your rooms and serve you dinner?" Alfred asked.

"That'd be wonderful! I'm starving!" Lisa said.

"Right this way," Alfred led us to a guest room with a queen sized bed, "This will be your room Lisa. We made it pregnancy friendly with a step stool and a raised end of the bed for better circulation."

"Oh Alfred, you're amazing!" she plopped down on the bed and let out a great sigh, "It's so comfortable!"

"This way to your room Maya," he started to walk down the hall.

"Lisa, are you coming?"

"A few minutes," she waved her hand at me.

I laughed and followed Alfred, "This will be your room," he set down my luggage.

"Wonderful," I sat on the bed, "Why is everything blue?"

"Oh, this used to be Master Wayne's room as a child. Will that be alright?"

"Yeah," I looked out the window, "Beautiful scenery. When is Bruce going to be here?"

"Oh, Master Wayne will be out indefinitely tonight."

I looked at him, "Oh, I get ya," I winked at him, "Guess he isn't called the international playboy for nothing. I gotta ask him who it was in the morning," I snickered, "What's for dinner?"

He laughed, "Tonight we will be having Mahi Mahi. Do you have any allergies Ms. Conway?"

"Not that I can think of. Want help with dinner?"

"I think I'll be fine, but thank you for the offer. I'd suggest unpacking your clothes a bit."

"Good idea," I started to unpack when I spied a radio, "A little music will help." I pushed the power button and music blasted. It took a minute to regain my sense, "Is this...oh my...Backstreet Boys!? What does Bruce do in his free time?" I pressed buttons trying to change the station but nothing worked, "The CD is stuck in here!" 'Backstreet's Back' started to play and I threw my hands in the air, "This music is better than none!" I started to move along to the lyrics, mouthing the words. "Am I sexual?" I sang at the top of my lungs.

"Hey Maya."

I turned around and screamed bloody murder.

Uncontrolled laughter followed, "See this is why you are my friend, you keep me happy."

"Glad I could sacrifice my dignity for you."

"Oh my gosh," Lisa grabbed my wrist an put it on her stomach, "He's kicking!"

"That's weird," I felt the bumping on my hand.

"Can you believe it? Another month and I'm going to be a Mom!"

"Now that I cannot believe. Are you scared at all?"

"No, just wary I guess. I'll need help."

"There's still the maid idea."

"I know. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"Your impossible."

Alfred ran into the room, "Is everyone alright? I heard a terrible scream."

"Yea, my pride's a little shot but everything's ok," I gave him a thumbs up.

"Oh, well dinner is almost ready. The cooks got started earlier than I thought. Would you like me to escort you to the dining room?"

We nodded and headed down stairs. Small talk filled the room as we waited for the meal. When I was about to joke and ask how the weather was a chef came out of the kitchen, "Dinner is served." The Mahi Mahi was presented to me and the head of the fish stared me in the face.

"Oh, this looks delicious," I tried not to show disgust.

Lisa laughed.

After the chef left I poked one of its eyes with my fork, "You think he'll mind if I don't eat this part?"

"I'm pretty sure that's for decoration Maya," Alfred stated.

" bad..." I turned my plate so the fish head was facing opposite of me, "Ok, let's eat!"

After dinner we all went our separate ways to our rooms. I changed and slid into my covers Today was too much... I shook my head and fell asleep.


At four in the morning I woke up to an odd noise. I looked around the room and saw my door open. My first reaction was to grab the book on the nightstand as a shield and silently walk toward the window where the moon shined through. I flipped out my switchblade and surveyed the room, "I have a weapon. Show yourself and you won't get hurt." I tried to hide the fear in my voice.


I kept my eyes open and didn't move, "Show yourself!"

A moan resounded behind my bed. It sounded hurt, not perverted at all.

"Can you stand up?" Nothing. Against my better judgment I dropped my book and ran to the side of my bed, "Bruce?" he laid there in nothing but his boxers covered in bruises. "Wake up," I said, scared to touch him.

He just grunted and attempted to get up but failed miserably.

Uh...what do I do? I can't just leave him on the floor! "Um, if you lift your arm onto my shoulder then maybe I can get you to the bed." His arm slid around my neck where I lifted him halfway onto the bed, "You weigh a lot more then you look," I heaved and tried to get the rest of his body on the bed.

After thirty minutes of heavy lifting he was lying on the bed. The rise and fall of his chest was the only indication that he was alive. I turned around seeing if I could use one of the other bedrooms. "Thank you..." he winced.

"No problem. You know in the morning you'll have to explain why you're covered in bruises."

He smirked. I stepped out the door, "Don't leave..."

"You want me to get Alfred?"

He shook his head and patted the bed next to him.

"Are you flirting with me?" Even when he's in this shape he's still a playboy? Should have guessed.

"Just to look after me."

"If I knew you couldn't even move then I'd say no, but I guess...just tonight though."

I sat on the other side of the bed, watching him fall asleep. Before I knew it, I was asleep too.
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Hope you like it!