Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Kill You?...No

Once I got to my bedroom, I flopped on my bed, too tired to change, "Never having a day like this again," I pulled a pillow close to me and instantly felling asleep.


I opened my eyes around 4:00am hearing something Please let it be a mouse. "Is anyone there?" I groaned. No answer, "Ok, goodnight," I closed my eyes. I grabbed some sheets closer to me, but felt something smooth...wet. I looked around the room, but a new moon caused me to have limited vision. I got up and flipped on the switch. Horror greeted my eyes as I saw the body of Bruce on my bed, his throat slit, Lisa lay on the ground with a giant 'X' carved into her stomach, and Alfred by the door, bloody hand prints were a sign he was trying to get away. "Who? What?"

The Joker started to do his laugh, "I knew your crazy side would come out again!"

"What do you mean? I didn't kill..." I looked down and saw I was holding a machete covered in blood. "No! No!" I began screaming in hysterics.

Daniel started taking pictures of the scene, "That's it! Perfect! Move a little to the left and we will have journalism gold!"

I crumpled on the floor, pulling myself in the fetal position, "I couldn't...I wouldn't have done this..."

"But you did," he put his hand on my shoulder, "You did it for me!" He kissed me roughly, and I was content with what I had done. Just one action and this whole thing seems ok. Yes just one action. I closed my eyes embracing what I had done. A strange laugh escaped my lungs, to fevered to be normal.

End dream

My eyes flew open. I looked around, "It was a dream," I mumbled, "All a dream..." The half moon shone through the window, and the clock read 3:22am.

"What was a dream?"

"Who's there?! I swear I will cut you if you don't answer!" I grabbed a switch blade.

"It's just me," the lamp turned on and I saw The Joker standing across the room.

"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough. You know you scream and laugh in your sleep? It's very demented!"

"I just had a nightmare... Besides, after today I thought I would be dead or something. I was so angry I broke the cell you gave me."

"Well, you did leave, so you didn't disobey me. I am, however, baffled that you made out with this Bruce Wayne character. Why is that?" he pulled out a knife, "Answer wrong and you may just get a new face!"

How do I answer correctly? "I'm sure you tapped my phone and heard that the condition of living here was to go on a date with him. It just sorta happened...?"

"Wrong answer!" he flew across the room onto my bed. The knife was raised over my head.

"Wait!" I moved and he hit my pillow, "Just hear me out! All romantic thoughts he had were erased today. I told him that we should be friends, nothing more," I dodged the knife again.

"Right, because men agree to that all the time!" he tried to stab me again but missed.

"Yes, and they fall for it every time!" I saw this as an opportunity to tackle him. On the way down the knife was knocked out of his hand and the lamp to crash on the floor, "Listen! I'm telling the truth!"

Someone knocked on the door, "Maya, are you ok? I heard a crash."

I recognized Alfred's voice, "Yeah, everything is fine. I just had a bad dream and rolled out of bed..." I looked at the Joker and mouthed 'Don't say anything!'

"Ok. Would you like me to clean up the mess?"

"No, I think I got it!"

"Alright Maya, just don't cut your feet."

"Promise I won't!" I heard his footsteps fade away. I exhaled and rolled over so my back was flat on the ground, "It's too early for this. Trust me now? Or still want to kill me?"


"Ok," I thought for a second, "Have you been slacking off lately?"

"No, why?"

"Your aim sucks tonight. I thought I'd be dead or bleeding by now."

"You aren't exactly the easiest target to hit. You dodge too quickly."

"Which turned out to be a good thing," I got up off the floor, "I don't know about you, but the late night adrenaline rush made me hella sleepy." I snuggled under my sheets, "If I wake up dead, then I'll know your answer." Please trust me! I doubt I could betray you if I wanted to.


A while passed, and I was barely awake. The thought of dying had kept me faintly awake, but there was a calmness that seemed to put me at ease. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I waited for the metallic sting of a knife or the discharge of a gun, but it never came. "I trust you."

I let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you."

I thought he was going to leave, but he climbed into bed with me and wrapped his hands around me, "I will never kill you."

I was shocked Did he really just say that or am I dreaming again? "I-I feel the same. I don't think I could if I tried." My hand held his, which was placed on my shoulder. I fell asleep that way. I felt safe, and nothing could touch me.


I woke up alone, "What time is it?" The clock read 9:57am, "Glad I woke up at a semi-decent hour."

I was getting dressed when I felt a note in the elastic band of my pants, "Am I a stripper now?" I took out the paper and read it:

In a week is your birthday. I'm sure you have atleast thought of it for a second or two. Lisa however has thought about it constantly. She is planning you a surprise party. Be ready for me to attack you that evening. It's time for you to see Batman again. Maybe it'll refresh your memory a little.


"Well then, I guess things are about to get a little more interesting again." I heard a knock on the door, "Yes?"

"I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to picking up Lisa from the hospital?" Alfred's voice reminded me of the shattered lamp on the floor.

"Oh yes! Of course! Just give me a minute!" I slid into a pair of jeans and indigo blouse with the image of a pink flower painted at the lower right hand side. "Ready!" the drive was relaxing and calm. When we got to the hospital I burst through the doors, "Let's get you out of here!"

"I'm ready when you are," she was sitting in a wheelchair holding Jarrett in her arms.

"I take it you don't like hospitals?" Alfred said.

"How'd you guess?" I asked.

"Strong gut feeling."

"Ooh, what else does your gut say about me?"

"That remains confidential."

"That just makes me more curious!" The whole day was steady and to the plan. Something I needed.