Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Rich Society

I woke up to one of the guys shaking me awake, "Time for a little dentist visit."

"What?" I looked at the clock saying it was five in the morning, "Ugh!" I growled and rolled out of bed. I walked like a zombie into the van not even bothering to change out of my sweat pants and tank top.

The dentist escapade went down exactly as I imagined it, the only difference was that The Joker was my "mother." He had the makeup on, but coupled with a dress and wig made my skin crawl. I almost laughed when he came out to the old van dressed like that, "You know the face paint will get you noticed."

"I know, and that's how you get things for free."

I sat back and laughed, gripping the seat in preparation for the reckless drive to the dentist office.


After a few hours in the chair my teeth were bleached and straightened. Its amazing what a person does when their life is threatened. Not forgetting my manners, I told the receptionist "Thank you" on my way out.

She whimpered and ducked under the desk as The Joker passed.

"Do you think they'll report us to the cops?"

"I made it clear that if they did, I would come to get them."

I smiled, and couldn't quit smiling. My new mouth felt amazing. I could say anything with a smile on my face, considering I hadn't smiled fully in years. I always hid my teeth from others when I talked to them. My smiles were even close mouthed.

We got in the car and he started to 'drive'. "Now put this on," The Joker handed me a clown mask.

"Why?" I asked as the mask slid over my face.

"We're going shopping."

"Are you crazy? Stolen clothes can get us caught!"

"This is a different kind of store. Lets just say I know the owners and they agreed to give you any clothes you want for free," he laughed.

"The purpose of the mask?"

"They can't know what you look like. Do you want the plan to go down?"

"No..." Yes, this plan won't work. I looked out the window, this was the upside of town where all the rich people live, "Where are we going exactly?"

"A lovely little store called 'Sleek Chic'. You know it right?"

"What!? That's the most designer centered store in Gotham!"

"Yes, and they reserved the store for you today. Totally empty with all the security cameras off."

I eased myself out of the van, taken aback by the sheer essence of rich society around me. I couldn't stand around and gawk at the buildings for long though. I was rushed into the store before I could take two breaths.

Greeted by a terrorized woman to help me pick out different clothes, I began with the plainer colors and earthy tones, maybe even a touch of red here or there. I looked fine in them, but the drive to do her job took over. Before I knew it, the woman started to pick out flashy clothes. A midnight blue, silk dress caught her eye, "Here try this on as well."

"Thank you," I said, the mask slightly muffling my voice, "About the guns and the death threats...I just want you to know I'm sorry."

The woman smiled a bit, "You're too kind to be one of the Joker's henchmen, here," she gave me a silver necklace that wove into a circle with small diamonds dangling down. I looked at her in amazement, this had to be around a thousand dollars if not more.

I walked into the dressing room, my arms and hers full of clothes. I looked to my side to see the Joker seated outside of my dressing room. "Remember, it's best to have more than one opinion."

"Alright I'll show you the outfits. Sheesh, you sound like my mom," I giggled because he was still wearing the wig and dress.

"Don't talk to your mother that way, now go and try on those nice clothes, dear."

I giggled even more. I wasn't self conscious anymore so the laughter and smiles came out and I didn't even realize it half the time.

The first outfit was easy. Dark skinni jeans with a red flowing shirt, the back was sewn together at the top so it took the pattern of a butterfly. I added some black boots along with dangling onyx earrings. I took a deep breath and opened the door, "How do I look?"

The Joker was talking to one of his henchmen. The man looked up and ceased to move. Though I couldn't see his face, I imagined his jaw dangling. "It'll do," the Joker said.

Outfit after outfit I tried on. Before I knew it, the clock chimed and it was already 7:00 pm. I was tired, and had enough clothes to make up a new wardrobe (and then some), "That's the last of the clothes," I wiped my forehead and sighed, "Are we done?"

"For now, but you're going to meet up with a friend of mine."

"A friend?"

"Yes, Fredrick Jennings. He's a little cornered and feels the need to allow you to live with him and his wife for a while."

"Lisa...I saw her yesterday."

"Does she know anything about you?"

"No...she's just an old friend..."

"Fine, it'll be like a reunion. By the way," he handed me a piece of paper, "You're invited to Jennings' party tomorrow."

I took the invitation and read it, "You're kidding me right? I don't fit in with these people!"

He laughed, "You'll do fine. Besides, most rich girls smile and nod anyway."

I put my fingertips on my forehead and shook 'no' I can't believe this is happening to me right now.

"Your chariot awaits," The Joker led me out of the store and pointed to a Hummer laden with the clothes I had gotten.

I got in and saw a man at the driver's seat. He was too young to be Jennings, probably a hired driver. I hung my head out the window, "Can I trust him?"

"Yes, are you blind? He's one of my men!" He stuck his hand in his pocket, "Take this for protection in case you get in a disagreement with someone," he handed me a switch blade.

"Oh, thank you," I looked over taking off the mask, "Which one are you?"

"Snake, I saw you when you came out in the outfit with the red shirt."

"Ah, didn't recognize you without the where to?"

"Jennings' house."

"Great, let's head out!" So many surprises in one day had made me too happy to care anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
When I was making the final changes to this, the song "Fashion" by Lady Gaga was playing and I felt it was a good fit for this chapter.