Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Forgetting Reason

Waking up in another hospital bed I groaned., "Passed out in the delivery room...great."

I heard someone chuckle, "It's a good thing one of the nurses caught you before you hit the floor."

I looked over at the door, "Not you," I pulled the blanket over my face.

"Well hello to you too," Bruce smirked, "We all have incidents like these."

"I doubt you have ever passed out during a delivery."

"Well, that's true, but there have been far more embarrassing things that I've done in the past."

"Like what?"

"I'm not going to tell you."

I rolled my eyes, "Typical man."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," I stuck my tongue out at him playfully.

He just shook his head and smirked.

"Ah, you're awake," the doctor from before came into the room, "Feeling anything out of the ordinary?" He zoomed in on my face and shined a light in my eyes.

"I think I'm good."

"Ok, well as soon as you can, eat some food. Your blood sugar was low...."

"Is Lisa alright?"

"Well, Lisa has a condition called Eclampsia. During pregnancy she had high blood pressure and though the baby was in danger, he was born healthy. Now the mother was also in danger and she is currently in the ICU receiving treatment."

"What!?" I threw the covers off and ran out the door.

"Wait! You need to be careful or you may pass out again!"

I leaned against the wall exhausted It wasn't supposed to be this way. She told me there wasn't anything to worry about. My face felt hot as I slid down to the floor.

"Maya," Bruce rubbed my shoulder, "The doctor says she just needs to be cared for. Everything's going to be alright."

I nodded, my eyes closed tightly, trying to block out any tears that may form.

"C'mon," he threw my arm over his shoulder, "Let's get you back to bed so you can be well when Lisa sees you next," he swung my legs over his arm. I couldn't place where, but I felt like he had held me like this before.

"Have you ever held me like this before?" I looked up at him.

"I don't think so."

"Oh," I have to be imagining things.

Bruce laid me in the bed and Alfred brought me the food, "It's a bit cold."

"Right now I will eat anything. Besides, nothing beats Chinese food," I smiled and stuffed some sesame chicken in my mouth.

Bruce laughed a little, "You always eat like that when you're hungry?"

"Let's see how you eat after having just a piece of bread to eat all day," I slurped up a noodle.

"Doesn't John have food in his home?"

"John? Oh..." Crap, I can't forget Joker's alias again! "Well yeah but I was a little preoccupied when I left." I flipped on the T.V.

"In other news, the death of one of Gotham's beloved police took place this afternoon. Xavior Johnson fell victim to a bullet wound to the head. We go to Natalie Weathers for more on this story."

The camera switched to a woman standing in front of the police center, "Thank you Sarah. Shortly after 12:00, a van drove by the police station, throwing the body of Mr. Johnson onto the front steps with a letter stapled over his face. The letter has been confiscated as evidence, but it reads that the Joker is fed up with the police sending in undercover agents to spy on his work."

A cackle rang out, "You have it right Doll!"

The camera view thrashed about violently. The sounds of men fighting resounding in the background stopped, "Now tell them what I will do if I see another one of those pigs in my place!"

The woman almost dropped the microphone, "H-he says th-that a childcare f-facility will be blown up," she was shaking so badly it could be plainly seen on camera.

"That's a good girl," the camera turned again to show his face, "Now I don't know about you, but I'd stop the cops from doing anything," he almost put down the camera but stopped, "Oh I forgot, Batman. I only wish I could talk to you in person again, but this will do. I'm about to unleash my secret weapon to bring you to your knees! Now if you'll excuse me," he held up a gun, "I have work to do!" he shot down at the camera man making Natalie scream, and then shot the lens.

The channel went to a frozen screen claiming to have technical difficulties. I just stared for a while, my mouth wide open in disbelief. "Did that just happen?" I looked over at Bruce who was still staring at the T.V.

"That man has no boundaries," he looked at me, "You don't have to worry. You're in safe hands."

"I-I'm not scared...." Just surprised he said that on television! What if Batman suspects anything?

He put his hand on my shoulder, "If you ever are scared, I'm here."

He looked into my eyes and I couldn't help but blush, "Thank you." What am I doing? "Excuse me," I got up and walked to the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me, "Anyone in here?" I yelled, checking to see if I could vent or not. No one answered. I stomped around and screamed, "What's going on!!!" I spied the camera in the corner and decided to keep my thoughts in my brain. I can't have feelings for anyone! I have a job to do and that means that I can't do any of this! No random moments of passion with the Joker! No blushing or even thinking of how things might be if my life were different...with Bruce. It was wrong of the Joker to even do this! I knew I'd fail, get sidetracked, and end up dead or close to it. I hung my head over the sink and cried, "I'm in over my head," I sobbed.

A woman walked in the door. She saw my red face, "Oh, um...should I go?"

"No," I wiped my face with a paper towel, "I was just leaving." I smiled weakly and walked out the door partially embarrassed.