Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

It's Wrong

The next day I got to visit Lisa in her hospital room. She looked fine, but that was only an outer observation, "Lisa?" I knocked on the door frame.

"Oh Maya! Come here! There's someone I want you to meet!"

I walked over and saw the ball of cloth she was holding, "I named him Jarrett. It means strength..or something like it." She smiled as the baby let out a small whimper, "Looks like somebody's hungry!"

I turned around and stared out the window, "It's nice..."

"What is?"

"Seeing life instead of death for once," I put a hand on the glass.

"Yeah...I had my doubts about raising him, but I know now that nothing will come between a mother and her child." There was silence, "M-Maya..."

"Yes?" I turned and looked at her.

"I've been toying with this idea..."

"What idea?"

"Of moving..." she inhaled, "Gotham isn't exactly a safe place for a child and single mother to be. I just wondered how you'd react. I mean I haven't decided or any-"

"That is the best idea I think you've had in a while!" I stopped, "What about school?"

"I have enough money to get me through the first few years. I mean," she began to whisper, "I still get checks from government officials."

"Ah, I forgot about the special connections you've made," I laughed.

"I just don't know if I can do it alone..."

"Well, your parents live in Florida don't they? What about asking them?"

"Ties were broken with them when I married F...him."

"Oh, well you don't have to move tomorrow. You still have a while to decide."

"Yeah," she cradled the boy closer to her, "You think Bruce will let us stay much longer?"

"I'm sure that he would let us stay for another year if we needed it. Besides, I was supposed to go on a date with him sometime."

"Meaning today!" she eyed me.

"How'd you know?"

"I can listen you know. Just because I was pregnant doesn't mean all my senses shut down for nine months. Now call him and say that you guys are going out on a date today!"

"But what about you and the baby?"

A doctor came in, "Ms. Leston?"

"Using your maiden name again?"

"You bet!"

The doctor held out a bouquet of flowers, "Congratulations Lisa."

I looked at her and pointed at him.

She nodded with that same smirk she always had when she was flirting.

I mouthed 'We are talking about this when you get home!' I laughed as I walked out the door I can't believe it's the doctor. She's not even out of the hospital yet. I laughed Still the same flirt she used to be.


I dialed Bruce''s number. It rang a few times and I prepared to leave a message, "Hello?"

"You always wait till the last second to answer your phone!"

"Can't blame me for trying to avoid annoying co-workers with ideas."

I sighed, "Alright, you have a point. The reason I called is because," I paused to chuckle softly, "Lisa wants us to go out today. She told me that she would be ok and to have fun."

"Oh..." he turned his charm on, "Well, I have a wonderful idea. I'll send Alfred to bring you to 'The Fields'."

"The Fields?"

"You'll see soon enough," the phone abruptly hung up.

If he's attempting to be coy, he's doing it in a really annoying way. I closed the phone and waited at the front doors.

Before long, Alfred was escorting me to the car, "Can I convince you to wear a blind fold?" He held up a black piece of cloth.

"A blind fold? Is Bruce gonna kill me?" I asked sarcastically.

"Never. This is, however, a surprise," he held up the blind fold again.

"Ok, but if I hear a gun or knife I'm holding you responsible," I smiled and sat in the back seat, adjusting it over my face.


After a while the car stopped, "Can I take it off?"

"Not yet, Master Wayne is taking you to the destination from here."

"But I'm blind!" the door opened, "It better be you Bruce."

"It is," I could hear him laughing, "Now take my hand and don't let go."

"Oh believe me, I'm going to cling."

I felt grass touch my ankles and the soft pat of soil beneath the soles of my shoes, "Just keep close, we're almost there."

"I hope so. I'm about to rip this thing off my face and find out where I am."

"Ok, well I have to warn you there are stairs," we halted, "Lift up your foot." I did so and somehow managed to trip up the three stairs. I heard Bruce laughing and I joined. I could hear a few stitches popping as I desperately clawed at his arm and shoulder. "You are one of the most off balance girls I know."

"Well, excuse me for not being a model or dancer. I don't exactly do this every day," I straightened myself up, "Are we there?"

"Yes, take off the mask."

I looked around to see we were inside a gazebo with a wooden table and chairs and food adorning it, "Wow, it's beautiful!" I saw that we were surrounded by a field, "How did you find this?"

"I was just browsing around and found it."

"Its nice to know that Gotham still has one beautiful place left in it. Sorta like New York I guess," I was grinning ear to ear.

"Would you care to sit?" he pulled out the chair.

"Such a gentleman," I sat down and eyed the food, "Is this brunch?"

"Of course, it's only 10:00."

"True." We both ate our food and made small talk. This isn't a total nightmare. If this was all that was going to happen, I feel weird that I had that little episode in the bathroom last night. "Today is beautiful. Excuse me," I put my napkin on the table and ran around the field.

I was surprised at how fast Bruce was. I was running at almost full speed and it just seemed like he was jogging, "Any reason why you're doing this?" he asked as he caught up to me.

"It's been a long time since I've done anything like this," I breathed, trying to keep the pace I'd set. Bruce gave me that grin of his and I tripped over a rock. As I fell down, he tried to grab my arm. I ended up with my face in the grass and he was kneeling over me. I began to laugh, "I can't tell you how much that wipe out reminded me of days in the park with my mom!" I sat up and dusted myself off.

"What is your family like?"


"Your family."

"Oh, um," painful memories played at my mind, "Well, my mother passed away when I was 14, and my father committed suicide when I was 19."

"Oh, I'm sorry I..."

"No, I had to say it..." I pulled my knees to my chin, "I haven't admitted that...ever. Is your family any better off?"

"Nah, when I was young we went to an opera. We left early and a mugger killed both my parents."

Realization came when I remembered the 'E! True Hollywood Story of Bruce Wayne'. "Seems we both have a rough past. Weren't you declared dead at one point?"

"Yes, overly anxious people got the idea when I was gone for a few years."

"Oh, what did you do for those years? You kinda fell off the face of the earth."

"I was...traveling."

"Lost your phone and missed a few calls?" He pulled me close. This is bad... I stared at the ground to avert his gaze.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, just bad memories," my thoughts summarized the last few years, "You know, I really do wish I could see Batman again. Just to tell him that I'm happy he let me stay here a little while longer. If I wasn't, Lisa would still be with Jennings, I doubt Jarrett would have been born, and," I chuckled, "I would've never met you," I looked up at him with a crooked smile spread across my face. Wrong! Wrong! Why did you do that!?

He smiled back at me, "I'm glad I met you too," he kissed me...and it actually felt right.