Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Losing Track

I woke up to see Bruce still asleep I need to get Alfred. He'll know what to do, and tell me if this happens often. I silently got up and put on my white robe. My black, satin spaghetti strap top and boy shorts to match weren't something I'd love to be seen in.

Down the hall was Alfred's room. I hesitated before knocking on the door, "Be there in a minute." The door opened and he seemed surprised to see me, "Is there something wrong Maya?"

"I...there..." I pointed towards the room because I couldn't form the words, "Bruce is in the my room," I said bluntly.

"In your room?"

"Yes, early this morning I woke up to see he was passed out on the floor. He's all covered in bruises and I have no idea what to do! I put him in my bed but he's still out of it. You think he was jumped by a gang or something?"

"Let's take a look and survey the damage," he took my hand and patted it, "No need to be worried."

I'm not worried...I just want him out of my room! " this normal?"

"Not that I know of. That girl that was agitated at him and threw her cat at him, she may have connections and sent hitmen after him," he offered as a reason.

"True, girls get pretty crazy," I opened the door, "He hasn't moved since last night."

Alfred looked him over, "Seems he was only badly bruised. Come, let me make you breakfast. He needs rest for the time being."

I nodded and followed, wanting to know more about what happened. When Bruce woke up, he better be prepared for questions.


Later that evening I saw him walking around, munching on some food, "Bruce!" I yelled from the first floor.

"Yes?" he looked down at me from the second floor.

"Are you ok?"

"Yea, just a few bruises," he leaned down on the rail, "I hope I didn't scare you too much last night. It's an old habit to come to that room."

Of course I was scared! I thought I was going to die! "Oh no, I was just a little...on edge."

"Glad to hear it. Oh, can I ask you something?"


"What about tomorrow being our date?"

"Tomorrow?" Tomorrow's Friday... "I'm afraid I've already made plans to visit my friend down at the docks. What about Saturday?"

"You feel safe down at the docks? You're more of a woman than I thought you were," he gave me that side smile which made my knees want to give out.

"Anything to see a friend that cared for me when I needed it."


"My friend John Smith...he helped me get back on my feet when I was going through a rough time."


"Yes...friend. He's like a brother to me." This made up character was becoming someone I wanted in my life more and more.

"Ah, makes sense," he seemed to think to much on the subject.

"If I may ask," I walked up the stairs, "What happened last night?"

"Got into a minor disagreement over a few things."

"With who?"

"Some difficult people I know. This time it ended in a physical fight," he grimaced, "Miserable bastards."

"Oh...Why so early in the morning?"

"Business has a funny way of making you lose track of time."

"Oh..." silence entered the conversation, "What will we be doing Saturday?"

"That remains a secret, but I will tell you to wear clothes for warm weather. It's supposedly going to be hot Saturday."

"Did you plan everything around the day I chose?" I walked up to him and slyly looked at him.

"Why would you accuse me of such a thing?" he stared into my eyes, "You know, you have beautiful eyes."

"Oh, thank you..."

He held my chin, "You know I admired you from the first moment I met you."

My heart thudded like it was about to jump out of my chest, "Really?"

"Mmhmm. Funny thing you were the first to do that," his face eased closer to mine.


"Yes," his lips grazed mine.

You shouldn't do this. It's against the rules. Some inner conscience resounded in my head, "No..." I whispered and pushed back on his chest, "Sorry but no...I just can't. Excuse me, I have to take care of a few things." I left him there, standing in the hall, weary from whatever happened the night before.

I locked the door behind me and laid on my bed Have I gone crazy? I can't be romanced by some playboy! I bet he tells that to all the girls, and has their way with them. Besides I can't lose sight of why I'm even here. I shook my head Tomorrow will be good for me. Remind me of a lot of things.

I looked over to where I had dropped the book last night. I picked it up and read the title out loud, "My Decision" I flipped through the first few pages, "Interesting...very interesting." I read on.
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Hope you like it!
The story line will pick up again. I got lost in filler land for a bit.