Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice


Bound and beaten. Unable to help at all. I heard two gun shots, and managed to get a clear view of what was happening. Maya was focused on cutting her ropes, and Lisa was pleading for the life of her baby, "Don't hurt him!"

"Then tell me where he is!"

"I don't know!" the gun pressed closer to the baby. Somehow she stood up, still wrapped in rope, and attempted to bring him to the ground. The gun went off twice once at the baby, the second was at her.

Maya heard it and stood up.

He pointed the gun at her, "I'm surprised you didn't say anything. I thought a direct threat to her would make you squeal. I guess you're a tough one to crack."

What is he talking about?

"You killed her...YOU KILLED HER!" Her posture was different. Her hair messed up, violently shaking with anger. She bolted toward him. He shot at her, but the noise didn't even phase her. She stabbed him with no mercy. Something deadly had been triggered in Maya's brain when Lisa was shot.

I focused back on my chains so I could stop this. I reached a small welding rod that heated enough to cut through chains this thick. I tried desperately to do it quickly but the chains were more resistant than I thought.

I heard someone walk in, it was Jennings', "It seems that poor Lisa has passed away. Tisk tisk, I was hoping that you'd admit in front of her what your true reasons for living with us were. Guess she'll never know now. Tell me, did The Joker just abandon you or does he not care about your life?" I heard no answer, "I see. He's left you to die, and it seems your only hope of survival is bound in chains. What a hopeless way to die."

I was going to distract him. Just one flare of the rod and he wouldn't be able to shoot before I caught him. A hand clasped over my mouth. Some man with a clown mask put a finger over his lips, "Shhh..."

I heard a gun go off and a body hit the floor, "Sorry it took so long. The mob was being more difficult than usual," The Joker was here. I expected a scream, but I heard deep sobbing instead.

I looked up and saw her fall into his arms, "I was so scared. Lisa died...and I killed him. I couldn't stop stabbing him! I thought you had abandoned me. I thought I was going to die here!"

"Shhh, shhh..." he patted her head, "Everything'll be fine. It's normal to do that. And look, your mission is over, we got the Batman." He led her out of the room, "Put him in the back of the truck."

"Got it boss!" the man threw a few chains around me and had a companion to carry me out. "Did you see what she did to that guy?"

"Yea, completely butchered."

"Some of us think that's why he keeps her around. She's only killed once before, but she goes ape shit on them! They weren't able to identify the body last time."

"You know who it was?"

"Nah, just some guy who gave her a scar. An ex-boyfriend, father, or something?"

"Sounds right to me," We arrived at the truck, "Heave!"

"Ho!" they threw me, "Sleep tight bat boy!" he laughed.

"Good one Phil."

"Oh yes, wonderful," the Joker came into view, "Let's have a celebration shall we?" He held up a gun and shot both of them, "Well, that was easy. Now tell me Batman, were you surprised? Gotham's purity figure of the month works for me."

"A girl I saved once before isn't exactly a secret weapon." Did he intentionally have her live with me?

"Yes, but you lie. You see the mob thing wasn't my idea. Apparently Jennings escaped prison and ratted me out. You weren't contacted were you? Because that was an inside job. If I weren't planning on kidnapping her tonight, I wouldn't have known."

"I spotted Maroni with them."

"Fair enough. Tell me though, why were you in the upside of town? Don't you usually fight crime near me? At the docks."

"I don't have to answer to you!"

"Alright," he closed one door, "Just don't come crying to me when you realize that she works for me, and wouldn't leave." He closed the other door, leaving me alone in the darkness. So it's done. The real criminal was right in front of me the whole time, and I was too blinded to see it. I kicked the door I should have known. There were so many signs, and I allowed her to see that I could be Batman. She knows...I know she knows.