Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Unwilling Kidnap

All was normal. I felt like an actual rich girl in society. This can't be right. So many gifts from people I have barely met... We were all seated for dinner when Bruce stood up and tapped on his glass, "I regret to say that I must leave for the night. Duty calls, and Wayne Enterprises never sleeps."

"Oh, but the night is just beginning!" a sad girl said from across the room.

"I do, however, have a final gift for Ms. Conway," he pulled a velvet box out of his jacket and handed it to me.

"I'm a little scared to open it," I laughed.

"Oh c'mon, the suspense is killing me!" the man across me said.

"Well...ok," I opened the box to see a pearl necklace, "Wow!"

"Those are real pearls from the tropics," Bruce took the necklace and clasped it around my neck, "Do you like it?"

"It's beautiful!" I stood up and hugged him, "Thank you."

"I'm glad I could make your birthday a little more bearable," his thumb brushed against my cheek.

"Just kiss her already!" a man shouted.

I slightly shook my head, "No, I'm on a tight schedule. Excuse me," he left quickly.

I sat down, "That was awkward," I whispered in Lisa's ear.

"You're telling me. I thought he was about to pounce you," she giggled.

"Lisa!" I playfully hit her shoulder.

"Just calling it as I see it."

"Yes well I think that-"

"Ahhh!" our host at the front of the restaurant screamed.

All the heads at the table turned, "Just tell me where the girl is at!" a voice said.

My eyes closed That's not his voice. I scooted back my chair.

"What's the matter Maya?"

"Something's wrong!"

"Maya, this is a private party. Nobody can get in here."

The host came in with a bleeding neck and pointing at me. His face went pale and he fell over. The mob boss, Maroni, stood behind him. His goons came out from everywhere pointing guns at everyone.

"Ah," he looked right at me, "Maya Conway," he made a beeline toward me, "Your unexpected fame has been brought to our attention. Tell me," I felt a gun press against my back, "How scared are you at this moment?"

"Not sure."

"Well, tonight will be the most frightening you have ever had," he gestured to the man holding a gun behind me, "You're coming with me, and your little friend is too."

A man put a gun to Lisa's head, "No...No! I have a baby!" she pleaded.

"Don't worry. We have him too. That old man wasn't much of a fight."

Alfred? They didn't! "You lie!" we left the restaurant.

"I may be many things, but liar isn't one of them."

"What should we do to everyone else?" a man asked.

"Shoot most, leave a few alive. I want this in the papers."

"Got it."

"You're sick!" I shouted.

"Very feisty for having your life at stake. Why are you so confident that you won't die this time?"

"Someone will save me." His men shoved Lisa and I into a limo.

"Do you mean Batman? I doubt he can catch up to us before you're dead."

Lisa was shaking, "A-Are you going to hurt my son?"

"Depends." She gave him a questioning look, "It depends if Maya will cooperate with us."

"Maya?" she looked at me.

"Yes, now enough questions!"

We huddled in the seat, two men came at us with cloths, "Say goodnight girlies!" one said. The cloth clamped down on our faces.

My last thoughts were fleeting Please Joker...come save us... My eyes unwillingly closed.