Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Friends for Now

I walked to the hospital, Daniel trailing behind me. I spotted Bruce and hid my face behind my hair How the crap do I deal with this one? I quickened my pace, "Lisa's room is next."

"Can I get a picture with you guys and the baby?"

"Let's have Lisa decide," I knocked on the door frame again, "Hey Lisa."

"Where have you been?! The police have been looking for you!"

"I took a little stroll around town."

"Really?" she asked arms crossed, "And who is this?"

"Remember Daniel Mann from high school?"

"Oh," she smiled and smoothed back her hair, "The reporter. Have you come for a picture?"

"Yes actually," he raised the camera, "Everyone smile and act like you love each other," it flashed, "Beautiful. Would you mind if I asked you some questions Lisa?"

"Not at all! Fire away!"

"Ok," he sat down with a pad of paper and pen, "Can you tell me the story from beginning to end?"

"Sure! It all started when I woke up and..." her voice seemed to fade off. I was too busy wrapped in my own thoughts to pay attention.

He's standing right outside! How am I going to get out of this one? Joker is always watching, I can't exactly give a heartfelt apology. Plus, I shattered my phone so I can't see what would be a Joker friendly way to take care of this. I put my head in my hands I told him this wouldn't work! Did he listen? No. He just does what he wants and believes that it's the best thing. I felt a tap on my shoulder Please, let it not be Bruce!

I looked up. It was Bruce, "Can we talk in the hall?"

I took in a deep breath, "About what?"

"I think you know."

"Fine," I got out of my seat Better now than later.

We walked out to a secluded section of the hallway. I leaned against a wall and crossed my arms, "What do you want to know?"

He shook his head, "Where did you go after you left?"

"Not to John's if that's what you're wondering. I just walked...blew off steam."

"You walked all that way and didn't get mugged or beaten?"

"It's hard to catch a moving target. Besides, I know how to defend myself. First rule of living on the bad side of town, know how to fight," I took in a deep breath So far so good.

"Uh huh, and who was that guy?"

"I used to go to high school with. I ran into him on the way...he's gay so I'm safe."

"And he just gave you a ride here?"

"Yes. We knew each other and he got a free report out of it all. You done drilling me?"

"Just one more question. Did you like the kiss?"

My face felt hot, "Uh, well..." I made a quick observation of the hall around me, "Yes," I said lowly.

"That's all I needed to know," he smirked and threw his arm around my shoulders.

That was waaaaay too easy. I have to know the catch. There is always a catch! Right after I finished the sentence I felt Bruce's lips on my cheek and saw a flash of light, "Daniel," I was sneering, "Did something just happen with your camera?"

"Thanks Mr. Wayne for the heads up!" he sprinted off.

"You did that on purpose?" my angry smile grew wider.

"Had to get you back somehow. Leaving during the middle of a date is very rude."

If this is the only way to save any shred of what kind of relationship we had before, I'll take it. "Normally I'd be angry, but I'll make an exception this time."

"Really now?" he wrapped his arms around me.

I pushed him away, "I can't right now. My mind is still a little messed up."

"Yeah, sorry."

"Friends? For now anyways," I put out my hand.

"Friends for now," he shook my hand, "You do realize that everyone will think we're dating right?"

That's what scares me. "Let them think what they want. If anyone has an issue...they can speak to us."

I sat down beside Lisa, "Have fun?"

"Yes, surprisingly. After all these years, he's still a sweet heart," she giggled, "What ever happened to that girl he broke up with? The one right before he came out of the closet?"

"Oh, Gertrude? She sorta went Goth after that and we fell out of touch. That stayed with her until graduation. Poor girl."

"Yeah," she looked at me, "Maya? You look like someone knocked the wind out of you. You need rest."

"Really?" I looked in a mirror, "Wow, Alfred," I poked my head out of the room.

He was talking to a nurse, "Yes?"

"Could you take me back to Wayne Manor? I'm feeling a little tired."

"Oh yes!" he took my arm, "I'm glad all is well with you. When Master Wayne came to me panicked that you left, I was worried myself."

"Aw!" I hugged Alfred, "You are a genuine person, and one of the best I have had the pleasure to meet in my life."

He patted my back, "You too Maya. You too." I smiled, "Well, let's get you to the car."
