Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

Life Crumbles

I woke up, my hands and feet tied with rope, "Lisa?"

"I'm here," she said from my north side.

"Oh thank God! Is Jarrett here too?"

"Yeah, he's still sleeping in front of me."

"Are you tied like me? Hand's and feet?"

"Yeah, I can't get out."

"No worries," I started to squirm.

"What are you doing?"

"I learned to keep a blade on me at all times. If I can just reach up my dress..."

"You hid it in your underwear?"

"Well, couldn't exactly put it in my bra when we got this dress. Though, I'm happy this skirt is short."

The door burst open, "Glad you're finally awake," a fat man eyed Lisa and I, "You have company." Two men behind him threw Batman on the concrete floor, next to me, "Have fun trying to get out of this one." The man spit on Batman and snorted as he laughed leaving the room.

"No! Batman is unconscious and chained. Maya we don't have a chance getting out of here!"

"Yes we do. I just have to get my knife and we can get out of these ropes and maybe find a way to get him out of his chains."

I had my hand positioned correctly but now embarrassment came over me. "Why'd you stop moving?" Lisa asked.

"Batman's right next to me. What if he wakes up and sees my hand up my skirt?"

"You think it matters right now? If he does see you he'll probably understand anyway."

"Fine, I just don't want him to see me inappropriately again!" My hand slid up my skirt, "Ugh why'd I have to put it in the elastic on my hip."

"Hurry, they may be coming."

"I am!"

"Is everyone ok?" Batman's husky voice made my stomach drop.

I looked down to see he was fumbling around to get out of those chains, "We're fine. Maya is going to get us out of here."

"What?" he looked up.


"Did he look up?"

"Yes," I looked back down, "Sorry you get to see my underwear again. I have a knife there."


"I have two rules of survival. The first is learn how to fight, rule two is carry a knife in case rule one fails. Therefore, I carry a knife on me at all times now," I wiggled a bit, "Got it!" I cut through the ropes around my feet when the door flipped open again.

"Where is he?!" a man walked up to Lisa, "The boss wants to know!" he yelled.

"Who?" she replied in a small voice.

"The Joker, we know you work for him!"

"I don't work for the Joker! I swear!" I heard him lift something, "Tell the truth or the baby gets it!"

"No!," she started crying, "Don't hurt him!" I started cutting at the ropes around my wrists.

"Then tell me where he is!"

"I don't know!" I heard some struggling and the gun go off twice. She screamed.

"No....No!!" I angled my head to see her lying on the floor in a puddle of blood and the baby across the room, a red, unmoving mass.

"How in the world did that bitch charge me? She was tied up!"

I stood, ropes cut, knife in hand.

He pointed the gun at me, "I'm surprised you didn't say anything. I thought a direct threat to her would make you squeal. I guess you're a tough one to crack."

"You killed her...YOU KILLED HER!" I darted toward him, knife ready to stab. He only got to shoot once, missing, before I made it to him. I stabbed his shoulders and chest repeatedly, blood spurting all over me. He fell down to the floor, I was sobbing and stabbing not caring if he was still alive.

The only thing that stopped me was Lisa's voice, "Maya..." she coughed, "You don't have to..."

I was over there in a flash, "You shouldn't talk."

She smiled weakly, "Maya, I'm slipping away."

"No, stay with us. You can get through this!"

She shook her head, "This time, I don't think so."

I bit my lip and buried my head in her chest, "You can't leave!"

"Maya," her hand rested on my head.

"Yes?" I heard no answer, "Lisa? Lisa!?" I pat her cheek, "Wake up! Wake up!"

I felt the cold metal of a gun against my temple, "Get away from her."

I looked up, "Jennings'?" I turned and pointed the knife at him.

"Yes, the one and only. It seems that poor Lisa has passed away. Tisk tisk, I was hoping that you'd admit in front of her what your true reasons for living with us were. Guess she'll never know now. Tell me, did The Joker just abandon you or does he not care about your life?" I looked down, "I see. He's left you to die, and it seems your only hope of survival is bound in chains. What a hopeless way to die," the gun cocked, "Goodbye Maya."

I heard it go off, and flinched believing I was dead They were right...there is no pain. I listened for a second My's still racing. I opened my eyes to see Jennings fall on the floor. My gaze tilted up.

"Sorry it took so long. The mob was being more difficult than usual," The Joker extended his hand, offering to help me up.
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When I was writing this chapter, 'When the Children Cry' by White Lion came to mind.