Sequel: Inside Your Eyes
Status: Completed!

Weapon of Choice

The Heart

I was afraid of what I had done. I allowed my friend and her baby to die, I slaughtered a man like I had my father, and I had the decency to let out my true feelings in front of Batman. I could never go out in public again. I would be labeled a criminal and a prime target Batman would go after, assuming he survived long enough.

"Maya, you don't have to over think the situation. We have what you set out for."

"That doesn't change that Lisa died for me! I could have said something to distract him."

"Maya, you know that would jeopardize everything," he shifted in the drivers seat, "Besides she died still believing you were who she saw."

"I know, but is that right?"

"Are you forming a conscience after all these years?"

"I don't know," the semi ran over a few cars.

He cackled, "I love this job!"

"Even if you watch the road you can't drive in a straight line," I shook my head, "I'd like to live a while longer! Give me the wheel!"

"No! Let the professionals drive!"

"Is that supposed to be some kind of insult to women? Claiming they can't drive!"

"No, I just like to be in control," I crossed my arms and turned my gaze to the window, "It's very easy to make you forget about what you did. I doubt it's a conscience you have. Something else..."

"What do you mean? I wanna just huddle in a ball and shut myself out of the real world!"

"That may be, but I don't really see pain in your eyes. More like guilt."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"I guess," we pulled into the hideout, "Will you help me take him in?"

"Sure," I thought on what I just said Wow, I'm cold sometimes.

The Joker opened the doors, "We're here!" Batman kicked him in the face which sent him into a fit of laughter on the ground.

He grabbed me by the arms, "The plan didn't work. You're going to prison."

"No she isn't," The Joker hit him over the head with a rock, "You have to stay on your toes."

"Excuse me for freezing up when a man dressed as a bat comes at me. And I wouldn't say anything. You have a foot print on your face," I grabbed one of Batman's arms and threw it over my shoulder, "Can't people ever be light?"

"No," the Joker reached up and tried to take off his mask. An electric shock zapped his finger, "Ooh, nifty!"

"I'd suggest we get him in a cell before he wakes up. Then we can figure out a way to get his mask."


We dragged him to a cell and locked him in there. Walking out into the main room, I was greeted by various cat calls and pick-up lines, "Why are they acting like this?"

"Look at what you're wearing."

I onced myself over I'm covered in blood and wearing a short dress... "Your guys really think that this is hot?"

"I'll tolerate it this time, but if any guy tries funny business with you he'll be dead."

"Aw, you're so sweet!" I bumped into one of the men, "Excuse me."

"Oh, of course," he turned to the guy beside him, "I think I just lived out a sexual fantasy!"

"No, you lived out your death," the Joker shot him in the head.

I laughed a little under my breath At least he died happy? "I think I'm going to sleep for now," I opened my door.

"Want me to come with you honey?" an overweight man asked.

The Joker lifted his gun, but I stopped him, "I'll take care of this." I walked over to him, "You know, you're a fat man. I'd like to keep my dignity and not have any of my bones broken either, so I'd have to say no."

"Bitch!" he swung at me but I ducked.

"Bigger they are, harder they fall," I kicked him in the shins and he fell to the ground, "Don't mess with me!" I spit on him and slammed the door to my room.


I woke up around 3:00am. Nightmares of the past night made sleeping impossible. I sat up trying to forget everything Why? Why why why? a tear slid down my cheek She's gone...I can never see her again. I wiped the tear away And Bruce, Alfred...I won't ever see them again. I can't... The thoughts over powered me, "I need to write a letter." I stood up and grabbed a pen and paper, "I won't keep you in the dark about everything, Bruce," I began to scribble on the paper and a plan to deliver this letter formed in my mind.


I sneaked to Batman's cell room and closed the door behind me. The florescent lights made everything abnormally bright and colorless. I observed the cell, a cloaked figure was locked away, but oddly it never moved. I took a closer look and saw it was the guard knocked unconscious and wrapped in a black sheet. "Oh no..."

"You have some explaining to do," hands came from the ceiling and pulled me up to the rafters, "Why do you work for him?"

"That's a very long story..."

"Tell me!"

"Ok, cool it," a put my hands up as a sign of a truce, "I guess to sum it up, he saved my life. I was about to die and he carried me to the hospital. You didn't exactly help me that night, and when someone saves me, I owe them."

"So you worked for him to pay back your debt?"

"I guess. It's sorta complicated right now," he looked at me and expected me to finish the sentence, "I'm not gonna let you know my whole life!"

"You're coming with me," he hopped down and began pulling me down.

"Hold on! If you take me The Joker will hunt you down and kill you. Trust me on this."

"Let him try."

"No, because think it out, if you die, there will be no Batman. You won't kill the Joker so he'll just escape and come after you. It's better if you leave me here."

He held me, "It can be an eternal battle then."

"No, because I don't want to be in the middle of it all. You've saved my life so I'm not going to kill you. Being torn between sides for the rest of my life is not what I had in mind when I took this job."

"You wouldn't kill me?"

"No," he set me down on the floor, "If I promise to let you leave without causing a scene, will you take the chance?"

He seemed to wait forever to answer, "Yes."

I exhaled in relief, "Good I was hoping you'd say that," I held up the letter, "I know you aren't a delivery boy, but could you get this to Bruce Wayne for me?"

"Why would you want to contact him?"

"As hard as it is to believe, I became his friend and care about him. It's just a statement of what I am and why. The police can use it, he can hate me, I just don't want him to remain in the dark about everything..."

He took the letter from my hand, "I'll do it as a thank you for letting me go." He walked to the window and disappeared. Meanwhile, I snuck back to my room.
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Song for this chapter: More You Understand by Howie Day