Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice


A week had passed. I was safe in my bed enjoying a dream filled with childhood memories.

"Ready?" Lisa whispered. Alfred and Bruce nodded, "1, 2, 3..."

"Happy Birthday!!!"

My eyelids flew open, I screamed, and, to add the final touch, fell out of bed. From the floor I heard laughter, "That is not a wake up call!"

"No, it's your double deuces day!" Lisa walked over to me holding a cupcake, "Blow the candles out and make a wish!"

I took the cupcake, and looked at the two candles that burned, "Hmmm..." I wish I wouldn't get a bruise on my head this time tonight. I blew out both candles, "All done. And no guessing what my wish was!"

"I know, I and your superstitions."

"Better safe than sorry."

"What superstition?" Bruce asked.

"If someone guesses my wish I get bad luck."

"How did you come by that?"

"Experience. When I was turning nine a kid guessed and a bird, with good aim, got an urge to go on my head right after he guessed."

"So, if I guessed that it was about money then you'd have a bad day?"

"Yes, so don't guess it."

"Well, we can go on all day about weird habits, but I need to take Maya to the mall. It's been ages since we went shopping," she pushed me out of the room.

"Take it easy, I can walk."

"I know, we just need to go shopping."

"And you say that I'm strange you shop-o-holic!"

"Hey we all have our vice. Don't act like a saint miss player," she shoved me into the car.

"You know, you have a lot of energy for giving birth a week ago. And what's with you calling me a player?"

"Maya, think. Bruce is basically head over heels for you and that John guy calls you all the time. You my dear are a player." She started the car and we drove off.

"I told you John is a friend! And Bruce and I agreed to be friends."

"You know guys say they'll be your friend but they always want to be something else."


"Just pick the right one when you realize that you like them back."

I started to laugh, "You're looking too far into this. I will though. Promise."


The day went on as a mad dash of shopping and getting pampered. We both got manicures and pedicures before she insisted I buy this black satin cocktail dress, "Don't you think it's too much?"

"Honey, you do not need to hide that beautiful back of yours! Besides, the deep 'V' look is good on you."

"Yeah, but you think the skirt is too...short?"

"No, your legs are just long. It's a pencil skirt so it won't fly up or anything if that's what you're afraid of. Oh, and the adhesive bra you're wearing is best," I looked myself over in the mirror, "Please buy it!"

"Fine, but if I don't like it you're buying it."

"Yeah sure. Um, excuse me we'd like to buy this," she called to the manager.

"Ah, right this way. Would you like to wear this out tonight?"

"N-" I couldn't get the word out fast enough.

"Yes! She would!" Lisa cut in.

The man laughed, "Ok, that'll be $1,000.00."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

Lisa practically threw her credit card at him, "Thank you! Just charge it."

"Ok, here's your receipt. Have a nice day."

"We will," Lisa's quickened her pace as we left.

"Did you see someone in there that you didn't like or something?"

"No, just want to get to a restaurant in time," she mumbled.


"What what?"

I cocked my eyebrow at her, "I have my eyes on you."

"Oh look! Marcellas' open! Wanna grab a table? It's almost dinner time anyway."

"I guess."

"Alright let's go!" she grabbed my wrist.

"What about Bruce and Alfred."

"I doubt they'd be so sad that we went out for a birthday dinner together."

"Aw, Lisa you're so sweet!"

She smiled at me, "Hey, it's the least I can do for all you've done for me."

The host came up to us, "I'm sorry but the restaurant is reser..." Lisa snapped her fingers, "I mean, we only have one table left outside."

I looked around and all the tables were clear, "Are they about to close?" Here comes the surprise party.

"Yes, we had some unexpected difficulties happen, but we can have two customers. Especially two young ladies such as yourselves." He turned around and led us down the hall.

I made a gagging face and Lisa laughed.

The host opened the doors, "Surprise!" people came out from everywhere wishing me congratulations.

"Lisa, you didn't have to do this."

"Yes I did, and I got a little help from Bruce," she gestured towards him.

"That's..." I couldn't find the right words, "This is amazing Lisa. Thank you," I hugged her.

She patted my back, "I'm happy you like it!" she pulled away, "No sense in hanging around me all night. You should mingle."

"Alright," I walked around saying 'hello' to some acquaintances, and finally secluding myself to the outer balcony. Wonder what time the Joker is planning on showing up. The party is wonderful, but I think this isn't where I belong.

"Beautiful night isn't it?"

I looked over to see Bruce, "Yes, you can actually see a couple stars tonight."

"Yes, that's a rare sight in Gotham."

"Bruce? Do you think if you wish hard enough for something it'll come true?"

"Depends what the wish is."

"Well, it's dusk and this night reminds me so much of the night I got kidnapped."

"You wanna get kidnapped by Gotham's most wanted?"

"No, no, I just wish I could see the 'Dark Knight' again. I guess you could say I'm a little starstruck by Batman," I smiled to make it seem like I was embarrassed. If I could get him to believe that my heart belongs to Batman...maybe another incident won't happen. Maybe we could actually be friends. Nothing more.

He laughed under his breath, "You're an interesting one Maya. I can't believe it took you that long to form that in your head."

"Don't underestimate the ability of denial. It's one of the many things that kept me single."

"More like the only thing."

"Say what you want. My mind is made up."

"Well, let's go inside. They're going to serve dinner."

"Ok," he escorted me inside.
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Hold on to your panties kids, this story's about to take an interesting turn!